We are in the middle of renovating our house in an abandoned Portuguese village. The heat wave is going on but we’re still getting things done. Maybe a bit slower as usual 😉
My name is Jasper and i bought a house in a Portuguese ghost town. Together with my dogs Zoey & Akira we show you the rebuild of our house and what it is like living the daily life in Central Portugal.
If you like to follow along on our journey, maybe take a subscription 😉
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No Contract – Name of the Child
Are you going keep any animals like goat's?
Adding Renato to your crew was a stroke of genius. I'm impressed with his work and creativity. Your estate is shaping up nicely.
Stay safe Jasper ive heard theres fires over there
The bloody camera is not a mirror, just get on with the project and get you face off the video we know how you look after all this time!
Isn't Hazel coming back? Hope she is!
I suppose 45 years in the building trade I was bound to pick up a lot of knowledge mr Farhadi how about u . Good work Jasper best regards Andy from Felixstowe.
You always have the best music on your channel! What site do you use for music? Struggling to find good royalty free music.
I am cooking over here in Grocinas my house is not suitable to live in so I am in a tent, it's much cooler at night. When I am done I may just sleep in a tent in the summertime. My bedrooms will be downstairs so maybe they will be cool we will see. Personally I think we need more shade from vegetation that is the route I am going down.
Nice clean up. The stones look pretty👍
Renato, Jasper and Duarte. Hi guys. Enjoyed watching your office take shape. Ray is a man of talents ,tieing in the vines will give privacy. You could have some decking in the corner with a sail for shade. Some plant/ veg borders. You tidied it up so neatly. Less being walked into you new space. The pool is a must for you all,this heat wave is staying for a while. Hope the rescue goes to plan Jasper. Stay safe guys, love all your videos and music.
It's hot for working, perfect for road trip with Aircon blasting 😎😎😎❄️❄️
To begin with I thought you were tanking the gable end wall to insulate it with that dense blue foam board .Then cladding over with wall boards or panels .
You started to look like a 14 year old lizard with bones sticking out of every corner of your body! Sort yourself out fella.
Hi Jasper if it’s any help I spent a lot of time in Yorkshire and watched some guys doing dry wall building and they always started wide at the bottom around 35cm and finished about 25cm at the top which gave it strength to stand up to the wind and some of the walls are hundreds of years old so I guess it works love the vids kind regards Andy from Felixstowe.
Interesting to see what you do with you new desk area
I see you have put lattice on your walls are you not having doors inbetween the rooms. Do you not think it would be more convienient to be able to go from room to room with out going outside?
GREAT job, guys!
nice. stucco. one part white CEMENT 2 parts of lime 2parts oF sand. 200 grams. of. fiber glass. water. and. latex admix. the milk. comb. it. with. a. steel. rake. best. formula. ever.
Good Day from USA. stone house your castle. !!!
All done Jasper.. Your loyal subscriber from Malaysia with Notification Bell ON👍👍👍👍👍
Love & respect your hardworking TEAM 🥰❤️❤️
Wow, Renato, the space in front of your digs looks a million times better!
Right on, Duarte fixing lunch for the road and reminding us to hit the alarm 🛎 😊👍🏼.
Bon Voyage…stay cool!!!
That Hazel is a hero! You have a good team.
Hi J! Love your Montreal shirt. Have you been to Canada?
Good Racado, nice tunes. Getting there love respect from the Highlands of Scotland
Se nota que a Renato le encanta la limpieza👍
Jasper you are an awesome man, seriously, if half the men in the world were like you the revolution would go swimmingly!
How very. nice the area looks by the small building. The wall will be fantastic when your finished.