Briahna Joy Gray, Kim Iversen, and Robby Soave discuss ‘golden passports.’
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America is falling apart of the seams and those in position of power and influence are more privy to the causes of that so they are the first ones to buy their way out!! Covid simply accelerated the whole process a bit
Yeah I spent 9 million on an Australian passport because I can’t afford healthcare 😂
i would think people are leaving for safety -cost -and then a better lifestyle as you get older –
They didn’t mention the riots or the hostility toward conservatives in general under trump. It seemed like the cultural revolution in China where wealthy people had their wealth confiscated
Are Kim and Brie dense? Europe doesn’t have energy! The lines from Russia will get cut pretty soon. America may be energy inefficient due to politics but we actually have it. What Brie ignores is that overturning Roe v Wade doesn’t make abortion illegal. It just leaves the decision up to the states. People in places like Mississippi or Texas that want more flexible abortion laws would more than likely move to another state with more flexible abortion laws than to Europe lol. Most of the rich people getting passports to Portugal are from California because you can’t replicate California anywhere else in the US. The closest would be Florida but you have to deal with humidity and hurricanes. But again all of Europe is going to get walloped by a major energy crisis. Cost of food is already skyrocketing over there and will get worse not better. Same as America but again, we can do things to lower energy costs in the US that the Europeans simply cannot do.
These are people running from there sins.
It's simple. The rich knows exactly what happens when a country goes totalitarian or introduces communism. It is history. They lose their wealth, property and can't travel. The west is trending in that direction. You will own nothing and be happy.
So the rich take their money, leave our economy, break the country, and then leave. Leaving us to pick up their mess. We should have eaten them
Well, we know who really loves America now, don't we? If you ask me, maybe these turncoat should leave. What we need are real, true patriots fighting against these left wing marxists.
As someone who had the privilege of growing up in different parts of the world – it has only made me more American. I appreciate my country, not just by comparison, but by a core belief in what this country offers. No, it doesn’t guarantee it. But other countries can’t even offer it. So, good luck to those that go. Probably won’t hear the stories of them quietly coming back.
Australia is not the answer
Lol!! I'm literally looking to move out of the country right now. I'm not wealthy but that's why I'm trying to get out of the US.
You all really missed the reason. People are fleeing America because of the polarization of society. I am surprised more are not moving. Who wants to live in constant bickering, frequent hostility, and all too often rage violence.
Kim says she sides with Brianna and then immediately makes a point for Robbie? Robbie's point is high taxes and that includes property taxes…
People leave because they don't believe their government has their best interest at heart…simple
America .
Love it or leve it .
Over all Europe will and is more demanding and you won't get the right to protest / free speech. Like Australia and Canada. And I believe it will come into play once you live there and you have the need to speak up again the gov.government.
But I understand things change and with the way democrats/ extrem D. ARE SO WOKE and how the country is right now . I get there point .
I bet all the pedophiles are fleeing before we string them up!
Another dumpster fire with BJG
Briahana is very out of step with taxes and regulations. She has no idea what she is talking about on this topic. Europe has more restricted abortion laws. She should just shut up and let others talk.
It's not just wealthy. I know a lot of people who went overseas for work, and decided to never come back. If you think of a country like a product, you can choose where to spend your tax dollars. The US is not that great of a product. Plenty of other countries provide more opportunity and safety for your kids.
Venezuela 2.0!!!!!!
you lost the attraction in just 2 years oh well sad I always wanted to visit or live in US
now not so much;
unless somewhere on the country side
never a city or anywhere near the border
Fleeing the problems their class created.
The elites trashed this country, expecting to go where exactly?
African Americans are moving in numbers to countries such as Ghana, Gambia, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya etc.
Bulgaria and Turkey have these sort of programs. Lockdowns were minimal there. Greece and Cypress offer them too. Not sure how strict it was there.
I wanna visit Kim in Portugal. I hope she makes it there someday 🙂
"You two might disagree slash beat me up on this." Oh come on, Robby. 😂
Who is the chick that likes Socialism?
Hit the road but you can't come back except via the cartel across the Southern Border.
Kim Iversen is a national treasure.
The far left and far right peasants are converging and sharpening their pitchforks.
Eating the rich may be in the cards.
I wish I could do that too. You should interview the Nomad Capitalist.
What about doing the Stay & Help Plan, A💲💲🕳️s⁉️⁉️❣️🇺🇲🇺🇲💔💔💔🌠🌠🌠🌠
$950,000 in Australia, invest in Australia.
Gray is delusional. Millionaires and Billionaires are not leaving to find social democratic utopias. The US is chaotic and broken. They dont wanna live a country where they make excuses for criminals and light cop cars on fire.
These stories need to be prefaced that these rich people buying “golden passports” are the significant MINORITY of those Americans actually living abroad. If you live for a couple years in most countries and have a basic proficiency in the language many can apply for dual citizenship without the huge cost associated with “golden passports”
Briahna, where is Kenya did your family stay? Nairobi or another town? I sure you probably are fluent in Swahili
Brianna is delusional if she doesn't think that by rich people leaving it won't effect the tax structure. Please tell me she's joking
They’re leaving because they this country will collapse into chaos soon.
People are tired of endless culture wars stoked by partisan media. Also, can we stop pretending like every American is pro-choice? Many women are pro-life. Radical leftists overemphasize the importance of abortion. Many people don't see it as a top issue.
they are fleeing the USA banana republic run by oligarchs, corporations, and right wing nutjobs
I love how these seem to really like and respect each other, even though they often have opposing views. Also, Emily and Rachel.
Maybe people just know America going downhill.
Robby's face when Kim talks… 🤣🤣🤣 What does it mean??? Admiration?
No one even mentions Canada. If abortion right and universal healthcare are the concerns Canada would be an excellent choice.
Been saying for over a year anyone who can afford it should flee the country . I would if I could.
Brianna, you have no idea why Americans move to other countries. it's because of the insane leftists in the US. I am happy to be in the UK now, not because it's perfect, but there is much less of the rabid leftist insanity that is spreading in the US.