Home Real Estate Solo Female (60+) Property Renovation | Castelo Branco – Central Portugal

Solo Female (60+) Property Renovation | Castelo Branco – Central Portugal

Solo Female (60+) Property Renovation | Castelo Branco – Central Portugal

In this video we catch up with Eveline and the renovation of her 3 bedroom house. She is now water and waste independent and once the solar is installed she will disconnect the electricity supply and be completely off-grid.
We first met Eveline in October 2021. She had driven from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland to 🇵🇹 Portugal in her camper van with her two cats. She purchased a three bedroom house with just under an acre of land and was about to start the renovation. This is the 3rd time catching up with the project.
The full details of the Solar system, cost, spec and everything will be in the final video.
Be sure to subscribe if you don’t want to miss it.
⬇️ Eveline’s previous videos ⬇️
➡ Part 1:
➡ Part 2:
Connect with Eveline
Instagram ➡ www.instagram.com/evelinebronsveld
Expat Forum➡
Email ➡ e.fbronsveld@outlook.com
Music: Natural Light – YouTube Library
Email: solo50plusportugal@gmail.com
☕️ buymeacoffee.com/Solo50Plus
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  1. The Volt drop is not an issue if you conect the panels in serie, for instance 10 panels of 40 volt Dc each will give you about 400 Volt DC but only around 10Ampere… that way you don't get lost off voltage and you don't need a cable more than 10mm2 or 16mm2. Normally you use only 6mm2 but because of the distance you could increase a little. The regulator then must take the 400 Volt DC and 10 Amp. Both negative and positive cables must be of the same length and follow each other to minimise the risk of EMC ( flashlightproblem) That's the most cost effective way. Regards Rickard from 🇸🇪

  2. Pintura plastica it's saying on the paint bucket.. plastic paint! Could work on inner walls but defenetely not on the outer walls because of the humidity that want to come through… like in a basement. Anyway a very nice building and the work is getting along well. Good luck to your friend. Regards Rickard 🇸🇪

  3. SO Bummed I missed the premiere!!! So much progress!! Happy for Eveline, and am excited to see the finished. The pointing inside is beautiful. 😍. The gardening, and canned foods in the pantry is a dream! I love it!!!

  4. Wow Eveline, you have made so much progress in your new home, it is looking really lovely. I love your new fuel burner, it really looks the part and you will also have the benefit of the heat from the metal flue being exposed to the room. You have been busy stocking your pantry and I'm sure as the new growth in the garden provides you with produce, your shelves will become a lot fuller 🌱🌞😊👌. Thank you for the update Luise and thank you for letting us see the renovation work on your lovely home Eveline 🏡

  5. A lot of work has been done, and lots more to do, Eveline has a lucent house and it will look amazing when completed. I'm interested to see this carport with solar panels on roof. Well done for getting this far.

  6. Hazel ☘️ …
    Eveline your organisation skills and determination is astonishing … July to April … 9 months ! 👍

    Wow what an amount of work … the house is beautiful and when you get your furniture and bits and pieces in it will be an amazing home ! 👌

    Solar is a great idea, and excellent idea for car port / shaded sitting area 👍

    AND you find time during project management, ordering materials , being a go for, abundant garden planting, maintenance and yield PLUS preserving !!! 👌… an amazing woman indeed !

    Thank you for taking us back to see this progress Luise … and hello Maria !

  7. This was so heartwarming to watch! Eveline has really made lots of progress to realizing her vision. Well done!I am also very impressed with her pantry of home produced drinks and preserves. Looking forward to the solar installation update.

  8. The channel “Make Do Grow” shows a lot about the problem solving of damp in the walls and flours. They had a massive job in tackling that… .It seems like a common thing in Portugal, because the way they used to build in early days. You have a great house!

  9. Nice update, ladies. Yes, it will be nice to see Eveline's once all the renovation is finished and everything is in place. She's accomplished so much already. Are those your goats, Eveline? If so, wow!!

    I might've missed it, but Eveline you're going solar vs mains electric for overall costs savings and/or power reliability?


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