I visit one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen: Ursa Beach, in Portugal.
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My review of the Bronica SQ-Ai
10 tips to create better B&W images
How to compose in square format
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Film Photography
Bronica MF Camera –
80mm f/2.8 –
150mm f/4 –
Shutter Release Cable –
Scanner –
Digital Photography
Sony a6000 –
12mm –
16-70mm –
55-210mm –
Tripod – and
Lee Filters Holder –
6-stop ND filter –
10-stop ND filter –
15-stop ND filter –
Sony RX100VA –
Zoom H1 –
Lav Mic –
Tripod –
Backpack –
Wow, incredible
Love it.
wonderful (y)
Beautiful! And only a thirty minute drive from where my grandfather lives and from all the places I've spent so much time. Sometimes we don't know what we have until someone shoves it right in our face. Thanks for that. I'll definitely be stopping by next time I'm in Portugal!
Nice photos, if you come to the photograf on the Costa Vicentina in Portugal, try the Carriagem beach.https://www.instagram.com/nunodinisphotos/p/Bu5wSJvgqNu/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=y65jfh8l611 Nice videos

I would love to know what the first song is! Amazing content btw!!
really enjoy the video, so glad you are back.
Those are indeed some very beautiful views
looks like a good place for 6×12 pinhole photography
Now those are some awesome images! Also, very cool location. How do you decide, if you are going to shoot on Bronica, or with Sony?
It looks almost like Oregon coast
. Nice work buddy
Beautiful location and images. I am wondering if you have any concerns about potential print size limitations with the A6000 vs. the 120 film negatives?
Great photos! But what happened to the Bronica?
Nice photos!
Ya tienes excusa para volver……
Excelente vídeo, sen baixa-lo nivel. Tomo nota da localización, e en canto poida aló vou. Graciñas polo teu traballo. Saúdos.
Ostras!!! Vaya pedazo de playa!!!

Me han encantado las fotos que has hecho desde lo alto de los acantilados en la primera ubicación… Lo típico hubiera sido bajar a la playa y hacer largas exposiciones usando las rocas como líneas de fuga… Pero te has quedado arriba y lo has clavado… Me encanta… 

Un abrazo!!
Amazing beach . Great capture!
Hi! I'm happy to that you found Ursa beach and Magoito. Don't forget about Adraga! Its awesome. I have my own collection of photographs of this coast since it's my "backyard", but you gave me a fresh look of Magoito. Thanks! If by any chance you would like to see mine: https://500px.com/joaodomingues Cheers!
No entiendo por qué no no tienes más subscriptores, excelentes vídeos y aún mejor fotografía.
Saludos de México.
Beautiful place and very nice shots!