We’re out of here folks these are our last hours prior to leaving the United States for Portugal…indefinitely.
***PURCHASE Cashing Out: Win the Wealth Game by Walking Away***
All Super Thanks and Super Chat $$ goes to our scholarship fund to help someone else create their own utopia.
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BEYOND THE BLING, Money Mindset Makeover group coaching:
MASTER CLASS – Real Estate Investing for Financial Independence –
Book a Call with Halisi & Ric:
Links to resources:
Ready to Retire Toolkit:
Links for help to FIND AN APARTMENT in Portugal or getting your NIF & Bank account, see the links below
ABOUT HALISI AND RIC: If you’re like us, you were living your life – helping your kids through college and other endeavors, taking a vacation here and there, and strivin’. Then one day you wake up and realize 50 is staring you in the face and your savings and retirement account look piddly.
We changed the way we handled our finances and within three years our net worth went from -$22k to $800k+ and we were in a position to retire. We are currently scouting locations to retire abroad.
If you believe you might need some help in those areas, book a call with us. We will help you come up with a plan, to get your finances straight so that you can retire or maybe just…work less!
*Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you.
Rossini – Lisbon House Finder:
Get Your Portuguese NIF & Bank Account from the US:
Ship Your Luggage:
Our preferred Travel Rewards Cards: American Express and Chase Sapphire
Google FI cell service for travelers:
*Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you.
70% off the first 1 on 1 language lesson – starts at $4/hour:
TrustedHouse Sitters:
SendMyBags – ship extra luggage cheap:
Our preferred Travel Rewards Cards: American Express and Chase Sapphire
Google FI cell service for travelers:
Our Email System – MailerLite:
Live Streaming Software – Streamyard:
Transfer $ Internationally for cheap – Wise (formerly TransferWise):
We are not financial advisors, but financial educators. The content in our courses, on our website, and on our YouTube videos are for educational purposes only and merely cites our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary.
**All Super Thanks and Super Chat $$ goes to our scholarship fund to help someone else create their own utopia.
Congrats to you guys! What an awesome step! You’ve given me more inspiration in my own retirement move.
How's the food in Lisbon?
Congratulations 👏
I missed the live but caught up. VERY excited for the first Lisbon live Sunday. We want all the details.
Awwwe, So Excited for you Both !!!
I've been following you for about 6 months, and no matter what you've had going on, the smiles and joy at the Big picture, and Endgame have been constant.
Blessings and Congratulations to you as you finish this phase. Hope to meet you in person one day somewhere in the world 👑👑
Great tip about giving cherished things away now.
Great comment about being prepared should the customs agent be a bit touchy.
I am SO glad I took the time to watch this replay! I’ve been concerned about getting my bags to Mérida.
Look at you, Halisi!! Scheduling adulting to get it over and done with!
I am SO proud of you guys!
Lounge access = a shower!? Let me get on it!
I’ve been packing myself, but I’ve been missing y’all! I’m SO excited for you!!!
Good luck. Enjoy your new adventure.
HI, Welcome,
Will you allow me to correct you ?
39:20 Definitely NO, a Lisbon – de Gaulle (Paris) flight is about two and a half hours, one hour is to Madrid
Portugal is a lot lower cost of living is low but with the extreme recession and increases costs of food and energy will be increasing problems. I have been in 92 countries and moved full time out of California 22 years ago and I seldom return to the US, every 4-5 years. Being gone and seeing it only after 4-5 years of change, it is shocking how the society has declined, the cost of living has increased, and how much debt everyone is in.
The main reasons I am much happier outside the US is the lack of security, lack of culture, and the anger/division/hate. Americans are used to it and are told daily how they are the richest and freest people on earth but in quality of life most countries are better to start a business, raising a family and having economic and personal security. Use Portugal as a home base but explore other non-EU countries. The EU has peaked and has declined badly and now the sanctions are deindustrializing all of the EU. The cost of gas and electricity now is more than the home cost. As you get used to living more independently and with more personal freedom you will see that many, most, regions of the world are much lower cost to live and offers more personal freedom. Europe became rich over 400 years by colonizing much of the world and enslaving people and stealing their resources but now those victimized countries are coming into their own and controlling their own resources.
So Europe is not a good destination new, maybe the sanctions will be dropped but energy, commodities and food shortages.
I picked St Petersburg Russia for my base of operation, where access to culture and very low cost of living, low crime, and more personal freedom. I left by giving everything away, not selling anything because the time between deciding to leave and being divested was 3 weeks year and standing on the main street of beautiful St Petersburg Houses(all but one), cars, airplanes, art, everything given away so I had 2 suitcases and $6000 in my pocket, in 2000 and it has been great, stress-free, fun, free, low cost, excellent free medical care…my cost of living with a VERY active social and cultural life is about $1200-1500 a month, zero debt, 3 small businesses and one larger one that is inactive now during the pandemic then sanctions since it was incoming tourism. That one has 68 employees.
