Home Real Estate The Kitchen Renovation continues: rendering the shelf, painting & off grid living in Portugal

The Kitchen Renovation continues: rendering the shelf, painting & off grid living in Portugal

The Kitchen Renovation continues: rendering the shelf, painting & off grid living in Portugal

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Beijinos e abraços,
Carissa, Iwan, Frankie & Albi

Carissa, Iwan & Frankie decided one night over a bottle of wine that moving from North Wales to Portugal would be a good idea. Within a month they were on the road to Portugal to find the perfect piece of land to call their new home. We picked up Albi the cat along the way. Subscribe to follow our journey as we turn an old stone barn into our home, and learn the ropes of looking after a piece of land to make an abundant garden and one day, our very own winery.



  1. You all are making lots of progress. This is what my place sounds like at night. We have lots of frogs and black crickets singing their songs at night. I love to listen to them so I leave my window open. I think it's calming. The shelves are looking really good. I think it will pop more once you paint it.

  2. the sound of the birdsong is lovely ,so peaceful kitchens coming on great job please adopt me so i can come live with you lol pottering about in garden all day is very theraputic

  3. Personally I would apply a thin coat of Gap Filler with a Sponge then paint it an earthy colour. Much easier to do & a similar result to rendering . An old fashioned method is to make a wetter mix of cement & apply a thin coat of that with a sponge.

  4. Hi! Your kitchen is coming along nicely. Won’t be long now, you must be so excited to get it fully functioning hun. You can see the natural curves of the wall, it adds so much character. Can’t wait to see it finished, you e worked so hard for it. I’m loving the ending of the videos, seeing the beauty of your land and of course the fur babies! Stay safe. Sending love. Mo xx

  5. Why you didn't the shelf furniture in wood? It's easiest, cheapest, less work and better for change one day! Also the wood color makes the contrast in the wall!
    Anyway you are doing a good job!

  6. Hey Carissa , Iwan and furries! I have been lurking for a while but I never posted here before. I just wanted to say that I love what you are doing, I totally respect you for starting your own life off-grid and trying to be sustainable, and i think you are doing great. It is one of my dreams to start my own off-grid space in nature, since I grew up in Spain watching my grandparents doing the same., and I hope to realize this soon. I live in Manchester which I love but you feel quite detached from nature. Meanwhile I watch you guys so I don't forget my dream. So thank you for the lovely videos, loving your breezeblock shelves (i think they will look really futuristic when painted white), and the beautiful Frankie and the cats. The end of this video has really put me back to my dream of living like you, the lovely sounds of nature and the birds, frogs and crickets whilst the sun sets. I can almost smell the air! Silvia x

  7. Would you consider keeping Frankie on the road as you filmed her here as the very beginning of your ongoing openers? Her tearing (😄) down the roadway is so darned adorable and a perfect fit to the name of your channel 🤩.

  8. Take a look at the old nordic kitchen units (I think Ikea might re-make the design. The units had holes and square boxes or ceramic jugs to hold flour, sugar, salt, etc. You could make wooden boxes or even get someone to make ceramic containers with handles for some of the holes.

  9. Hello and sorry for the last comment I gave you ,sell up and go northern Portugal 🇵🇹, but please I care about both of you,please get a nice protection dog for the family,keep the good work 👍

  10. Frankie on the road, João on the path, Carissa in the field, Albi in the wheelbarrow… very pleasing to watch your projects which are all turning out quite nicely. Your chamomile caramel latte sounds so good, your music selections are relaxing — i'm totally chillio ✌🏼😊. Your painted wall, the shelves, and the mini forest look terrific. Thank you for the tranquility moments. 💖

  11. I think you did an amazing job with the tiling adhesive, it will have taken alot of patience, but i love the result and how it resembles the rest of your walls! Great job and happy to have given the tip. If you are not happy with some of the edges, maybe too rough here or there, it can be sanded as well! Greetings

  12. In Arizona USA there is an ancient pueblo culture and their buildings shelves n niche's look exactly like what you want in your kitchen ! So you have a very good idea backed up in history 😉 don't doubt yourself ❣️

  13. You’re such a lovely couple – so genuine, down to earth, sweet and funny, though the sausage probably steals the show for funny lol 😆
    I love your videos – they’re so calming and relaxing 🫶
    The shelves and painted wall look great as does the new tree nursery ☺️👌
    And I’m a Liverpool fan too – all the way across the world in Perth, Western Australia 🇦🇺

  14. Chamomile is a name given to a tribe of plants under the genus Matricaria. Because of your location, I believe the first flower shown is Matricaria Chamomilla and the second may be German Chamomile. There are several other species in the tribe, but people just call them all Chamomile.

  15. You can clip the flight feathers on one side or both. Plenty of pasture raised bids have this done. If ground predators are a huge issue it can be a roll of the dice cause the birds can no longer fly up to escape till the feathers grow back. Love the shelf!!! So wurth it.


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