Home Real Estate The Tobacco Warehouse, Liverpool by Drone

The Tobacco Warehouse, Liverpool by Drone

The Tobacco Warehouse, Liverpool by Drone

This site had been suggested to me several times by a family member and a few subscribers too.

The Tobacco Warehouse in Liverpool is currently undergoing major redevelopment after falling in to disrepair. Although the redevelopment is well underway I wanted to take a look at its progress.

I hope you enjoy the video.

#tobaccowarehouse #stanleydock #liverpool #liverpoolbuildings #liverpooldrone #drone #dji #djimini2 #djiosmo #misterdroneuk #montirex



  1. The rebirth of Liverpool docks,if that is the right expressiong,seems to be going ahead at quite a pace.What do people think about it?Good for normal people?Creating many jobs?Gentrification?All those sort of things.I suppose some are for,some against.Pros and cons.Nobodies right and nobodies wrong.

  2. Another very interesting video, thanks. As a young child I lived opposite Everton Water Tower, we played regularly on the open space underneath which sits the reservoir, now long decommissioned. That site is grade 2 listed and I often wonder what it looks like now from the air. Have they dug out the reservoir water tank? Are the hundreds of stolen burnt out cars still there? I think it would make a great video. The water tower itself has the storage tank on top, must be in bad nick now. Any chance of doing that video?

  3. If you want to get your subscribers dead high Mr Drone get on RUMBLE that way all the yank Scousers will love to see their old stomping grounds and what's become of their City.
    Another great vid MrD. xx

  4. Thank You for a great video of the Tobacco warehouse in Liverpool it is nice to see around Liverpool I have never seen it before and it nice to see around Liverpool because I am not from Liverpool even though I am a great Everton fan and I like a lot of your videos all the different areas please can I ask is that the Irish sea in the distance of the picture can't wait to see you some more videos Thank You so much

  5. In the mid 90's, I was a Bailiff and visited here for unpaid rent on Stanley Dock and the nightclub, Hard Dock Cafe

    27 years on, it feels like yesterday : I met a right 'character' (no names but was known locally) and his associate. I 'knew' I was in the wrong place at the wrong time but did my job. Never felt so intimidated and it opened my eyes to another world

  6. I've worked on that site. Amazing building that's being utterly destroyed by an Irish gangster clan of criminals. Brown envelopes everywhere there. This beautiful building ought to be a fantastic community centre and workshops for the people of Liverpool. I'm a Londoner living here few years. The spectacular heritage of this city is being destroyed by corporate governance and greed. Your main resource, the Mersey, and its port, have also been stolen from you. Take back your lands and your heritage people of Britain. We used to have balls and principles

  7. These buildings are also in alot of films and series most recently captain America and peaky blinders .. fantastic how your showcasing our amazing city.. keep up the good work mate 👍

  8. Thanks for the video. We live in Adelaide, South Australia, originally from Yeovil in Somerset and a Red since 1965. We try to visit the UK every two years ( Covid permitting ) and always take in a match at Anfield. Long time members of LFC and the Adelaide LFC Official Club. We always stay at the Titanic Hotel so we have often wondered what would happen to the wear house across from it. Great to see all the regeneration happening to the area. Best wishes from Australia 😊

  9. I know its not Liverpool. But old Glass works in st helens where the stadium Is would be interesting. There building a new development site for glass manufacturing technology and the old pilks works too in the town and the st helens glass museum by the canal where the hotel is. Also I find the warehouses in Liverpool and the history behind it all fascinating.

  10. Stayed at the Titanic hotel next door once when it was new, lets just say I didn´t believe in ghosts before I did but I do now. Went online to research it but couldn´t find anything but found loads about that warehouse next door being haunted. Creepy stuff.

  11. Cracking video, they all are! Have driven past and wondered what was going on, now we know
    Wouldn’t it be great if one of the residents invited you in for a look-see😉

  12. Don't forget, Stanley Dock itself is the end of the Leeds Liverpool Canal, you can see it in the background.
    Maybe something on that. 🙂

  13. Great video. What a fantastic building, have always been amazed at the shear size of it. Is the building right next to the Tobacco Warehouse also part of this project? This is a really iconic area, with the Titanic Hotel on the other side of Stanley Dock and the Lift Bridge; plus the Bramley Moore Dock just a few minutes walk. Further down Great Howard Street towards Liverpool city centre, I believe that the Bonded Tea Warehouse is also going to be converted into apartments. So if the builders don't go bust, this area could/should be a real hotspot in the next few years. It is great to see the northern docks area getting rejuvenated.

  14. Great to see it from the air. Proof that if you ask you will indeed be answered, would be good to see the progress being made from now until the end of the development, maybe they'll change the yellow eyesore, it certainly isn't in keeping with a heritage development in my view. Thanks


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