In this midweek episode we are going back to work on our Portuguese farm in Central Portugal, We clear the land for fire safety, do a lot of small jobs and work on our living kitchen space. Gerardus explains how he is going to use multiple raspberry’s to control the water on the land!
00:00 Introduction
00:22 Living room
07:22 Drainage system
13:12 Cooldown
16:03 Living room part 2
18:46 Raspberrypi
23:45 Preparing the land
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➡ TOO HOT . . . ⬅
if I move to Portugal (which I want to) and need help with the electrical, I will probably contact you for professional advice 👍
It seems to be the norm in Portugal to till the soil to control the potential of wildfire and I was wondering if mowing it with a brush-hog or finish mower would be an acceptable way as it would preserve the vegetation and assist with keeping the moisture in the soil? Would mowing be acceptable or would it not achieve what you are desiring? Your use of Raspberry PI to control your pumps has spurred me to looking into experimenting with it as a hobby. Now just looking for a learning source and will get some parts to experiment with. Take care and be well…/B
Nice property you have.
I have lived in Florida my whole life. Hot weather is par for the course here. Maybe install an AC system.
It's really good to see your progress. Thanks for sharing.