But there are many countries with equally low costs of living and superior quality of life to the US. I will never retire, at 73 now and opening another business now, but spend most of my time socializing, dancing, attending opera, ballet, theater, and world-class museums, surrounded by beauty and the most educated/cultured people anywhere. Other countries with low cost of living and easy life include Georgia, Kygikistan Vietnam Kyrgyzstan Armenia, Turkey, Cambodia, and a lot of places in South America but the US still has a lot of low-level wars going on there. If a couple has $1000 a month each in SS they can live a MUCH better happier, stress-free life in many wonderful countries. Europe, however, is expensive and entering very hard times with no substitutes for the missing energy and materials so incomes are going to drop a lot as the cost of living exploded. Scandinavia is the worst for the cost of living. The high tax rates limit savings options. A friend and his GF just came from Denmark where they were transiting through to Finland and then got a train to St Petersburg. They were in Copenhagen just a few hours and stopped and had a take-out lunch, 2 burgers, and soft drinks, and ice cream dessert, and were shocked by the $80 euro price. The same meal here but in a real restaurant for two would have been $5. Comparing prices of culture, there is a lot of it free here but I attended a top flight opera last Thursday in the second most famous opera house and highest ranked conductor in the world for $15 a seat and the last time I was in NYC, a lesser cast and theater, the MET was $800 a seat. I had the choice of 5 different operas that night, in one city, and not that many were staged in the entire USA that night. I also had a choice of 270 drama theater productions that night and took my date for a great Georgian dinner afterward for $20 including quality Georgian wine. My 330mb/s fiber optic internet is unmetered, $5/month and only is charged if I use it, so going on vacation to another country for a month and I return to no bills. My cell phone with 4gb of data is $5 and only if I use it. My cost of transportation averages $50 a month using the safe clean fast public transport of stunning subways, buses, trams, trolleys, etc moving all over a city of 7mil. Name a city in the US or Europe where a woman, alone, could walk through any neighborhood in a city that large and be perfectly safe…at 3am. Getting used to not being fearful or cautious takes Americans a while to get used to when they move here….and have no fear of police. It has been 4 years since the police killed anyone in a country of 146,000,000 people over 11 time zones and 182 cultures that make up the country, and they all get along. Only after living outside the US does someone really see how rare elsewhere is extreme division and racism that divides the US into 1000 factions that hate each other. There are a lot of programs that help lower stress such as a minimum of 58 paid vacation/holidays a year, 3 years of paid family leave, free medical including house calls, the free university, and much more. Much of the world has such benefits that are missing from the US.
Have a great time, and explore everywhere you can to find neighborhoods that fit your personality, before looking for property. The cost of living is exploding in Europe now so consider other regions that are not self-destructing.
I am also looking to move out of the country before 2024…scouting trip for 20 days this spring to Portugal……everyone should be getting their passport now just in case. I have been nagging my parents to get theirs…..everyone else in my family has one.
Since your name is "Black Utopia" why not move to prosperous Africa or Haiti?
Love watching you ❤ two! I keep pretending its me and my husband. Received a Jury summons for a Grand Jury trial that will last for 4 months! Not happy 😒. Ready to get out!!!!
Hi Halisi and Ric. So excited for you both on this new journey. I can’t wait to what’s next for you guys. Planning to make our move to Portugal in 2024!
congratulations on the move.
Congratulations 🎉👏
First time seeing your channel. Good luck in your travels!
I Love you guys❤. I plan on visiting with my two daughters in the summer.
Wishing you Good luck, hope everything goes well, from huntsville Alabama! Will be there on a scouting trip June 2023
Congratulations, Ric 🎉& Halisi!!! How wonderful for you, and excited for this next phase in your lives.
Oh my goodness!! I thoroughly enjoyed this live and the information!! I'm preparing for my retirement 31 December 2022 and will be reaching out to you but first going through all videos to glean information in order to ask the right questions 😀
Eric T fom Huntsville, AL, be there in Oct 2023 for a scouting trip
Stay in America. You stealing Portuguese families land from all over the world
Congratulations!! Excited for you two and looking forward to continue to follow your journey.
Please dont leave the us without it . I am an MD
I walked away and did not hear your answer Congrats
Q is it best to visit b4 the d7
My fam is one of the first bright to Cuba by the Portuguese as esclavos (slaves) I love and appreciate you guys Bueno Viaje
Hey guys you do know Portugals slave history right?
I just decided to book a flight for my birthday to Portugal
My mom grew up in Cape Verde I want to visit when I get there
can i get in a suitcase LMAO
Oh This is Milagros from Cuba
Hi Halisi and Ric Please let me know how to keepin touch
Good to see you. Thanks for going live. Which card gives you access to the lounge?
Safe travels and much Happiness!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Good luck with Portugal!
My funds are in order all I need to do is get d7. I have applied. I want to give you my address and ph how should I do this?
Sis and bro I am o my way