Home Immigration Tax Expert Reacts: International Tax Competitiveness Index

Tax Expert Reacts: International Tax Competitiveness Index

Tax Expert Reacts: International Tax Competitiveness Index

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Recently, a subscriber sent me this list for international tax competitiveness for 2022.
Some countries are not surprisingly low on the list, but some are quite high – Estonia being the number one.

What do I think of this list? Is it correct?

What are some tax havens that should have made it to the list? Which are best and worst countries for tax in Europe? In the world?
Let’s discuss!

Full article that I was commenting on:
International Tax Competitiveness Index 2022

#internationaltax #tax #lowtaxcountires
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Author: Michael Rosmer

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  1. Very good breakdown. I used to spend a lot of time researching this stuff and noticed most of these reports online are very rarely good.

    I don't know if they are paid off or trying to keep people misinformed but it holds almost no weight.

    You are one of the only reliable tax sources online.

  2. Hi Michael.
    I’ve been watching your from the start and still am.
    I’d love to see videos on how to own homes around the world without falling into these countries tax traps.
    Nyc is notorious (cannot spend more than 90 days in the us every 1.5 years or you are tax resident of ny). Germany also bad I believe.

  3. Yikes! Two of the countries I’m considering retiring to from California are on the bottom of this list…PT 🇵🇹 and IT 🇮🇹. So who do I believe; Michael or the International Tax Competitive Index. 🤔 Hmmm…I’m going with Micheal. 😄

  4. A weekly video dedicated to a single country's direction & future tax legislation would be nice.

    Similarly, would like to get some video's about more unusual country's that one wouldn't expect to be profitable. But may be interesting for certain types of income, capital, operations, etc.

  5. Your assessment of this list seems very well founded, especially, as you pointed out since it ignores special tax regimes for newcomers.

    And I got the first comment – a high honor! 🙂

  6. I'm from the UK and an seriously considering retiring somewhere warm. I am interested in reducing personal taxation but also need to consider Inheritance tax for my son who will still be in the UK. Where would my best options be? Greece's Golden Visa looks a good option although people do say the bureaucracy is a nightmare


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