We are in the middle of renovating our house in an abandoned Portuguese village. In the weekends you will get different videos then during week days. Today is a weekend day 🙂 and you see me putting up with Zoey trying to escape again.. They do get a big bone though 🙂 I am going on a shopping spree to buy some more materials AND TOOLS :). I also have a dog walk for you, a special one, from a dogs eyed view 🙂 Enjoy!
Tuned in on week days for more building related content. And why not hit the notification bell so you don’t miss it 😉 thanks for watching!
My name is Jasper and i bought a house in a Portuguese ghost town. Together with my dogs Zoey & Akira we show you the rebuild of our house and what it is like living the daily life in Central Portugal.
If you like to follow along on our journey, maybe take a subscription 😉
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#permaculture #diy #portugalvlog
That unkept forest around your house is a huge fire hazard. After the rain the sun always comes and in half a year you’ll be surrounded by a ticking bomb.
Not so much taking the girls for a walk but taking them for a swim! Take care,🐶🐶🍻
Yep contrary to popular belief it does rain in Portugal and when it does it’s tropical .Who knew ?
Brilliant 👍
Lijkt de Vinkeveense plassen wel 🤣🤣🤣
15:58 Looked like a job for he gazebo! Whatever happened to that?
08:43 Those IBC tanks need to stay in the dark. Looks like one is already going a bit bad. If you cover them with tarp or something they won't get the green.
A deluge! Poor Zoe did not enjoy that cold and wet walk as much as Akira did. Splish-splash. For a moment it looked asif water-dog Akira would get caught in the fast moving stream. You're certainly not letting it rain on your parade! Keep letting the Sun shine in. (5th Dimension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlrQ-bOzpkQ )
bad please put subs on as a lot cannot hear you every time please
Nederlander! you're my spririt animal
I see all that water goes away. It is a shame you did not have a chance to collect some and put in the water bins for later. Of course the only one excited with all the water is Akira. She loves to swim. Poor Zoey got home and did not want to go back out.
Akira loves water!
Heavy rains give you a good idea as to where the leaks are or where drainage needs to be improved. The absence of gutters in Portugal has been a question
Nice to see so much rain in central Portugal
Научите собак ловить рыбу,им развлечения ,а вам выгода !
Yes it's a lot of rain. But the lakes and ponds are filling up quickly the last few days. Good to see everything is recovering
venha ela que muita falta faz.
Enjoy the rain. Next summer we may be missing it again.
Hazel ☘️ …
First … yay !
Gee this time last year I was car camping in Portugal … sunshine every day !
Hope your canopy keeps you dry