Home Immigration Top 10 Countries to Invest in Africa

Top 10 Countries to Invest in Africa

Top 10 Countries to Invest in Africa

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African countries have tremendous economic potential, with rewarding opportunities for investors and partners. Are you looking for the best African countries to invest in to foster economic growth and earn returns on investments? Then this video is for you since Andrew talks about the top 10 countries to invest in Africa.

00:00 Start
1:25 What Are the Futures Of Africa?
2:23 Living in South Africa
2:45 Interesting Things about Living in Egypt
4:48 Living in Morocco
5:43 Living in Rwanda
6;48 Living in Nairobi
7:48 Living in Botswana
8:48 How is life in Nigeria?

Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.

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Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.



  1. Did you just call the genocide in Rwanda "a difficult period"? Cool, man. Way to be cool.

    Cuious – genuinely: what would you call Tigray, Ethiopia lately – "an up and coming area", "one to watch"?

  2. Northern Africa is a new growth zone for food(Chinese heavenly invested) and central Egypt has been a part of the country which has also made it through geographical resets.

  3. Andrew, great insights. I worked in Burundi last year for 4 months. It was my first experience living and working in Africa (I have traveled to many countries for safari, vacation, etc.). Burundi used to be part of Rwanda during the Belgian colonial period and split during independence in 1962. They are ethnically similar with the same languages. Burundi seems to be decades behind Rwanda. All the young smart people who could not get to Europe or North America were going to Rwanda. Most imports and higher end labor in Burundi came from Rwanda. Of course management level at hotels, businesses and restaurants all came from Kenya. Rwanda is a sweet spot cheaper than Kenya and well developed. I think the difference between Rwanda and Burundi is political, Rwanda is much safer and more stable. Burundi is still run by the military. The road to Kigali from Burundi is like this : in Burundi it’s beat up with pot holes, once you enter Rwanda it’s smooth like in the West. I could not visit Rwanda last year as all borders were closed due to Covid19, normally Kigali was only a 4 hour drive. Kenya is relatively most developed in Central Africa. South Africa, Nigeria, the security is terrible so hard to consider when you need an armed guard 24×7. Botswana yes security is good and travel business strong. Zim can be considered for the adventurous, great safaris at half the price of BOT.

  4. The inflation alone will destroy any gains made in most African countries. Secondly, most African countries have huge shortages of foreign reserves which makes it close to impossible to import goods and services and even exchange to more stable currency. Thirdly, there's been plenty of cases of banks in kenya and even in ivory coast losing customer accounts and money. Lastly, the bureaucracy in Africa is far more frustrating and ridiculous than anyone can imagine.


  6. Egypt is having a severe crisis with food and water right now as Ethiopia dammed up the nile and the russia ukrane war. Idk what ur talking about bro it seems like ur only trying to promote places where you can get citizenships which benefits you

  7. I went to Tunisia in April 2022 and loved it. I could live in Tunis like Andrew said for super cheap and have a great life. However, I wouldn't want to invest there. Easy to see why it didn't make the list. I'm surprised Morocco made the list

  8. Stay clear of South Africa. You'll be welcomed if you empty you're pockets into a local business and employ only locals. But hounded out of business once you are fully invested and are European /Caucasian . Reverse racism and indigenous quotas of 100% are the norm. Including getting rid of anything that even resembles European once you are setup……. You've been warned

  9. Egypt, Morocco are Arab-run so those are out. Rwanda is part of the East African block, so appealing. Kenya is still under England's thumb, so not good for black people to invest in. Botswana is good and has good food. Ivory Coast and many West African countries are under France's thumb, so no good. Nigeria has Western influence stealing petroleum, so not good. Rome ITALY is full of Nigerians leaving the corruption. Tanzania is on the Indian Ocean so spectacular however Western Big pharma must be kicked out. Ghana has a citizenship program for descendents of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Etc…

  10. Egypt, Morocco are Arab-run so those are out. Rwanda is part of tte East African block, so appealimg. Kenya is still under England's thumb, so not good for black people to invest in. Botswsna is good and has good food. Ivory Coast and many West African countries are under Grance's thumb, so no good. Nigeria has Western influence stealing petroleum, so not good. Rome ITALY is full of Nigerians leaving the corruption. Tanzania is on the Indian Ocean so spectacular however Western Big pharma must be kicked out. Ghana has a citizen-ship program for descendents of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Etc…

  11. Côte D'Ivoire is definitely business friendly with an economic growth reaching all time highs. Construction (roads, landmarks, buildings, restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc.), Real Estate (private or commercial), Waste management (plastic recycling, etc.), Medical equipment for hospitals and clinics, Car dealerships, FinTech and the list goes on…


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