Home Immigration Singapore is Now Open!


  1. I'm 58 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, we are finding it impossible to replace it. We can get by, but cant seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 40years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for

  2. Income requirements are too high compared to Dubai which also has 0% income taxes, lower real estate prices and ability to own a car. Singapore is becoming complacent and unclear why anyone would want to pick it over Dubai.

  3. Was in Singapore last month. Already became my favorite beside K.L Malaysia.
    There are down sides in all 17 countries i have been too and Singapore was very similar to Luxemburg. Expencive and many restaurants did close so early
    But it has so many positive sides. Its clean all over, safe and safe food, friendly people, nice roads and side walks , nice malls such as Marina Bay, China Town and Little India with lot of interesting products and the fruit at Little India was awesome, luxury card all over, fast & stable Internet. Its very modern and you can pay with debit/credit card most places also in taxi, unless some in China Town and Little India . There is more vendors with small shops ,where you can do good deals . 😀

  4. Why would I want to live in Singapore if I was making 30K/month? That is nuts. At this level, the home base should be in Switzerland and the winter home in the south of Spain. EU citizenship, of course. End of story.

  5. Fyi Michael. You provided me with some very actionable guidance regarding banking and brokerage options in SE Asia during our previous consultation. I am delighted to report, based on your guidance, we were able to establish a relationship with DBS during our stay in Singapore several weeks ago.

    Thank you again for all your help and equally as important,… your integrity.

    Peter & Vanessa


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