Home Immigration The direct route to a Portuguese passport contact us!

The direct route to a Portuguese passport contact us!

The direct route to a Portuguese passport contact us!

Who is eligible?

Those who meet the criteria of the law:

Descendant of Jews.

Spanish – Portuguese Origin.

Proof of the connection to the Jews who expelled from Spain.

The Spanish origin is determined by meeting at least two of the following criteria (as a cumulative condition):

Family names originating from Sephardic Jewry – there is an updated list that contains most of the surnames in Hebrew. This list was compiled by our genealogists team and you can search for the desired name – check.campuspas.com.

The origin country is one of the migration routes from Spain/Portugal – North African countries, Balkan countries and countries ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

Customs – Spanish-style Jewish marriage contract.

Languages – Ladino / Spaniel (Balkan Jewry) – “Jewish Sephardic”, Haketia(Morocco) – a dialect of the North African Ladino, half a pen – an ancient Spanish manuscript.



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