Home Real Estate #Shorts (II) – Madeira – Pestana Royal Hotel – Bedroom 801

#Shorts (II) – Madeira – Pestana Royal Hotel – Bedroom 801

#Shorts (II) – Madeira – Pestana  Royal Hotel – Bedroom 801


(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, …)  
21/01/2022 a 23/01/2022 – Madeira – Pestana Royal

PT// O Pestana Royal é um hotel All Inclusive situado a 10 minutos de carro do centro da cidade do Funchal, 2 minutos a pé da praia Formosa, a maior praia da cidade, e com vista panorâmica para a encosta do Cabo Girão.
Pessoal super atencioso que nos fazem sentir em casa, enquanto disfrutamos das 2 piscinas exteriores, solário ao ar livre, SPA com piscina interior, ginásio, 2 bares, … e quando chega a hora das refeições é escolher entre os 4 restaurantes.
Todos os quartos dispõem de uma vista tranquila, são amplos e confortáveis.

EN// The Pestana Royal is an All Inclusive hotel located 10 minutes by car from the city center of Funchal, 2 minutes by foot from Praia Formosa, the largest beach in the city, and with panoramic views of the Cabo Girão slope.
Super attentive staff who make us feel at home, while we enjoy the 2 outdoor pools, outdoor solarium, SPA with indoor pool, gym, 2 bars, … and when it’s time to eat, choose between the 4 restaurants.
All rooms have a peaceful view, are spacious and comfortable.

Bedroom – Deluxe Barcony Sea View 801
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  1. The Pestana Royal is an All Inclusive hotel located 10 minutes by car from the city center of Funchal, 2 minutes by foot from Praia Formosa, the largest beach in the city, and with panoramic views of the Cabo Girão slope.

    Super attentive staff who make us feel at home, while we enjoy the 2 outdoor pools, outdoor solarium, SPA with indoor pool, gym, 2 bars, … and when it's time to eat, choose between the 4 restaurants.

    All rooms have a peaceful view, are spacious and comfortable.

    #LetsGuide #wonderfuldreams #viajantes #amazingplaces #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #Shorts #Madeira #Funchal #Portugal #Pestana #Hotel #PestanaHotels #PestanaRoyal #PestanaRoyalAllInclusive https://youtu.be/IhBaKALjdXw @PestanaHotels @visitportugal @Madeira FB @Pestana Royal @Pestana Hotels & Resorts

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