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”Experts at Tax Consulting South Africa warn that the ANC’s renewed position on taxing the country’s wealthiest individuals to fund a basic income grant could push them offshore, adding further strain to the tax base.” (
00:00 Start
00:18 News about South Africa
2:33 Raising Taxes
8:38 Living in Thailand
9:00 Why Do People Hate Rich People?
9:42 Living in South Africa
Andrew is Reading this article:
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
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Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
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That’s the African mentality. If you want to make everyone equal you don’t try and raise everyone up, you drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator.
See? This new Universal Basic Income coming, taking from richer people. Go somewhere else, definitely, an off grid venue, additionally, just in case. Thanks, Andrew, it’s sickening, but, the wise shall find the equitable strategy….keep it up….keep hot on their trail and let us know, whether 7-8 fig entrepreneurs or not. Enough is enough, w these control mechanisms… ty
Most people don't know this but New Zealand already has a wealth tax on offshore investments. They are taxed as income at 5% of their value every year for New Zealand resident holders if they are above $50K in value. $1M value would be taxed as if you earned $50K in income on that capital, even if it produced no cash flow. If the value goes down compared to balance date it's zero rated, so you don't pay any tax that year, but you also can't claim losses. This is how the Government was raising record tax revenues when the stock markets were booming from all the retirement savings funds that are all taxed to contribute to and also taxed on earnings and if overseas, taxed based on the value with this wealth tax (FIF). I would like to stay in New Zealand, but there will come a point very soon when the tax burden is just so high and crippling that it makes no sense as we get nothing for our money and the Government just wastes it on unproductive projects that don't benefit the majority. You can't even deduct interest as an expense for a residential property rental in New Zealand and losses are ring fenced form other income. The Government really wants to screw up the markets and bring anyone down who is slightly successful.
Good it will sink them as the rest of the rich white people leave. It will be a cautionary tale to the rest of the world. Wealth taxes never work.
I'm Lungelo Shandu from Durban South Africa. I have been following you for years. Thank you that you have directed to us, even though you have for many years. I trade Forex and i will renounce my citizenship and get a better one so i can travel the world and don't see my money go to waste.
Well don't come to Canada Trudeau will tax your wealth to.
Eat the Rich!
Then feed those rich to the other rich weve made.
And feed those new rich to the new rich we are making.
In an never ending cycle until finally Kevin from ToysRUs wins the who gets to be rich lottery! Since in essence thats all he wanted, and also all he perceived being rich to be when he met that genie.
The people who want to tear down rich people for no other "sin" than being rich are just jealous. They dont have a moral claim on their opinion. Theyre just hateful, and it makes total sense for people with wealth to defend themselves from parasites.
But theres the other side of that, where parasites ARE capable of becoming rich, and when they do, they do terrible things. There are plenty of people who dont want to eat the rich, and just dont want to be fed upon ruthlessly by the powerful.
By taking this topic, and saying "This is Rich vs Poor" you are acting like one of those parasites, trying to reinforce the attitude that all poor want to eat the rich, and all rich are parasites.
*The real fight is the producers vs the parasites.* It does not benifit the parasite to talk about the real fight though. It benefits them to draw false lines in the sand.
Thats what this channel strikes me as.
If that's what the ANC wants – get white people out of their country – then let them. I am sure that countries like Switzerland will welcome South African millionaire immigrants with open arms.
If you're white leave SA
Any dumbo that is still paying taxes to their local crime syndicate is in serious need of help…
nobody is moving out of New Hampshire because of high taxes and that's pretty much all the way up in the Northeast!
It doesn't take much at all to be in the top 5% in South Africa. Only the wealthiest 30% are taxpayers (70% earn too little to pay any tax). At the moment the level where you become a taxpayer in South Africa is US$ 5180 PER YEAR.
It won't "impact" anything; you mean it will affect my personal finances. Why is this nonsensical jargon becoming popular these days?
crabs in a bucket man, crabs in a bucket
Making money is an action.Keeping money is behavior,but"Growing money is wisdom"…I figured this out a week ago
Biden is bribing South African leaders as we speak to follow the globalist agenda…global communism. Western leaders are making XI and Putin look like libertarian capitalists.
My country has announced it is going to introduce an unrealised capital gains tax in a couple of years. 'Luckily', with the way they ran the country the past decade, they have also managed to erode all my feelings of solidarity with and loyalty to my country. So I'm emotionally totally ready to leave and pay less (!) taxes someplace else 🤗 Plan set into motion.
Maybe instead of giving people that don't work money, they should try giving them jobs…..The whole give a man a fish, feed him for a day ain't working…….Unless your plan is to give them a dime and get their vote forever…..
Theoretically it's almost a necessity – from 2025 as automation makes increasing numbers of people effectively unemployable, you need a way to feed and house those people in a world that is getting more and more unaffordable.
Your alternative is to let them starve in the gutters.
How's that "caviar in Kiev"?
Be aware, you may be moving to a future war zone.
Winners win. Money is on the US to continue stomping on the world.
I'm done sitting tight for the award advance since i acquire$23,000 every 12 days of my investment.
If you look at history over the past 125yrs you will see that the CUNA countries are doing the their people what the old communist countries, Venezuela and Haiti are doing right now.
Learn history. SEE it happening NOW.
The gov't doesn't have a rainy day fund because you're the rainy day fund
All money empires went to garbage bin of history .unless moderate it and make it . end is war or unrest.
I studied wealthy in develpoing countries. Selfish pigs mostly. How did triclte down worked for us?
Iam a born capitalist butcit is evil and selfish unless you tax excess income. Go see 3rd world you understand
During Eisnehower tax rste was 90% on excess income and we were best country ever
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress in trading,you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
People forget that Nelson Mandela was a big-c Communist. Enjoy descending back into the pit, South Africa. I don’t feel sorry for you; you did it to yourself.
I'm originally from Chicago and in addition to their high taxes they recently just passed laws that people are referring to as the "purge laws". Basically assault, even murder you will no longer be arrested for. ITS MADNESS AND CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS.
Good God! Protestant Values? 🤣🤣🤣