Fire in the Hole
This abandoned mansion has been sitting abandoned and mostly forgotten for the last 11 years. In 2011 a three-alarm fire broke out in the basement of the home and was likely caused by electrical failure. After leaving the basement, the fire managed to work its way up to the roof of the home and the fire fighters cut a hole into the roof to help vent some of the smoke. The damages were estimated at about $500,000 over 10 years ago and that number would surely be higher today. Since then the house had been mostly gutted right down to the studs leaving only the staircases, fireplaces and bathrooms intact. The house sold a few years later for close to $8,000,000 and has continued to sit abandoned and forgotten ever since!!
I have visited a few fire damaged homes over the years and most recently another mansion that had a similar blaze to this one in that it was an electrical fire that started in the basement, likely in the sauna room. Surprisingly this house did not smell like smoke at all and the roof had since been patched up to keep the elements out. Only time will tell what happens to this house but given the area and the price tag, it will likely be demolished to be replaced by an even larger McMansion in the future.
Let me know what you think of this mansion in the comments!!
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Good show☺
Eu não entendi deste lugar mas o amadeiramento parece uma obra de arte muito lindo 💕 amei ❤️
Sounds like you have a Canadian accent, is this house in Canada?
Opulence and a scheme used to get insurance money? That or in the fire there were actual deaths or a death, that left no one wanting to rebuild. Something just isn't quite right here, I can't see signs of anyone ever having lived here. Bubble wrapped bannisters are a sign to protect from builder's damage. Maybe the builder went bankrupt before the build or renovation was complete, n set the place ablaze? Great find nonetheless, once again!
Nice find! Interesting mystery too but I think you were right the 2nd time with the fire coming from the basement. Excellent camerawork and editing as always!
Judging from the wood and stone accents that remained, this would have been such a well decorated house. I’m surprised they gutted it so much just to leave it standing for a decade. I loved the garden/pool area. Very nice!
Hi James👋I love seeing these abandoned homes/buildings. But it is so sad when there is no one living in them and when everything is left behind. Love the fireplace. Such a cool place even though it had been through a fire. Thanks the the explore James. Love your videos and the content you bring to your channel. Much love and have a blessed day/night🥰🤗😊✌👍🙏
I just love those bathrooms, those showers and huge walk-in closet!😊😍 I hope someone comes back and just finish it instead of demolishing that house
Thank you for not clog dancing explosively all over the broken, crunchy glass like some explorers I know. My ears very much appreciate it! ❤ A sweet house, in any case. Thanks for the fine explore!
I can see the beauty even in mist of her demise. What a shame.
Hey James : Another great video ! Your camera skills are superlative . Hope you snagged that toilet paper on your way out .Had to buy some today and that stuff is way expensive . Always look forward to your submissions . All the best !
Wow😲James…it’s Amazing you find and bring these Fabulous homes to share with us.
Could the fire have been electrical…with all those extras in the basement…or not connected properly it might have been too much on the wiring.
James…you really need to get yourself a Buddy when you go to these abandoned places…it’s very dangerous…I probably would have screamed seeing that coyote.
TFS🙏🏽see you next time…I’m sure you will have another fabulous explore for us.
I bet that place smells like cigarette smoke, wet insulation, and broken dreams. Good find!
Seems as if this was meant to be some sort of Club-House, what with the Washrooms with every Bedroom, and the Big Bar in the Lower Part of the place.🤔
This house must've been amazing to see when it was first built. The architect and everything is incredible. It's very sad to see that it went through such a tragic disaster like a fire but I hope someday it can somehow be restored. This place must've been a hell of a party pad. The basement seems to always be the best part of all your videos. The mechanical room was amazing in my opinion. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing.😎👍
Them spider webs on the doors are creepy James 😳 Hopefully there wasn’t any spiders in the webs 🕷
Excellent video James 👍❤️😎
I bet this place was nice back in the day James 😎
Hi James 👋I’m loving that fireplace 🙂 This place look gutted or they are starting to build it James 😎 I love the video and thank for sharing too 😇
Hi James 👋 Sorry I’m late to your video I was out of town 😎 I’m watching now 🤩
The house seems like it was a fairly new place. It had infloor heat as well. Big money to build it.
I love the places you show us! And how you just show us on your own not scared to it! Takes guts!
Hi James
This house must have been a beauty prefire. It is really big. It’s kind of creepy walking
thru a gutted house. That basement was creepy especially that room with the stone in
it. I liked the 4 car garage. I could park my 2 cars in there and have plenty of room.
The fireplaces and the staircases had nice wood. James you should of got a pic of the
coyote running away when you scared him. I have a question for you James. Do you
post your videos on Monday, they always came up on Sunday? Love the outtakes,
they are usually funny. Thank you for sharing this Static Space.
Also that pool was grosser than gross. EW🤮
I love this house so much!! So elegant! I would fix it up in an instant. Usually fires creep me out but not this one! Thank you!! Love from Ft Worth
What a mess, but at one time must have been a beautiful home. Careful.
That's so strange that this huge place couldn't be turned in homes for people who don't have one , that was a good one for the toilet paper! Another great place
If I was the designing architect my heart would be crushed at the waste of this beautiful work!! Another great video; it’ll preserve what once was!!
Very cool you would have to be well off to have a home like that the redo crazy money thanks for the look inside 👣🌞
Its so sad this place got ravaged by fire. But it does have a good canvas to work with. But in this area I highly doubt its going to get saved. Coyotes are loud. I hear them pretty every night where I live. Crazy animals. Another great explore as always. Big hugs 😊😊😊.
P.S. that toilet paper could make for a good party stringers. Hehe
Hi James! Waow this is a stunner, or at least it definitely would have been before the fire damage and all the dismantling. Another burnt out steam room, yeah definitely if I win the lottery and build myself a mansion I am NOT having a steam room! I’ll just stay in the hot shower longer 😂 Was definitely getting Disney vibes from this place by the design inside and out and that bookcase with the ladder. Amazing place and terrible shame to see another lovely big house suffer this fate -but very interesting footage! Thanks James! 😀
It going be hard to figure out what starting the fire in the first place.
So pretty on the outside even with the overgrown foliage. The stone blends right in. 😃 Pretty, I like the stones.
Back to the explore now!
Que lugar mas bonito 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Maybe their fire insurance didn't cover near enough, or the payout amount wasn't settled yet, the rebuild was overwhelming, and the owner ran out of money. Anyway, interesting explore!
Gorgeous outside. Gorgeous inside at one time. Well landscaped. Still could be a beautiful home. Not sure about the cave in basement. Great video.
Would have been quite the showplace
I'll take that built in bookcase
Beautiful home, hopefully they are refurbished items. Thanks for the video. Great find.
It’s mind blowing that something like this would sit empty for years. Given the current housing shortage, it makes you think how many vacant properties there are out there, that could be fixed up & help alleviate the housing shortage.
Awesome video
Another winner! Thoroughly enjoyed the long photography intro. Well done as always!
Would make someone a lovely comfortable home with a bit of work, well ok , quite a lot of work. But it's got a lot of potential.
What a beautiful house love the big bathroom, and fireplace.. thanks for sharing