Home Immigration Property investment/Central Portugal.

Property investment/Central Portugal.

Property investment/Central Portugal.

This is a beautiful large house with so much potential for many different ideas.
Letting, holiday home, air b&b, guest house, with so much space the possibilities are endless.
The potential to convert to 3 or 4 comfortable sized units and the main structure is in very good condition this represents a great opportunity.
Contact Paula at Casa Rural estate agents for more information or to view this property, she is there to assist you in your move to Portugal.
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There is an important caveat with the land attached to this property, it is owned by two separate family members who are currently in negotiation to sell together but this may not be possible.
If you speak to Paula about this she can explain the intricacies of the details and Paula wanted to make everyone aware of the situation.



  1. If I were further along in my relocation process this would be a place that I would very much be interested in. However, I would need to have my house sold to be able to begin any sort of renovation on this property. Nick you may know the answer to this from your experience or Paula may be able to answer it. How difficult is it to remove or find other uses for building debris?

    It would be a great supplement to my retirement income to have a couple of rental properties. Do you know if any local people actually rent places like this or would it only be people on holiday? I have a strong desire to enhance the community and would love to be able to offer rental property to a local person or family at a reasonable and inexpensive monthly charge.

    This property is a great example of how Portuguese build their structures to fit their land. I don't think I have ever seen a pie slice shaped house before. You had another comment about the drone not adding anything to your home tour videos. I beg to differ. Normally I hate drone footage because of my fear of heights. However, the way you are using it, especially with this property, it gives the viewer a better idea of how the house is laid out and where it is located within the village. So, bottom line, please keep the drone on these tours.

  2. This is nice. At least it has a finished section to live in while working on the rest of the building. I guess homes being directly on the road is not unusual. Anyway,this property requires a buyer with experience and vision.😘👍

  3. That property does have a lot of potential indeed! I love that in Portugal they have a lot of river beaches! By the way a "gafanhoto" is a grasshopper 🦗! 😊

  4. I liked everything but the drone footage just because you have a drone dosen't mean you should use a drone! Just sayin I don't have wings so that footage is useless to me. But I like that you actually walk the properties that give the perspective that the average person can see rather then a birds view.


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