Home Real Estate Router Table Cabinet Build and Upgrade

Router Table Cabinet Build and Upgrade

Router Table Cabinet Build and Upgrade

In today’s episode, I build a proper cabinet to replace the old messy router base and install some nice upgrades! Thanks to Rockler for supporting this project!

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Rockler Tools:
Router Lift
Router Fence
Dust Bucket
Dado Dust Chute
Precision Miter Gauge + Fence
Aluminium Bar Clamps
Quick-lever Clamps
CrossCut Sled
Wood Screws
Safety Switch
Flexible Hose
Magnetic LED Task Light
Router Bit Foam Tray

Other Tools:
Chamfer Plane
Orbital Sander
Red Precision Square 200mm
Red Precision Square 300mm
Red Large T-Square
Track Saw

Disclosure: This video might include affiliate links meaning I get a small commission at NO extra cost to you. It’s an excellent way to support my work too! 🙂

Filming gear

Here’s my PO Box:

Cristiana Felgueiras
Apartado 43
Batalha – Porto
4031 – 401 Porto



  1. Hi great video and nice improvements. I'm looking to buy some Rockler equipment (for example the Router Lift), but making an order in Europe is not easy. Do you have any tips or tricks?

  2. Rockler's outrageously exorbitant prices keep me thinking about what DIY actually means. Build all tools and jigs yourself! Apart from that: sawing a cutter base plate shorter so that it fits? You probably have to come up with the "idea" when you're sponsored. So what is this? A DIY channel or a Rockler promotional channel like so many others?

  3. Mesmo não entendendo nada sobre woodworking, adoro ver seus videos. Eles são bem produzidos e relaxantes de assistir. Decidi fazer esse comentário em português, pois sei que irá entender. Abraços do Brasil 🇧🇷

  4. Did we just learn our first Portuguese cuss-word? Seriously fantastic work, and this has me wanting to stake out your studio, hunting scraps. Your scraps are better than what I can buy locally. granted, shipping it all back to North Carolina from Portugal may be a bit cost prohibitive.

  5. muito obrigado por todos os seus vídeos!! Can you tell us what is the brand and model of your table saw and of the router attached to the lifting mechanism.

    Greeting from France.
    Your city is one if the nicest i have ever visited! Especially your eiffel bridge but it's maybe my french side 🙂


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