If you would like to contact us about viewing this 1.4 hectare €40,000 euro farm or for more information, please send us a message on Facebook, Instagram, or by email: farmerforfun@outlook.com
Hi there! I am Joseph.
I have been an immigrant / expat living in central Portugal along with my beautiful girlfriend Mariana for six years now.
Together Mariana, my father Clinton and myself, would like to show you a bit of the daily goings on around our Portuguese farm / homestead / smallholding and all of the work we are doing whilst renovating, starting building projects, working with our livestock, DIY and trying to grow our little families own food!
In this episode we welcome you to join us in mid summer time as we are given a tour around a bargain farm house, which is for sale, in a rural mountain village in central Portugal.
We start the virtual tour by introducing ourselves as we explain the location of this wonderful gem of a farm and a little about the surroundings and local amenities.
We begin by walking up the long private shingle track. The first thing that can be seen as you walk down the track is the spectacular views looking down into the valley, which surround the property.
We firstly check out the ruin itself, which of course needs a complete interior renovation. This is fairly easily achieved though and I know of many contractors and specialists who can help in this project, the builders I know of are all local people who give a fair days work for honest pay and I have personally seen a lot of their works.
Once we got inside the xisto ruin we see that the building has been used as an adega, or winery, and all the primary fermenters and oak cask secondary fermenters can still be seen, as well as a few bottles which still have drink inside them!
Upstairs we see that the condition of the roof is not bad, perhaps I would consider new rafters, although they really are not in that bad condition. The size of the ruin is small but can be extended if required. The current size would work well for a couple on their own who do not require a massive house.
After the house we checked out the terraces that are right by the house, they make for a nice sized garden with water sources and fruit trees. Enough space for some chickens and a vegetable patch. The property itself does not require a lot of regular maintenance due to the forestry section not needed hardly any work throughout the year, just chopping of wood for your own wood burner.
After we had seen everything on the property we took a short walk to the praia fluvial, or freshwater swimming beach in the local village. There is a spot to swim and fish and also a separate spot where you can sit waterside and buy ice cold drinks, we were very grateful for this on this scorching day, I say and had a nice refreshing beer and Mariana had a cola, before returning back to our own farm.
Upon arriving back at our own farm we decided to whip up some lunch, dourada (gilt head sea bream) com malagueta, tomato and wine sauce was on the menu for us today. It was absolutely spectacular and I highly recommend trying this menu!
After lunch we took a walk up to the top of the farm with Chloe, up to the sheep pastures. We checked the pigeons and spoke for a while about everything that had gone on this week on the farm.
Have an amazing week everybody and I look forward to seeing you all again next week!
See our journey to self sufficiency / permaculture / organic farming living in Portugal, trying to produce as much of our own food planting vegetables, growing fruit trees as well as looking after all our animals, such as our chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, quail, rabbits and sheep – Shortly pigs too!
– Growing vegetables, raising meat and foraging on our cherry farm in Portugal’s Beira baixa, Fundão
Follow us on Instagram @farmerforfun
Tell me more about the water mine @ 12:30 please. I love the idea of running the land as it should be or would be taking water away from the trees/forest? Love your videos. Patrick
thanks folks for sharing this. be blessed xxx
Thankyou for sharing. Chloe is so cute.
you must be cooking there, could not live in the interior, especially down south.
As a (now retired) builder here in the UK…if I could turn the clock back even 20yrs how I would have loved to purchase that cottage and refurbish it to it's wonderful potential….very nice spot to live a life of peace and quiet..
Lovely baby. Congratulations.
Random newbie question is it easy to get internet (for work) in a place as remote as this? Would it need to be satellite? If anyone knows thank you!!
Lovely cottage and video, really enjoyed your meal prep and the share of plate and glass lol
You fish dish looked so yummy! It was nice to see your two ladies. Chloe is getting so big and is do darling.
Chloe is too cute!
nice haircut Joseph 😃
That was one gorgeous house I think I am falling in love with Portugal thank you both
Beautiful farm and suits my fantasy is an ideal place to live. Unfortunately, my children would be so mad at me for leaving the country because I’d be going alone.
Wonderful. I can't think of a property that has my name on it more than this. I've had this property in my saved wish list for a while. It would be perfect for me as single man & his dog with a complete desire to be nowhere near another human being! I want complete an utter isolation from humans.
Thank you for uploading this. Hope you and Mariana (soon to be wife?) are doing well and of course your little angel Chloe. All the best my friend from a slightly mild 30degrees London.
Hi Joe & Mariana , lovely vidio of property, loved your fish meal looked so delicious , so lovely to see our beautiful little Chloe bless her growing up so fast, take care , love to you all XX💕💕
I want to move to the places in the Northern part of Portugal that you have shown in many videos you have.
Is their some way to get in contact with you or do you have a property site to recommend for the northern part?
Kind regards.
Chloe is so cute. Enjoy these moments because before you know it she will be all grown up. I'm speaking from experience lol. Do you speak to her in English or Portuguese? Stay safe. Cheers
Really good vidio Joseph. You are all looking very well 👍 enjoy watching you family flourish 😉
I'm wondering if there'd be an opportunity for terracing down the hillside, or is the forest protected.
Awesome video. Tell us more about the wine and vineyard. Have a great week.
I’ve only seen 2 1/2 minutes and I already want to visit. I am visiting Portugal in August. Muito Obrigada. If I were financially independent right now I would take this land sale. 40,000 euros is an amazing price.
Chloe is so adorable! You have a lovely family. Thank you for sharing with us!
Another lovely video! The family looks happy and healthy, the farm is in good shape, the food looks delicious, life is good.
My goodness that food looked absolutely delicious 😋 Chloe is adorable 🤗
What an amazing life you have. Beautiful wife and the cutest baby ever. I retire in Aug and the property on offer would suit me down to a T
Oh I so love that little farm! (but would be so so worried about forrest fires!)
Time to start planning for a channel for Chloe. "Growing up in the farm." Forte abraço.
Thanks for your vid 😇💟💟💟 Love you all.
que se lixem as cerejas…venha uma vindima para curtir um bom vinho,abraço