Home Real Estate SYNCRETISM SOCIETY EP 65 "THE REAL HIDDEN KING….OF PORTUGAL" with Santos Bonacci & Helder Fafiaes



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  1. This polarised thinking and ideology is what led to many countries being colonised and multiple wars and mass killing. I do not resonate with this guest…

  2. And Logan – in the film Buckaroo Banzai, the main character was a doctor doing an operation on the PINEal gland of a patient before starting his time travel adventure. And his car had an "88" on it – just like Back To The Future with references to the Lion's Gate portal. All connected, brother. Much love to you.

  3. The way kings are generated as told in coran verse:
    God give king status to whom he wants and revokes king status from whom he wants, in his hand lies the kingdom, and he is capable of everything”
    The above is the law of the universe in terms of kingdoms as the coran sees it
    Which mean
    One way or the other
    Kingdom has been revoked from you by god
    Maybe he will give it back
    Best bet is if you are a good man you have chances. My Humble opinion

  4. Maybe you should see that the coran is same as other holly books because it comes from one god. Now, the other thing since you are talking about true kings and kingdoms and talk about the law of the universe. We the laws of universe are like that:
    1- you are not kings because kings change and dont last. You are no more a king. Another one is and so on. Evolution
    2-only god is true king
    3-one god . That is why coran is same as others

  5. I totally believe 100% that the true and original knights templar is from Portugal , and that they have deceived us all in thinking that they are some horrible Satanist group

  6. I feel like I was reading Logans mind the whole episode. Ego is a tough obstacle for us all. We all have the ability to come into that "The One" realization. To me the most important part to keep in the front of our consciousness is "once we exalt ourselves, our ascension ceases.

  7. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 exposes those people who claim to be Jews, "and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan" Their bloodlines go back to the ancient Romans who were the Israelites' enemies

  8. Thank you once again beautiful souls. New nuggets of information for this puzzle we are unraveling- I look forward to more information and how all the pieces fit together.

  9. I live in Portugal and was drawn to move here 11 years ago. I have travelled extensively and I have never felt the heart of a country like i do here. There is a purity here you can't find anywhere else. The Portuguese have their issues of course, but essentially it is a very special place which has been considered by many "the arse of Europe". I see it as the crown. Henrique the Navigator was said to be a "psycho navigator". I found it quite difficult to listen to Helder, I am still not sure what the "Portuguese Prophecy" is or how he claims he is the "King of Portugal" but I do believe there is something very very special about this country and truths will be revealed. Sintra sits on an important lay line as does Sao Miguel in the Azores.

  10. I'd like a little more meat in the sandwich.

    I grew up in a strong Portuguese community, and there was a great deal of pretence and self profanity.
    I'd like to understand more concretely the facts as it were…..


  11. But can all of the Bible be trusted though? Real men are influenced and believe in angels that they profess did come to them but evil spirits can pull that type of thing off easily. Side note- I saw the most obvious proof, a couple of nights ago, over Perth WA, of a moving star, that once it flew through the sky, slowly but obviously, it turned its light off. That happened a minute or so after I told the stars that they didn’t move much over ‘this way’ and that it appeared that they ’had a different boss’ in this section of the sky. I’ve seen many of these instances. We are being watched/monitored 24/7 by those whom control the stars and probably planets. I believe the entire planetary system is an advanced frequency operating system which controls us from birth and ages us etc. it is very restrictive as you should be able to deduce from birth charts. Me- born 5th April 1963. Scorpio Rising


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