Home Immigration Russia-Ukraine conflict: Thousands rally in multiple countries against invasion

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Thousands rally in multiple countries against invasion

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Thousands rally in multiple countries against invasion

The yellow and blue of the Ukrainian flag flew through various cities on Thursday as thousands came out in opposition to the Russian military attack in Ukraine.

From New York City and The Hague, Netherlands to Tel Aviv, Israel and Warsaw, Poland, people rallied in support of Ukraine, angered by the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin who launched an invasion of the Eastern European country early Thursday morning local time.

“I was born in Ukraine… but today I think everybody is Ukrainian,” Ivana Lotoshynski, a U.S. citizen born in Ukraine, said as she was joined by many in Times Square. “It doesn’t matter where you were born, where you live, people are losing their lives right now.”

People living in the various cities, having originally come from Ukraine, also expressed worry for their families, while others said their family would not run away.

“My son said he will go and shoot, he will not run away,” Mayya Temriy said. “No one in my family will run away, not even my sister. She also said she is going to shoot.”

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  1. Timestamp 3:293:31. That woman, tears in her eyes, shouting in defense of Ukraine. The sheer pain, heartbreak and frustration. Oh goodness I am weeping and hurting for beautiful Ukraine. Слава Україні!!! 🇺🇦❤💖😭

  2. To me war is a crime anyway we all can pray and support Ukraine 🇺🇦♥️ someone please stop this crime 😭 uhh this Putin I used to think he is a good person but I was completely wrong 😑

  3. Ukrainian jews occupying Pleatinian lands protesting the Russian occupation of their orginal land. As a Palestinian that been kicked out of my land not sure if I should laugh or cry at this hypocrisy.

  4. why did the USA decide that they are in charge and all the others are their slaves? why do they decide that the EU is a second world country? And the rest of the countries are slaves? The blood of Russians and Ukrainians on the hands of the United States

  5. This is disgusting. a couple weeks ago when there was just as many people protesting outside Ottawa the liberal government called them demons, racists and nazi's for blocking roads and shops, but then they block the streets of Toronto to protest something that they have literally no control over…. these protests are going to do nothing in Russia or Ukraine, neither of those countries are worried about foreign countries protesting in their own cities…. wake up, the fact that Freeland was there in support of this protest after 2 weeks ago calling freedom protesters Nazi's and enemies to Canadian democracy… not to mention the economical impact these couple of days will have on downtown Toronto, these couple of days in Toronto will cost more to business than the entire 3 weeks in Ottawa.

  6. when there were protests against the lockdowns and the forced vaccines the media was deaf, and there were very few people, now everyone stands for the most corrupt government in Kiev which is trying to bring the world to a nuclear war. complete degeneration.

  7. Today a dozen more countries are demonstrating, including Poland, the UK, Germany, France, Turkey, Hungary, Japan, Spain, Mexico, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the United States, etc. They along with so many others are making their voices heard around world. Your courage to stand up against this wrong is Uniting Humanity.

  8. IMPORTANT TO KNOW – PLEASE KNOW!! – Putin's daughter is Maria Vorotsova, Also known as Maria Faasen. She is, ironically, works as a pediatric endocrinologist – how many babies have suffered now?


    Maria might be hiding in the Netherlands! Or, Putin's spies are. Money MIGHT be channelling through the Netherlands with connections to Jorritt. DO A THOROUGH CHECK ON HIM, HIS FAMILY and severe any ties he has.

    This might be an area, which people have not checked. But make no mistake – There MAY BE SOME DUTCH UNDERGROUND ACTIVITY that is helping Putin.

  9. This 2 years of lockdown has done one thing for me. It has left me unfeeling and cold. No longer care.I know what is going on in my country and this is the next step. Mainstream media can't be trusted, so I am going back to bed

  10. This may turn into a full world war three. In order for the big shift to happen we need to stand up for peace and love. As cringy as it sounds to those who lack heart for humanity and lack intelligence to save their own lives. STAND UP AND UNITE FOR PEACE AND LOVE.

  11. I want war to stop . But I want to make you aware that first Ukrainian government provoked Russia by making interest in NATO. They should be a buffer zone was a genuine demand as if it gets in NATO then it is a real threat to Russia

  12. Don’t have to rally ! Keep an eye on the old structures take pics and find out their dates. Russia is involved w trying to erase the time line – thousands are doing it and the history will not be erased even if reduced to rubble the truth is out! Only peace will stop all the people collecting info

  13. Me: Calling Russian emergency
    Russian emergency: what is ur emergency?
    Me: yes? Cyka im in Ukraine i cant eating in McDonald why close but today Monday not open dude
    Russian emergency: uh… Stop calling


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