Home Real Estate Renovating An Abandoned House Into OFF GRID Dream Home In Central Portugal | Moving The Wall – Ep.2

Renovating An Abandoned House Into OFF GRID Dream Home In Central Portugal | Moving The Wall – Ep.2

Renovating An Abandoned House Into OFF GRID Dream Home In Central Portugal | Moving The Wall – Ep.2

We continue to build the wall and create a window, But WE RAN INTO A PROBLEM and we have to improvise to fix it.

Hi guys, I am Alex.

I am an Ukrainian expat who moved to Portugal.
No one in my family ever did any farming, But I discovered that I am very passionate about farming so recently I’ve purchased this 28 hectares Farm in Central Portugal, with the intention to start a small scale farm raising worms, cattle and sheep.

In this little farm I am also planning to build an off grid home, and be as self sufficient as possible, by growing my own food.

I created this channel to share my journey with the world, The journey of a first generation farmer, that is starting with no prior knowledge and experiences.
That maybe all the mistakes that I will make along this journey, and all the fails maybe will help some of you to learn from my mistake and not make them yourself.
I want to bring value and inspire people who are thinking about farming.

I am not a filmmaker or an editor, I am just a simple guy with a camera.

So if it is interesting to you, subscribe to the channel and you will not miss the upcoming episodes.

Link To The Previous Episode :

#renovation #abandonedhouse #offgrid #renovationvlog #renovationproject #ruin #abandonedruin #renovating #restoration #castelobranco #centralportugal



  1. Hello Guys,

    I appreciate everybody who is concerned for Angela and her well being.
    Angela has been already sheared, And she is comfy and dandy, and ready for summer :))

    This was filmed around 10 days ago.

  2. Hello Alex and hello dad. I am from Belgium and I have just discovered your videos and your renovation project. I watched all the videos in a row … I love it !! Angela is super nice, she looks like a little dog so much she follows you everywhere, at the risk of receiving a stone on the head. I do not speak English but we understand most of your progress thanks to the image. Can't wait for the next video

  3. Ingenius how you fixed that wall, you are such a hard working, quiet pair, I feel relaxed and calm watching your progress and appreciate how satisfying stone wall building is. Look forward to your next interesting video. Well done Alex and Dad on how you cared for the whoopee youngster


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