Home Immigration Spain to be Kicked Out of Rugby World Cup 2023

Spain to be Kicked Out of Rugby World Cup 2023

Spain to be Kicked Out of Rugby World Cup 2023

Spain – recently qualified for the 2023 Rugby World Cup – look to be already out having been deducted points in their qualifying campaign for fielding an ineligible player (Prop Gavin van den Berg. Still subject to appeal at the time of recording.

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  1. Let's see, let's weigh things: federative negligence/crime/administrative fault, it must be purged,,, but, the standard of the Committee designated by World Rugby is very severe, given the risk assumed and the benefit achieved. I think it doesn't leave the claimants in a very good place either, it's a bit creepy and they haven't even faced the pawn in the field. By the way, has the direct player affected by the judgment, that is, the Netherlands, claimed his points? The Fair Play would start there, right? Spain to enjoy the RWC2022 from home. Thank you very much

  2. So wr gives the ok for this player to play for Spain, then Romania denounces us (remember where from is the European Fed's president…), and same wr who gave us the ok (cause the Spanish asked before aligning him) say we've done something wrong and Romania magically qualifies… Sure, nothing fishuy here

  3. First the paralympics, then uefalona and now this twice in a row. If Russian athletes are banned for doping is it time to ban Spanish athletes for consistently cheating too? 🤔🤔🤔

  4. This kind of stuff is really becoming embarrassing for rugby. And why does it come out now? Romania appeal, did they know or was it just a fishing expedition?

  5. Sadly, I’m not surprised to hear this, after the farce that was the 2019 RWC euro qualifiers. Shame, as I was looking forwards to seeing Scotland play them. Their players must be angered to be missing out on yet another tournament through controversy

  6. I feel really sorry for the other Spanish players who had nothing to do with this and played great to qualify for the World Cup. This seems really harsh tbh.

  7. So sad for the Spanish rugby fans, it all seems so stupid and needless! Are the people running Spanish rugby full or part time, they just seem so amateurish? This points to the problem of all these players jumping around countries in lower tier rugby!

  8. oh my… am so gutted for them. was so hype to see them perform in the WC. and it's especially so sad that the guy only played vs Netherlands… such a waste.

  9. The regulation states that it is the Union that is totally accountable for player eligiblity. So it's down to how the FER manage that process. WR received data from the Union & only have reason to double check it if it's challenged (by ROM in this case). So WR not really to blame as I understand it. We could argue that the punishment doesn't fit the offence (my view). As I read the regulation it seems that the judicial comm. were not forced to cancel match points. So could appeal that on the grounds the player had no material part in the massive victories in question. Damn it, my wife is Spanish, I'm Irish and we were really looking forward to our opening pool game, each wearing the opposition colours!

  10. You’d think given that it’s something as important as a World Cup qualifier that they’d check, double check and triple check everything. I don’t know if much blame can be put on Van den Berg as he was probably told by someone he trusted that everything was okay. Players won’t know all the admin rules surely!

  11. How does this very harsh decision by the IRB help build rugby in Spain? Of course i realise the IRB have no interest in developing rugby as a meaningful game outside the world's top 10 nations.

  12. As a Spaniard, this has hit us hard. The worse part is that everyone involved is already trying to save their asses. After two world cups with the same crap, everyone in the federation should just go. So sorry for our players

  13. Alan Shields
    South Lanarkshire

    This situation makes Rugby Union look shambolic at best & it's not the first time from memory this has happened

    From memory this happened to
    Belgium & Romania in qualification for the last World Cup.

    As I sead shambolic best describes the entire situation.

    Spain have absolutely no chance of winning this appeal.


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