Home Real Estate PROS & CONS of Living In Honolulu, Hawaii 2022

PROS & CONS of Living In Honolulu, Hawaii 2022

PROS & CONS of Living In Honolulu, Hawaii 2022

What’s it like being single and dating on an island? Can I live off the grid? Is it really sunny ALL the time?

In this video, Derek and Mahe have an unscripted conversation laying out a bunch of PROS and CONS about living in Hawaii.

They pull these out of their own experiences living in Hawaii and reference a few from people who moved here.

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– Oahu Island
– Maui Island
– Hawaii Island
– Kauai Island

Derek Okahashi
Licensed In Hawaii



  1. Would the Hawaiian Homelands Casino at Ka Makana Alii Mall at the End of the Rail line be a Pro or Con to the Islands?
    If it creates housing for the Hawaiians, huge pro.
    Make it a program that the Hawaiian kids are the future Home Builders of Hawaii. Give them something worthwhile and motivating to learn vs the School to Prison pipeline you see with the dropouts.
    Imagine all the tourists that would take the Rail to the Casino.
    Biggest Con – would Gambling Addiction destroy the Locals?

    You know Sam Boyd in Las Vegas don't want Casinos in Hawaii.

  2. I just moved here from NY about 3 months ago and there are so many pros but I’d have to agree with the dating in a small pond scenario as being a con. I’ve bumped into so many people in such a short amount of time from Walmart & shops to bars in Honolulu. Waikiki itself is like the size of Timesquare and outside of it there doesn’t seem like very much to do.

  3. Fun fact vegetables are more toxic to humans in 2022 than they are beneficial to us. They're full of plant defense chemicals, pesticides, etc. which are hormonal disruptors and incredibly unhealthy. Doesn't matter where you get them. You can get all the micro nutrients and fiber you need from other sources like fruit besides chemical infused vegetables.
    The carnivore diet is all you need. Grass-fed beef, fruit, honey, raw dairy.

  4. Brah really! you can say potogee idk if I spelled that right but I no kea! If you get offended den you no belong hea! REALLY!😳dis HAWAII! Hawaiian rememba you stay home das how we talk. No scade! If you get offended and you not from hea no come hea!

  5. A few cons…Dating, same faces same places all the time, local girls don't date haole usually. Roads, brutal roads try to drive one day without hitting steel plates. Traffic slow in town and H1 always! PARKING, spots are few, narrow, and jam side streets. Cost of real estate! The P/E ratio is about 12. If you don't know what that means it means its really expensive against what you earn. And the public schools are…lets say challenged at best. Traveling anywhere away from Hawaii, takes forever, expensive, and time zone shifts. And the whole quarantine thing was a bust. Amazon take a week instead of a day and shipping large stuff dosent happen. Medical, hard to get an appointment and resources are limited in the hospital to population ratio. And a not so secret con…haole hatred. Go west side or try to surf Bowls and you get at minimum the look, sometimes the f–king haole remark, or worse a crack! Lived on Oahu 27 years. Caused no trouble, homeowner, married local Chinese girl, still always a haole to locals. Then there are homeless people everywhere. People passed out on the sidewalks in Waikiki ,dirty smelly people living in parks and on street corners very common. Pros…Great scenery windward side. Good tap water. Great surfing and windsurfing. Miss my friends, miss the beach but dont miss the hassle. Found it easier to do everything, cheaper and more friendly in South Florida. Better to fly back to visit than to live in Hawaii.

  6. One of the cons that none of the video blogs talk about is the crime in Oahu and how it is increasing. I follow both KITV 4 ,Hawaii News Now and KHON2 and there is always something at least several times a week like shootings,stabbing, raped, children going missing, corruption with politicians and law enforcement. Everyone gives the perception that these aren't happening and everything is Aloha. You also mentioned the water but no one says anything about the major water contamination with jet fuel. And that every time there is a major storm you can't go into the water because of a brown water warning. I am trying to be negative but truth in advertising!! Because everyone gives this perception that's a mainland problem.

  7. living in town (Ala Moana area) one huge con for me are the inconsiderate people with loud motorcycles, mopeds, trucks, racing cars, and boom boxes that purposely rev up their engines and accelerate frequently throughout the day and night. The motorcycle clubs with 20-30 guys parading throughout town are the worse. Drives me nuts and makes my blood boil!


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