Home Real Estate WEEKLY VLOG 9 – WE NEED MORE STUFF!? | Living in Central Portugal

WEEKLY VLOG 9 – WE NEED MORE STUFF!? | Living in Central Portugal

WEEKLY VLOG 9 – WE NEED MORE STUFF!? | Living in Central Portugal

We are in the middle of renovating our house in an abandoned Portuguese village. In the weekends you will get different videos then during week days. Today is a weekend day 🙂 and you see me putting up with Zoey trying to escape again.. They do get a big bone though 🙂 I am going on a shopping spree to buy some more materials AND TOOLS :). I also have a dog walk for you, a special one, from a dogs eyed view 🙂 Enjoy!

Tuned in on week days for more building related content. And why not hit the notification bell so you don’t miss it 😉 thanks for watching!

My name is Jasper and i bought a house in a Portuguese ghost town. Together with my dogs Zoey & Akira we show you the rebuild of our house and what it is like living the daily life in Central Portugal.
If you like to follow along on our journey, maybe take a subscription 😉

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#permaculture #diy #portugalvlog



  1. Ok… Zoey is a trickster.
    Many years ago we had the same problem with a dog very much like Zoey, only he was brown. Chocolate brown.
    After man many tries to keep him in our big back yard, we invested in an electric fence.
    We just ran one strand along the top of the fence posts. I think he only hit it twice before deciding not to jump over any more.
    We never replaced the battery, so it didn’t work after a few months but he was already aware of it and we didn’t have problems again.
    It’s not cruel, a quick zap is far better that being run over by a car, or attacked by wild boar.
    Cheers from Australia 🇦🇺

  2. OMG that was hilarious. When Zoey went to fence and just keep trying to find a good jumping spot. You speed the speed up and then stopped when she finally put her head down IN DEFEAT! I hope it works.

  3. Jasper, I am watching a doggo for a friend and he is so sneaky. He has gotten out twice and the only reason I was able to catch him because from day one, I put a long leash on him or there would have been no chance on this blue planet. Thank you!

  4. Why dont you find a wood yard it would be far cheaper, I was watching some other channel and they said the diy stores are so expensive. Just a thought and it is wood that is not really had time to season to so it will expand and contract and you may get problems later. Nice weather for shopping! Zoe needs an electric fence to keep her in too. Take care.


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