Property for sale in Serrasqueira, #Sarzedas, Castelo Branco with 1.4 hectares (14 000m2) for sale and has a water stream as a neighbor.
Located in a flat and private area without any neighbors living around it, the small village is 1km away and this village is called Serrasqueira, a small place with only 15 houses and maybe the same number of inhabitants during the year.
The stream that is right next to the property (when the property ends, the water line begins) runs through the entire east area of the property, approximately 200 meters in front of the river, and has 2 wells inside the property.
The property has only been cleaned for a few years but still has 5 or 6 fruit trees, olive trees and vineyards in some areas of the property, the rest of the area has cultivation areas and also a forest area, with shrubs and pine trees.
It is very close to the city of Castelo Branco, where you can find everything you need, schools, hospitals, supermarkets, Castelo Branco is the Capital of this central region of Portugal
– The land does not allow construction with the legislation that exists today but allows any type of removable structure or construction to support agriculture.
There is a public path that divides the property, on the side of the water line it has approximately 0.9 hectares (9 000m2).
Less than 2km away is the beautiful river beach of Praia Fluvial do Muro, a place that you will certainly love to visit.
Any questions please contact us, we are happy to help!Contacts:
Email: joaodias@haus-imobiliaria.com
Phone /whatsApp / Telegram / Signal : 00351918880200
Skype: joaombdias
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PT version
Propriedade para venda no local de Serrasqueira, #Sarzedas, Castelo Branco como 1,4 hectares ( 14 000m2) para venda e tem como vizinho uma ribeira de agua.
Localizada numa zona plana e privada sem qualquer vizinho a morar em volta, tem a pequena vila a 1km de distancia e essa vila chama-se Serrasqueira, pequeno local com apenas 15 casas e talvez o mesmo numero de habitantes durante o ano.
A ribeira que esta mesmo junto a propriedade ( quando termina a propriedade começa a linha de agua) percorre toda a zona este da propriedade, aproximadamente 200 metros de frente para o rio, e tem ainda 2 poços dentro da propriedade
A propriedade a alguns anos que só é limpa mas tem ainda 5 ou 6 arvores de frutos, oliveiras e vinha em algumas zonas da propropriedade, restante area tem zonas cultivo e tambem zona de floresta, com arbustros e pinheiros.
Fica muito perto da Cidade de Castelo Branco, onde pode encontrar tudo o que necessita, escolas, hospitais, supermercados, Castelo Branco é a Capital desta região centro de Portugal
– O terreno nao permite construção com a leslislação que existe hoje mas permite qualquer tipo de estrutura amovível ou construção de apoio a agricultura.
Existe um caminho publico que divide a propriedade, do lado da linha de agua tem aproximadamente 0,9 hectares ( 9 000m2).
A menos de 2km de distancia tem a bonita praia fluvial do Praia Fluvial do Muro, local que certamente vai adorar conhecer.
Qualquer pergunta por favor contacte-nos, é um prazer ajudar!
#castelobranco #rusticland #propertyforsale #centerofportugal #liveinportugal #joaombdias #realestateconsultant #imobiliaria #realestateportugal #fundao #penamacor #monsanto #idanhaanova
Need isolation me campervan and 2 dogs. no Wells needed. 1 acre rustic but would like olive trees sick ones OK. No neighbours.5.000 to 7000. Thanks
The economic hardship, recession, unemployment and the loss of job caused by the covid and the govt is enough to push people into financial ventures. Well, I'm taking a trip into investing because I lost so much during this pandemic. Multi creation of wealth is the best strategy to ensure financial sustainability
Nao serve see nao posso construir Uma casa..see nao e so terreno.
The government should make it easy for contructing habitation building in agriculture land. High time to change that Law if they want foreign investors.
Joao, this is not water front property, is it? Maybe property by a stream?
Por que não poens o mapa?
It would be to Portugal's advantage to encourage foreign investment in vacation homes, yet the laws make it difficult to build a house on land that is not licensed for habitation. This particular lot has not been used for agriculture for many years, but it would take time and money to get permission to build on it. That makes it hard for real estate agents!