Home Real Estate The Female Gaze – XXX Luxury Gentleman's Club — Shanghai

The Female Gaze – XXX Luxury Gentleman's Club — Shanghai

The Female Gaze – XXX Luxury Gentleman's Club —  Shanghai

⭐ Life is a Drag – Burbex Puts on a Dress and Sings – ⭐

#burbex #urbexasia #urbexchina

Ever wonder what a woman might think about an abandoned XXX Luxury Gentleman’s Club? In this episode of Burbex, Sofia tags along with Brin to give us her view via the female gaze on a very masculine place. Inside the duo discover more erotic art than you can shake a stick at, plus luxury nightclub rooms which can only be described as “opulent”.

Along the way, Sofia and Brin discuss the nature of consciousness, whether a place can exhibit consciousness and also try to identify the strange energy that seems to pervade the building. It all fun and games until the pair run into a wild animal from the Middle East apparently wearing sneakers!!!

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  1. Amigo estás bien? Hay muchas noticias terribles de Shanghai. Confinamientos por covid, falta de comida, violencia, censura, suicidios…


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