It’s a ghoul-tide trip down memory lane in this Terror at Collinwood Christmas/Holiday special. I sit down with my family to discuss their memories of Dark Shadows. Other topics include: moving to America from Portugal, getting into 60’s pop culture, growing up in the 60’s, Dracula actors, binge watching in the 80’s before it was a thing, family interests in spooky stuff, and much more! Featuring, in order of appearance, interviews with my: aunt Agatha, mom Zezinha, uncle Valdemar, cousin Karen, cousin Elijah, dad Tony, sister Amy, and sister Maggie.
Smartphone Theatre Presents: The Gift of the Magi with Kathryn Leigh Scott and David Selby:
Amy Oliveira Real Estate:
Lighthouse Animal Shelter:
TaC logos by Eric Marshall
TaC theme and narration music by Rebecca Paiva
fantastic! thank you!
Danielle, how refreshing and honest it is to hear your family members. I agree with almost everything your Uncle Val said, especially 1960's TV. He's a few years older than me, but I remember all the shows he mentioned. Your sister Maggie cracked me up, but she was also very insightful! Thank you! It was the perfect show for the holidays! Happy New Year!
What fun! Absolutely NOBODY in my family is into DS so this was quite a treat, and I loved hearing your Mom, Aunt and Uncle reminisce about how life was in New Bedford back in the 1960s. Uncle Val is the best–love all his comments and observations! I wonder if his parents flipped when he chopped the arms off that sports jacket to have his own Hell's Angels gear! Ha! Great guy from a great family. Wishing you all a joyous New Year!
I think Daniel Craig (from James Bond) could pull off playing Barnabas Collins if he died his hair dark.
I have to work today on Christmas, so I am glad I have this to listen to!
…and your uncle is right, Maggie Evans was soooo pretty!
This was so awesome. It was so cool to hear from your uncle Valdemor. He sounds like such an awesome guy. Merry Christmas 🎄
Wonderful show. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Danielle!
One of the best episodes yet! It was truly wonderful hearing a family reminisce over their shared memories of DS, Uncle Val sounds like such a cool guy to talk to and please, please, whatever the topic, do another episode with sister Maggie! She has one of the best voices ever! May you and your family have a wonderful holiday!
This was great, I especially loved hearing Uncle Val breaking down the movies and the series. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
This was so much fun! Loved it!
Great fun, thanks so much!
This brings back so many memories. WTEV New Bedford, Providence, Channel 6 was the same station we got DS in Newport RI. I wasn't allowed to watch it then, but I snuck peaks at it from time to time. Your uncle mentioned Lost in Space, which was my favorite show while DS was on the air. It was also on channel 6. The audio for Channel 6 was available on the FM dial and I remember my cousins caught DS sometimes while we were at the beach. Channel 56 out of Boston ran the show from April 76 to 77 I was only allowed to watch it on Fridays because it was on so late, 11:00 PM. Even then it was by no means every week. My aunt loved the show. She had emigrated from the Azores as well, in 1959, I think. Strange Paradise scared the crap out of me. That talking portrait was mesmerizing. It was on right after the Star Trek reruns on Channel 6 in 69-70. Thanks for sharing!
Penny,a really wonderful show,and family,thank you so much for this.
Just like your Uncle Valdemar, Kathryn Leigh Scott was my first crush when I was 12. She was the first actor I wrote a fan letter to.
Merry Krampus!!
Great window into your wonderful, joyful hoot of a family. It's heartening to know the enthusiasm for DS is a family tradition! I hope you have a great holiday!
Love those holly-bats!