Home Real Estate WELCOME TO CASCAIS, PORTUGAL – Cascais center, Quinta da Marinha / 1. Part

WELCOME TO CASCAIS, PORTUGAL – Cascais center, Quinta da Marinha / 1. Part

WELCOME TO CASCAIS, PORTUGAL – Cascais center, Quinta da Marinha / 1. Part

Living in CASCAIS. Cascais is one of the safest places in Portugal that definitely offers the best quality of life. This video is showing you Cascais; little history, some interesting facts, what you can do, and one of the best parts to live in; Quinta da Marinha.

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New videos about luxury life and real estate in Portugal coming soon.

Interested in buying or selling your property? Please contact me at alexandra@onestop-properties.com

Real Estate Market in 2021/ Portugal:

Taxes and real estate in Portugal:

How to get paid when working in Portugal:

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Welcome to the channel!
As a real estate broker, founder of One-stop properties, and expat, I want to help you with tips and tricks to find and create your inspirational dream home and lifestyle in Portugal. I create informative videos, showing you the best places in Portugal and alongside showing you some of the luxury properties on the market.

Camera & editing: Wilson photo
Organization and management: KA
Thumbnail photo: @calinstan
#cascais #portugal



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