A former U.S. expat in Portugal himself, Stan Farmer, Certified Financial Planner™, J.D., is Walkner Condon Financial Advisors’ go-to source of knowledge when it comes to moving to Portugal as an American. And after covering the key things for U.S. expats to know about relocating to Portugal in a previous video (linked below), we felt one of those key items deserved its own video: Portugal’s Non-Habitual Residence (NHR) program.
Stan covers the basics of getting into the NHR program, its benefits for both non-Portuguese-sourced and Portuguese-sourced income, and more.
Disclaimer: Walkner Condon Financial Advisors is not a licensed tax preparer.
📰 Three Things to Know about Portugal’s NHR Program (article):
🇵🇹 Five Things to Know for Americans Moving to Portugal (video):
💻 Educational Materials for Expats:
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––––––––Video Content––––––––
0:00 – Introduction to the NHR Program
0:28 – Become a Tax Resident of Portugal
0:51 – Optin to the NHR Program in 1st Year
1:16 – Non-Portuguese-Sourced Income & Taxes
2:01 -Taxes Under NHR
3:02 – Plan for NHR Benefits
4:13 – Income Earned in Portugal
5:00 – Expats Living in Portugal
5:22 – Contact Us
5:42 – Disclosures
Hey thanks guys, I appreciate your channel! Here's a content idea for you or if you have a sec drop me a comment 🙂 "How best to structure your remote freelance business in Portugal for US digital nomads." Target: US Citizen "Digital Nomad" type wanting to live in PT w/ D7+ResPermit, work remotely for US based companies, and take advantage of NHR/DTA.
Living in the US, I use an s-corp as a pass through entity and liability protection (s-corp invoices company i work for as W9, then I pay myself a smaller W2 salary from the s-corp). If I were to continue using this structure in PT, would that trigger CFC rules, subjecting me to additional corporate tax? Or does NHR and DTA protect that? Maybe there's a different structure that's recommended? This is for a sub 200k scenario, as it appears a "simplified regime" is an option under that amount. Curious what you think, cheers guys.