Home Real Estate The Brutal Collapse of SIS vs BRO

The Brutal Collapse of SIS vs BRO

The Brutal Collapse of SIS vs BRO

When Karina and Ronald Kurzawa first became known as SIS vs BRO, it was obvious that they loved the content that they were creating. However, over the years, this slowly changed. SIS vs BRO fell out of love with the content, and the channel was completely abandoned. The only signs of SIS vs BRO these days are on their personal channels, RonaldOMG and Gamergirl, as well as on other social media outside of YouTube, such as TikTok. What happened to the siblings?

This is, The Brutal Collapse of SIS vs BRO.

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤

Also, the idea for this video was inspired by “Premier” who posted a video on a similar topic in May 2022 titled “The Downfall of SIS vs BRO… (RonaldOMG, Karina Kurzawa, GamerGirl) – Documentary” You can watch their version here –



  1. I think that they were miserable when making vids. As in when then video of Karina saying stuff about the slime videos and when they were 'flexing' the iphones and money. I mean they were younger than ten years old they probably didn't know better. Their parents made them do videos. Guess what? They couldn't do anything about it, and if they could, what would they do? Exactly.

    🌼Have a good day🌼

  2. Might be me but I think kariana is just acting her age?? She definitely was spoiled, don’t get me wrong but I mean, it’s nobody’s business telling her that she’s changed, that she isn’t her old self etc when the WHOLE purpose of been a teen is to discover who you want to be in this world and changing. it’s really cringey that people care THAT much, kids to teen change y’know??


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