Russia launches ‘full-scale invasion’ of Ukraine, Kuleba says
As multi-pronged attack on several Ukrainian cities begins, Kyiv accuses Russia’s Putin of ‘war of aggression’.
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UkraineCrisis #AntonioGuterres #Putin
Russian Govt should withdraw their ambassadors before starting the war with Ukraine as the arrogant EU America and the West are turning deaf ears to their requests!!! Nuclear forces should be used as the requests turned deaf ears and to show the American Govt EU and the West that Russian Govt are not to be bullied in order to win this war!!! The stupid US Govt can sanctions together with their allies but its a humiliation to the Russian Govt should they lose this war to the EU America and the West.!!!
This world is not Russia's, it is necessary to be on the side of Ukraine and let this devil putine down🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧🇩🇪
Absolute waste of life shame on you Putin
Biden condemns this invasion??? Lol.
Did he also condemn the invasion of Afghanistan???
Uakarin should not fight more
You can save many human if president of uakarin surender
Zelenskyy misendeavor has already produced much hardships in lives of Ukrainian and many people accross the world. He mustn't try to provoke world and jeopardise the world peace for your own ambition.
People have no contentment! no matter what and whoever will suffer just to have power .
Why? There is WAR? becoz of GREED?
If WW3 Starts we Germany will win because we have our great Leader General Winkler.
Q opium
Where is human right since the war has gone deeply to the stage of killing civillian in the city, and we had that the ukriane president has request assilame from the neighbours countries.
NATO are quick to take action against Gaddafi ,America are quick to take actions against Iraq etc but when it's comes to Russia then they are acting on diplomacy why not helping Ukraine?the West spoon-fed the Ukrainian president to challenge Russia and now they are leaving him in no man's land
All talks all news all meetings of big countries meanwhile Ukraine is all alone with their fight and all the countries in support behind Ukraine are just behind really them where is everybody, they are calling for help and no one is coming…everyone's all talks afterall
Ukraine fight fight fight! Never give up…the countries behind you are united just behind you now…you're fighting alone so fight fight fight
Zelensky should be charged with treason for selling out the country to the US!
Sad your station has been bought off by the US! Shame on you!
Best news coverage out there. Good job!
Zelenskyj jsi jen loutka, co byla zneužita neustálým DEHONESTOVÁNÍM V. PUTINA a nyní sklízíš co jsi zasel. Máš kolem sebe FAŠISTY a podporoval jsi GENOCÍDU na DOMBASE a LUHANSKU, jako PORFAŠISTA …Co nyní čekáte ID**TI ❗❗❗❗❗❗
By one co mati tanam
Putin will not stop killing those in the Ukrainian government, this will be the death of many people and children. Is there anyone in this world who says stop to this devil?
Medical aid did not come to Ukraine, where are you, nato usa, england, many people are devastated
-I perceive that initially, when conflicts arise, there are levels of fear and wrath… in moments of the fear and wrath of deceit of promises and expectations.
When in actuality, parentgae influences of reason or thought process, do actually have an impact upon, self moral interpretation.
And actual dictate within ourselves, our personal decree of capacity for a level of rightful honesty, that can potentially affect the outcomes of tempered psycho-social proper mediation.
Threat, does and can equal potential action, for defensive purposes of protection.
I did send an email of complaint, about Russias treatment of their children, and the lack of humanity in this. As an after revelation, these children were momentarily exposed to American families, whether they had in fact persisted adoption… if that was an option.
A section of these children, in facilities of isolated neglect, were developmentally injured. Because of bomb radiation. The humane care, was in fact, for some of the facilities to group these children together. In a sort of school of special needs. Where the recovery chances were not an option.
So in this measure. Some American families did seek to try and reprieve some of these children, in a sort of, more humane life. To have access to a home with regular activities.
However, with very severe cases of permanent disabilities, the neccessity of care would not effect the outcome. Any more than, lessening the strain of the impact of their disability, if they did not have peers and belonging. Whom required the same care.
You understand what I mean?
So here, within other areas, I witness that Russia has in fact the advantage of belonging. As do many other countries. Over the history of North American current continent of an evolved nation, that still have resonating residuals of resentment. With Native Reservations, and immigration slavery, from an aging population. 50 years ago. Where segregation conditioning laws, enforced these very quick measures over a mediation of communication.
As a democratic country. We easily rear our disappointment in our indifferences.
But there are actually long standing countries, with the long term responsibilities to resolute over population and language preservation.
These do seem the be very very rigid points, of outdated beliefs, because of the violence that threatens free will educational knowledge. And in degrees of the fear of authoritative deceit, within regular day greed and corruption, that cannot be proven in daily living judicial court of law. It is a very unfair, and hurtful shot of loss, in unjust grief…. the baddies are taking everything we believe in and worked so hard for. And we can't do nothing!
Well, cycles of generational family violence, and family vows of silence, do hold loved ones back from getting help.
There are addicts and criminals, in life! Pedophiles and scam artists. So how many if these people, need help and trust to understand how to get the system to work for them? How many people need medical treatment and psychology, so they can make those leaps of faith, that will better their lives and continue on the save others?
I'm not saying any of the global issues in each country, is ok, or that there shouldn't be mentally capacitive reasoning for a divine intervention of sorts.
But I am saying theres a bigger picture, above our own fears and anger, that never changes…. despite whatever pressures and health problems.
There is a level of truth.
And in reality, there are people that cannot and will not handle that!
Whether it's a group, or a religion sought by man, the truth is evasive when a nation is divided!
One day, even divine interventions, will need scrutiny and improvement.
But, before that day…. communication with differences will come first!
If you cannot understand your health, and you cannot reason with yourself… will you be able to reason with others? Specifically will you reason about God, or with God… and the real truth about all these thine things?
I surely hope so, in the name of The Lord Our Savior, Amen.
Al Jazeera should be more concerned with the atrocities in Yemen
Nobody was condemning Ukraine when they were bombing Donetsk and Lugansk all these years. Now Russia makes a move and suddenly every troglodite on the internet has a voice. Wake up people!
Stand with Russia 🇷🇺🇵🇰
USA same thing do with Pakistan they left Pakistan in1971 USA is shameless country
Pakistan zindabad USA just watch thay cant do anything 🇷🇺🇵🇰 Pakistan will stand with Russia 🇷🇺
Putler kapout!
Let God stand and protect Ukrenian citizens . Love from Tanzania
The problem is that Nato fear to intervin in this war because they have interest in gas Pipelines.Ukrein better to be neutral to both
World power stand no were in front of puttin
Where was UN when Taliban take over Afghanistan, same thing happen now,when UN stand no where