Home Real Estate Top 10 Reasons Why We Chose Portugal – And the Island of Madeira

Top 10 Reasons Why We Chose Portugal – And the Island of Madeira

Top 10 Reasons Why We Chose Portugal – And the Island of Madeira

Why Portugal? Why Madeira? We answer these questions in this video.

More from The Man, The Myth and The Dude!
In this video we discuss our top 10 reasons for choosing Portugal over all the other wonderful places in the world. We hope you will ask questions about our journey and support us along the way.

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I’ll be Fun, Greer.
We are on an Island in the middle of the ocean off the coast of Morocco!
It doesn’t suck.



  1. Not sure how I came across your video. Maybe luck? One moment I was looking for a hotel in south India; the next thing I know is your video started playing. Nevertheless, I saw the whole thing. The video is very peaceful in nature and this is something I wish to do in my life too. For now, your videos will do. You've got a subscribe from me. Goodluck on your adventure. 🙂

  2. Interesting and will make a note to look more into Portugal for retirement. Looking to get out of the U.S. and no longer have to pay crushing property taxes and healthcare costs and not be surrounded by people I want nothing to do with.

  3. I understood you are bringing that small Volkswagen. Interesting. I lived in São Paulo, Brazil, for a number of years, in the late 70’s. I had a car exactly like that, including the colour. Sometimes it will not be easy to drive it in Madeira, because the island is very, very mountainous. I do not know how easy it will be to find spare parts.

  4. Since 2019, 20K people moved to Madeira Island, the main foreigner community is from UK. Portugal is 7th most fluent in English, so language isn't a barrier. Enjoy while you can, life is too short for not take the best we can.


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