Home Immigration Romania Tax Updates (New Capital Gains Regime)

Romania Tax Updates (New Capital Gains Regime)

Romania Tax Updates (New Capital Gains Regime)

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Romania is about to introduce some tax updates – capital gains tax to be precise.

Until recently Portugal was a go-to place for crypto businesses and investors, as you could get away without paying any taxes on crypto. However, they’re considering introducing taxes on this type of income, which will drive many people away from Portugal.

But what is the alternative?

Is Romania going to step in? Could this new change mean it’s the place to go if you’re making money in crypto?
Crypto investors and entrepreneurs – watch out! This may be the next crypto tax haven!

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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  1. Uau, que vídeo ótimo e incrível, foi interessante e educativo. O erro que a maioria das pessoas comete é esperar até que seja tarde demais para investir. Este é o momento e a estação em que passos ousados ​​devem ser dados, a riqueza começa na mente.

  2. Crypto is going down for the next 6 months for sure, so if we acumulate it, than hold it in Romania for more than a year and than the question remains whether this 1% really will last for at least 10 years and most importantly if the withholding tax in Romania will also be favorable for at least a decade… in this case forming a company in Romania to trade crypto might sound ok i guess, who knows… thoughts Michael?

  3. Ooooooh…exciting!
    Romania has been on my watch list for some time.
    One can smell the looming opportunities…
    Thank you for sharing these insights Michael.

  4. does the 1%/3% apply to the turnover on the way in as well? eg buy and sell 100k of forex thats 200k turnover and 2k/6k tax owing regardless of any profits

  5. Based on what I have read, the new rule will only apply to stocks on the Bucharest exchange. It will not apply to local mutual funds, it will not apply to foreign stocks, it will not apply to crypto assets that are treated as commodities rather than securities.
    If you have information that suggests my comment is incorrect please share links and sources.

  6. Hi Michael, are these small/micro-business opportunities in Eastern European countries (Romania/Russia/etc.) with low taxes (<10%) for companies and hence not personal taxes so it wouldn't be ideal for a freelancer? These countries have high social/medical/pension taxes which bring them up to 30%+ it seems. Thoughts?

  7. Most informative video I’ve seen on crypto yet and gives me a bit more confidence to invest myself. Only thing i dont understand is the whole staking your crypto for a return? What does this mean and are you at risk of your coins being devalued by doing so?

  8. Thinking about investing don't miss out on the amazing power of tax free dividend income within many provinces and territories. In BC we can have $110k of income in eligible dividends and live well tax FREE. I would love to know if anyone knows how to keep that income coming while abroad? From what I know, taxes are very high as a non resident.

  9. Hey Michael, Planning to move to Romania but a leftwing government was voted in last election and want to bring a progressive tax system in Romania what will those tax rates be by any chance?

  10. The OECD is workig on a Global Crypto Regulation Framework that will aplly to most western countries and Romania is an associate/member in more OECD bodies and projects than any other OECD partner country. At the end of the day, the OECD and the EU will make all these countries kneel under their totalitarian regime, it´s just a question of time.


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