Home Real Estate Restaurant violations: Canada's Restaurant Secrets (CBC Marketplace)

Restaurant violations: Canada's Restaurant Secrets (CBC Marketplace)

Restaurant violations: Canada's Restaurant Secrets (CBC Marketplace)

Originally broadcast April 11, 2014

When we’re eating out, we expect the places that make our food to be as clean as possible. But almost two million of us get sick every year. What’s happening behind the scenes?Marketplace goes undercover in some of your favourite chains to reveal Canada’s Restaurant Secrets. We’ve pored over thousands of inspection reports from coffee shops, fast-food and family dining restaurants and we’ll reveal who comes out on top. Celebrity chef Roger Mooking joins us for a crash course in kitchen hygiene.

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  1. As someone who worked in restaurants one of the biggest issues that leads to this kind of uncleanliness (besides just pure laziness) is that 9/10 we are severely understaffed and therefore have no time to properly clean because we have so many orders to do. I've had my boss yell at me more than once because I stepped off the line to wash my hands while we were busy. One of times raw chicken fell onto the counter so I stopped everything I was doing to sanitize the area but got bitched at for "wasting time" and not making food.

    If any of you see that a restaurant is pretty busy but you think you're gonna wait anyways I say DO NOT and go somewhere else less busy because SO MANY corners are being cut in the kitchen to keep the food coming out and the money coming in.

  2. This is the industry that should be keeping the masks and gloves on at all times while serving food. Replacing the gloves after each serve during an in sitting service, and for fast food joints a new glove change out– should take place every half hour.
    This practice should have been in place and used for decades now. hmmm?

  3. complacentcey by health inspectors …. the town I live ,the HI couldn't be bothered …..I was an inspector in the late 70's ….. not all inspectors are forth right in their work …… follow the money ,and it's NOT the customers

  4. What about females cooking on TV who don't tie their HAIR back or up. They move around the kitchen, swinging their hair around when cooking. I see this all the time viewing cooking shows. NOTHING worst than eating food with hair in it !

  5. I see things like that here in the USA all the time! But people don’t seem to care… if fact, if you say something they say you’re just picky* 🙄 no hair nets, lots of facial hair, hairy arms long hair, dirty shoes etc etc

  6. I can tell you for certain that hygiene and cleanliness is not the priority for most restaurants. As a worker you are constantly expected to overwork and asked to stay beyond the point of exhaustion. They won’t hire more people because they want to cut cost and the amount pf benefits paid to the workers. They pay employees the lowest wages possible, almost no employees I have see get a proper full training. Unfortunately rising food prices now is going to make the problem worse over time as owners will try even harder to cut down costs.

  7. In America its very common for over half of a staff body to be teenagers. Most of those teenagers being paid minimum wage and care free. Im not validating them im just pointing out a possible reason as to why this is such a common problem.

  8. one of the problems is…and I do love cooking shows…..but some have gotten relaxed with restrictions when preparing food…… I notice that even some of the chefs are making….kneading dough for bread with rings watches, bracelets on…..and all of it touches the dough…….my question is:…what else do you thing those things are touching when they go to the bathroom??…….(food for thought)……no pun intended

  9. When I was younger Wendys was my first job back in the mid 80's….and the Health dept and food service industry was so strict in Michigan at the time….we hd to attened a food handlers class and pass it….before being employed ……if preparing food…there was no jewelry worn…no rings, watches or bracelets etc…period….always a hairnet for everyone…..for men especially the arms hands had to be shaved and free of hair…….today anything goes…..hair is slinging everywhere….people put their hands under their shirts…and then go directly to handling food….they have on all kinds of jewelry with no concerns about bacteria…..and not to mention long nails are worn…..they let the wrapper hand over the edge of the counter so its then rubbing up against the front of their pants and shirts….(and that is just nasty!)…..so then they wrap the customers sandwich with all of those germs from their clothing…..smh….over the years….I have thrown away food and or cancelled many orders because of all of the things that I have seen…..they dont care anymore like they used to…..sometimes I think they are trying to make people sick

  10. I used to work in a restaurant that was serving fast food to motorists. Our manager was just 23 years old and while the time was very very funny, the things he did were awful. A funny one was putting lots of kitchen roll down his pants so it looked like he had a huge stiffy and then he'd go and clean some tables and say things like 'ooh, there is a fishy smell isn't there. The worst one was when he had caught crabs and he was putting his hands down his pants and scratching all the time and then he straight away go back to making the burgers, no gloves whatsoever. There are hundreds more I could say, but this is enough now.

  11. I grew up in the food business here in the USA, as a child I remember working hard to clean but my Dad had a much better idea! Get a relationship with the inspector personally, find out what he needs (if know what I mean). I'm not saying that still goes on but why pay people that think they're to good to clean as they go or just pay one guy that holds the whole ball of wax? I learned & I watched; the more organized, the better trained staff & the cleaner the restaurant the more money we made.

  12. People go to work sick at this rate because WE CANNOT AFFORD to miss a single days pay especially low wage, minimum wage and even gig workers that one day off (we hope) can be the difference between making rent and being served an LTB Landlords Notice N4 For Notice of Rent Arrears and eventually the street… or What utility gets cut off so a family can eat, OR what meals get skipped to pay rent or utilities… everyone in power says that the working class/lower working class/part time workers/under employed worker and those receiving supports are just one missed check away from Not eating, not having hydro/water, not having a phone, NOT HAVING A HOME!!!!" they say it but don't DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!! AND ITS NOT REALLY A MISSED CHEQUE is more like missed few hours not a weeks pay…


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