During our slow travel through Italy we have really fallen in love with the country and have decided to stay. In this video we share with you why we decided to buy a house in Italy, why we bought in Umbria and how this affects our plans for future travel. We also give you a first look at our new home.
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Congratulations!! We loved this video and so excited to come and see your beautiful new home for ourselves. Umbria looks amazing. Looking forward to your upcoming videos and learning more about your life in Italy. John and Bev
did you make a video about the visa/travel/process? I did not see by searching your thumbnails.
Congratulations, Debbie and Stign! We don't check up on our Instagram as much as we should and weren't aware. It looks like an absolutely beautiful home and area! We have seen about the kitchen customs in Italy on HGTV. We enjoyed hearing your wonderful news! Such a central location to so many places too. What is the climate there in the winter months? We'd like to do something different this upcoming winter and don't need beach weather but would prefer not bitter cold either. We have Wisconsin for that! Temperate would be just fine for us. Loved you video and are looking forward to the upcoming ones!
Gorgeous Italy. Congratulations .Umbria looks good. Being out of your comfort zone is the best.
This is brilliant. So exciting and well done for stepping out and doing it. My dad said Italy is a very beautiful place . Look forward to seeing what you do next ! ~ Anna
Congratulations on your new house and you staying in Italy!
I just found your channel. My husband and I are in the middle of a purchase in southern Italy. Can’t wait to see what you do with your home, it’s beautiful! Congratulations!
Is there anywhere else in Europe where people take their kitchen with them? I wonder how this became a thing. Seems like a PITA for both buyer and seller. But you did get that perfect arched window stove, so there's that!
I am excited for "olive content", lol. When should we plan to be there for freshly pressed oil? 😉
Congratulations, how exciting!!
I’m in the process of buying an apartment in Chianciano Terme
, 10/km on the west side of the Tuscany/Umbria border.
Welcome back. You were missed. I was aware you made the purchase, and I love the location. I myself like the area north of Lago Trasimeno. Are you going to apply for permanent residence?
I cannot wait to hear more details. I am visiting near Castiglion Fiorentino just above Cortona the end of September. Fully intending to retire in that area within 4 years.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! We follow you on IG not sure how I missed this! Looking forward to learning more of the buying process!!!! And seeing your new home and area!! How exciting!! Beautiful home, love love love the kitchen! Many blessings! ~Cara 🥰
Great video! Congratulations on the beautiful home. Excited for the content in the coming months 🙂
Such a great video! Congratulations, Debbie and Stijn, on your beautiful new house and gorgeous Chimay. It's been ages since we last heard from you, and it's wonderful to see your lovely smiling faces again 😃😁 ~ Mandy
Wonderful video you two. I love Stinjn's "dry" comment about "candles, flowerpots…..". Knowing Debbie's flair for decorating, I understand. But she is sooo good at all that. Beautiful home.
Congratulations! What a beautiful house you have bought! Love to see how you have fullfilled a dream. A great area of Italy.
Congratulations 🥳🍷🥂
Can I come out of the woodwork? 🙂
This is absolutely wonderful, screaming Congratulations🥂Beautiful home, enjoy to the fullest. Looking forward to seeing & hearing more about your new home & your cat♥️I’m not sure of the correct spelling for his name, I didn’t want to butcher it…😇
Wonderful!! Do you have all medical convenience not too far? Things like this have to think about.. but very pretty house…🌷💐❤️
Congratulations! I am planning to go Piedmont to experiment living there for 2 months and take some cooking class. I will appreciate any additional feedback and recommendations!
Felicidades 😀
Well I wondered where you guys had disappeared to!! Wow…what a change and how exciting. Your new home looks beautiful. Looking forward to following your adventures in Italy 🇮🇹❤️🇨🇦
Looks like you are truly6 enjoying Italy 🤩🤩 Super Big LIKE 👍👍15
Good to see you back and with even better news! I have been following you for a while now since we are on a similar quest and I just knew Italy was it for you. We decided to sell everything in our homeland Holland 3 years ago and travel Europe in the hope of eventually finding our bit of paradise. Then Covid hit and we got " stuck" in Spain. We always expected to end up in Italy since it has been our number uno travel destination for many, many years. However, during our time in Spain we travelled the length and width of it and kinda fell in love with Galicia. Italy can still be a holiday destination. Today of all days we expect a reply on the offer we made on a house there! The thing we learned in the 3 years (partially because of lockdown) traveling is that for us it is more comfortable traveling with the security of a homebase to fall back on. Living out of suitcases for 3 years is overrated! Congrats you guys and I look forward to seeing more of your house and grounds.
dear, yoo, pro upload!🥸
Congrats on the new house! The kitchen saga was wild. Looking forward to seeing more of the details on how the whole process of getting the house went down.
How absolutely wonderful to hear from you again. I will definitely follow you in the future as well and tonight my husband Robert and I will have a drink here in Treviso and wish you all the best in the future. We also love Italy and are on holiday here these days. Tomorrow we drive to Trieste and from there we start our journey back home to Denmark via San Daniele and Udine. All the best to you both.
Your back! Congratulations!! 🎉🎉
You just know when you see something you like. The house is nice. So happy for you both.