Home Real Estate Searching for a home in Lisbon: Rental Market and Apartment Tours

Searching for a home in Lisbon: Rental Market and Apartment Tours

Searching for a home in Lisbon: Rental Market and Apartment Tours

Having a lease or owning property is one of the requirements to applying for a residency visa, so I had come to Lisbon first to look for a long-term accommodation.

I quickly discovered that the rental market here is extremely competitive and prices have increased rapidly over the last several years as there has been an influx of expats and foreigners snapping up homes.

I decided to work with a real estate agent to increase my odds of finding something and toured a few apartments.

In this video, I take you along on my apartment tours and talk about the rental market conditions and what you should be aware of if you’re planning to rent in Portugal.

The website I used to hunt for apartments was Idealista.com



  1. Thank you for sharing your house hunting journey. It's also similar to Singapore where tenants will offer higher prices and it will be gone within a day. Think the high interest rates environment are discouraging people from buying and renting apartments instead.

  2. It’s expensive for renting. in Portugal. The standard cost of living looks similar in US. BTW, if you could drop by Italy to meet up David Bach for tax matters. He is travelling in Italy according to his Instagram. Stay healthy and happy.

  3. Fingers crossed for you. If you stay for a while it is worth thinking about buying a property, designing it for yourself, to avoid future stress with renting. It is not like Bali, where you cannot own, here you can. It may be a good investment and if you decide to leave you can rent it out or sell up.

  4. It's difficult being in transition Especially trying to manage the details of both residences and in different countries Stand firm they are getting to know you as well You can be trusted

  5. I thought the idea of living as Digital Nomad was living/working/vacationing at the same time. In my opinion, the apartments in this video are all for living/working minus the vacationing. If I were you I would make Bali as my home base and traveling out of Bali 3-6 times a year. But of course, it’s your choice and your decision.

  6. Yes rents crazy everywhere. I just came back to Malaysia and my rent went up from 4500RM to 6000RM a month from June this year. I am not stalking you but I was thinking of Portugal or Greece next. As you say prices have gone up extreme since I started my journey. As for Bali I been there 4 times this year and many times before and actually bidding on a villa now but I am a bit uneasy on what the future holds there. Good luck and hope it works out for you as your information is invaluable to people like me that cant make the first move.🙏👍 (I should not complain about rents going up as that is how I live I have rental properties in Australia sadly a few cancellation so back to 2 minute noodles)

  7. Hey Adrian, Lisbon have became a hot spot for expats. I plan on vacationing there in July, also hear that it is very hilly, not easy walkable. Good luck, by the way how is the stand along housing market.


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