The history of slavery, from the Neolithic Revolution until today.
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English translation & voiceover: Matthew Bates
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Music: Warzone – Anno Domini Beats
Software: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Origins
01:25 The slave trade
02:50 The Muslim conquests
04:17 The Abbasid Caliphate
05:53 The Arab slave trade
07:10 Portugal
09:06 The triangular trade
10:23 Consequences of the triangular trade
11:31 First abolitionist movements
13:00 Saint-Domingue
14:22 Abolitions
16:51 New forms of slavery
18:48 Modern slavery
#geohistory #slavery #history
3:37 literally a reverse uno card was used there
No room for the history of slaves in China – it was mentioned by Marco Polo nor the pre-European civilisations in America such as the Mayans and Incas. Does serfdom in Russia equate to slavery? Did the British and French permit slavery in their Asian colonies and if they did when was it abolished? It needs a matching history of countries and empires which did not have slavery. Can we guess that the word slave derives from the trading of 'slavs' in the Ottoman empire?
My favourite subject 😍
africa geography is the worst in the world that why it will always stay poor . 3 huge deserts. Tropical deseases like ebola malaria hiv aids… . Bad borders cause africa doesnt have a bouch of islands and peninslia like europe for example italy,uk,spain,greece,france,scandanavia all are islands and peninsilas wich allows states to have homogenas states and shared history .. sorry africans but your continent is to blame for your poverty.
Whats crazy about the Atlantic slave trade is the efficiency of it. Ships leaving Europe didn't really need to bring anything over to the Americas, they just needed to bring stuff back. So by loading up the ships traveling to the US with slaves you not only cover the cost but it also will help your yield the next time you return because you have more people to make your goods. Its was basically compounding is the worst imaginable way.
There absolutely is evidence of Israeli in egypt. Dont lie to people.
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nor is there an explanation of slavery and the replacement of the natives of the new world by whites. This is purely aimed at pleasing American circus demographic agenda where the most vulnurable, Native Americans are being ignored again
Nothing about South Africa which literally Apartheid state which indian, asian slaves by Angloid – Dutch brought to
I thought only black people were slaves… wow I learned so much
The population is bigger ever year so it will always have more slaves, would have a percentage compared to back then, not a number of how many slaves.
This video is biased and inaccurate. North Korea slaves sent to Russian and China, becomes North Korean workers , after UN Sanctions?. You Stated the amount of slaves The British empire exported, however you did not say how much the Portuguese Exported. Question Did the British Empire actually, exported Slaves, or did they bought slaves,from the Portuguese, and the Spanish ?.
long story short lots of people all around the world were a slave or enslaved others at some point.
excessive focus on out of Africa slavery. Understandable as more sources available but trivialises White slave trade by Muslim world.
Romans did not follow the Greek model. There was no Greek model. Slavery was simply ubiquitous.
The Trans Saharan slave trade was much larger than 3-7 million; 11-17 million is the general number thought to have been traded. Segal, Ronald (2001). Islam's Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora. Macmillan. pp. 129–130
Zero mention of the American prison labor and the modern prison-industrial complex. How convenient.
The old testament says not only that you can own a slave, but that you can beat them, so long as you don't kill them. What a despicable, disgusting religious text
Slavery is part of Islamic law and always will be. No Islamic nation abolished slavery without Western influence and there was no Islamic abolition movement.
As long as there's Islam there will be slavery.
Stop comparing slavery in the middle east with the western world. Slavery in the middle east was not based on color it was not based on the 18th century pseudo-science of the inferiority of black people.
Slavery started in Africa
Slavery ended in Africa
Wow! What a disgusting world we live in!
Should be noted that A LOT of the history of slavery is missing from this video.
This video doesn't cover the massive East Africa Slave Trade which goes all the way back to the breakout of the first Islamic Arab Caliphate in the late 700s (which resulted in the creation of the Swahili people, who are of mixed Arab and African descent from Arab conquests down along the East African coast and extreme exploitation and horrors that missionary explorer David Livingston observed and haunted his nightmares for the rest of his life), or the massive slave trades in India, Southeast Asia, China, and the Ancient Americas.
Ancient Southeast Asia cities had upwards of 80% of their population made up of slaves.
At times, India had more slaves concurrently on the Indian subcontinent than the grand total of slaves sent to the Western Hemisphere (of which about 300,000 went specifically to North America).
China infamously once held the title as "the largest market for the exchange of human beings on Planet Earth" in ancient times. A single Chinese emperor attempted to restrict the slave trade and was assassinated for his troubles.
The Polynesians routinely took slaves from rival sea-faring tribes
The Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, and various North American tribes routinely raided each other and smaller rivals for slaves. South American Indians, particularly in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina, infamously raided Spanish and Portuguese settlements and carry off women and children to keep as slaves throughout the colonial era.
Human traficking seems to be one of the oldest businesses in the world.
Wish you mentioned the rroma slave past in Romania which lasted almost 5 centuries
I don't know where you guys are getting this information. I have gone to three collages all of the professors have said that only white Americans have had slaves and America invented slavery. This is fake history.
Full of lies and half truths. Also what was going on in India and the rest of Asia at the same time. And slavery in Islam is not the same as it is with other groups. Islam has very different laws than everyone els it’s not even the same concept as the savage west especially
Про корейских рабов в 21 веке это просто смех. Северные корейцы просто едут работать в Китай и африканские страны по договорённостям с этими странами, так как их экономику давят жёсткие ограничения и у них в стране нет работы кроме как растить рис, это большая доля заработка для страны, но очевидно что США будет давить их до конца, и эти запреты ООН на "торговлю рабами" просто бред сумашедшего
Chinese sex slaves are a thing, they take advantage of people escaping North Korea and then enslave them
Very good until the 20th century
Napoleon’s army wasn’t defeated in Haiti. It won the few battles it fought. It secured control of the colony but then succumbed to tropical diseases. The locals declared victory when the survivors of the French army fled, but they were beaten by yellow fever, not by rebels. There’s more than enough revisionist history around the issue of slavery. You shouldn’t be adding to it.
This is a topic that HAS to be talked about. It is important to history. Now, as a Korean-American I know how it feels for my people to be enslaved. However, it can't be forgotten. Learn.
why don't you call today's 3 million inmates in US commercial prisons modern day slaves?
Or it is necessary to remove the mention of the Gulag, which was the institution of punishment and correction by labor of criminals who violated the laws.
Great video! Didn't know Brazil abolished slavery so late. For thousands of years, Africans had been capturing other Africans to sell them off to the Europeans, Arabs, Turks, etc so both may profit. And whatever happened with all that wealth the Africans were given in exchange for slaves? But yeah, eventually Europeans took over Africa and the whole trade itself. The argument that blacks supported other blacks from being enslaved is nullified then if we just look at history. Both parties, slave holders and the Africans capturing other Africans were to blame for how bad Africa still is today compared to other continents.
I learn more here than college courses
When you realise, you may have never been born if it wasn't for slavery! 👀
They forgot the Amerindian slavery
eye opening!
1:22 That’s a false claim. There is archaeological evidence of Israelite slaves during the Middle Kingdom in Egypt. Thanks
There's some wrong was said in 3:30 that berbers converted to Islam because it's forbidden to enslave a Muslim and this was wrong and I hope you correct it
One day it's gonna be europians white people gonna become slave of Asians do you think you white people just gonna get away with this whole slavery things
This video should be shown in every school not just in America but world wide!!!
Change your narrator!
But what elit group owned these slaveships you wonder, most likely just a happy merchant.