Russian news director and anchor, Ekaterina Kotrikadze, speaks to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria about the state of the country’s news media after her station, TV Rain, shut down due to the Russian government’s crackdown on local media over unfavorable coverage of the war in Ukraine.
#CNN #News
This lady is saying what I have Ben saying sad the people loved him hell from times I heard him seen him interact with the people I thought he was tough but good president I'm eating my words kinda hard to swallow and I think it's matter of time before his loyalty starts to disappear as people continue to die to naghbors no one threatened them the Russians are dieing from puttin greed when moms lose their sons and and daughters and families left with out dads people going to want to know Y and was it worth raising 3 kids single mother to invade ukrain all the really big battles in ww2 agenst japanese when amaricans where Don the asked was it worthit their was sighn at top of hamburger hill ww2 and it sead that was it worth it haha for ukrain it's worth it for Russians it won't be worth it
😥 The thought of ANY society loosing freedom is heartbreaking… All because of a few selfish people who only want to have total control over that society… Freedom is NOT free… It was paid for by the hard work and suffering and courage, from those who fought to defend it, preserve it and restore it… I feel very bad for those who are stuck in Russia at this time, without the ability to flee from there… Not because of the land being a bad place to live, but because of a small number of people who are in the upper levels of their government, making it a bad place to live… The leader Putin and his buddies, need to be shipped to labor camps, for the rest of their lives….
I have no sympathy or respect for average Russians. They allowed the invasion of a “brother” country with no complaints until things started going badly. If tinpot dictator Putin starts launching nukes, the the real gloves will come off.
And she knows this how,what million's of people think?
IDK, but the crowds at the annexation fest tell a different story.
Millions are cheering that lunatic imp (Poo_tin, he thinks he is the new Czar)
Shes in Exile. Her opinion does NOT matter. Shes looking for a green card. I want a current Russian anchor saying this while in Russia and with their job. Thats RESPECTABLE!
They why aren't those millions doing something? All I see are a few people at protests, no one doing anything except filming people being arrested one by one, young men fleeing for borders, endless propaganda that's accepted by the other 130 million, etc. It's a pretty passive "millions".
What do they care NATO planted a Neo Nazi regime in Ukraine who are looking to ethnically cleanse Russians like Israel ethnically cleansing Palestine. Neo Colonialists and Neo Nazi
.What monsters. Should be glad nothing like NATO
Russians are the victims of Putin's puppet play.
We are strong free people of the world, free Russia and free America✝️
We in America have no voice also with our government administration also. Biden is a dictatorship. We are in the same boat as Russian citizens. God help us all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️
Fareed continually goes for the blockbuster (and unanswerable by anyone who will talk to him on air) question "What happens to Putin?" Instead of digging to understand the impact of deaths on Russians, contrasting various information sources in depth or exploring social gaps. CNN treats this this opportunity as a way of handicapping a political scene about which they have no understanding. This approach is just boringly simple-minded.
Amazing honesty from a brave women who really loves Russia and it's people.
Probably not a catastrophe, relatively. As Putin says, the decision was "forced but necessary". I think that with good leadership, patience, and the Russian Soul, they can bring this off.
Why not have whats really going on printed out onto paper flyers, and dropped from a plane over the city. Then everyone would know
CNN = fake news
What crap, nato is the culprit and mass media just lies. Tell the truth about Libya, Iraq etc etc etc
It is sad to see all these millennials running from their responsibilities!! Millatary service is your duty as a citizen In any country!!
the problem is this for us as a species,
One group will only believe the news from people they perceive as racially and culturally the same as them.
A large proportion of humanity will put their culture before truth.
This is not O.K. because it makes it possible for thier views and actions to be controlled a single man, or small group of men.
Is russia zenophobic
Educated, middle-class and successful people support Russia. We read the details which is why we are not victims of Western propaganda.
I think the russian people need to hear the world's concern for them and their freedom. Only the russian people should be in control of their destinies not one man. Ukrainians should also have the freedom to decide in their future's, but not by the end of a missile or threat of a lite nuke, there is no such thing as a lite nuke. If such a weapon is used not only ukrains will die many russians will die also. With the will of our creator hopefully putin will come to realize he can no longer decide the fate of the russian people or anyone else.
Why would anyone invade Russia? I mean, really, no one wants to invade Russia. If it weren't for the war, no one who even care about Russia
It is hard to see how Putin could possibly believe,that having brought Russia to the edge of the abyss, he can salvage anything with nuclear weapons. He and his regime is finished- it will collapse or be overthrown inevitably.
Putin puppets Trump and Tucker love it and they are dancing a jig like Hitler, praising the genius of Putin as they are help Putin for creating this war.
Putin and his hand selected oligarchs today have total control over Russian society. Russia has participated in the global economy and the global digital network. Putin seems to realize that he will not be able to control the culture and economy in Russia as international cooperation and commerce expands. He has shut down independent news outlets to prevent people from hearing anything but state controlled propaganda. The recent independence and success of former Soviet block nations trading with the European Union creates both jealousy and the fear that Russia will eventually become a semi-democratic nation. The power and control that Putin currently has is being undermined. Putin has tried to distract the people by engaging in the war with Ukraine. One gets the impression that he is failing.
A brave and proper lady she is to good for putin.
Propaganda like nazi Germany had very sad
NATO should invite Russia and Ukraine to join them and the EU.
Who still watch CNN!
Russia will fall within 5 years mark my words! When the people loose confidence in the dictatorship it’s over 🇺🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
Russians used to accept so much suffering from cruel mad tyrants in the past, mabe this became something like an inherited behavior… But how could they not see from the beginning that Putin's democratic comedy arrival in 1999 would lead to another mad catastrophe?
Sometimes people are so weak and stupid they only get what they deserve.
In a nation of 145+ million people, the word, the opinions of “millions” means nothing. Get back to me when you can (reliably) quote a figure of 73+ million.