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Listed with: Jordan Fishwick | Victoria Horseman
Tel: 01625 532000 | 07384 795874
Email: victoriahorseman@jfexclusive.co.uk
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Episode Chapters:
00:00 Intro
01:07 Entrance
01:44 Kitchen
03:10 Living Room
03:57 Dining
04:17 Lounge
04:37 Bathroom
04:53 Bedroom 1
05:13 Bedroom 2
05:40 Principal Suite
07:19 Bedroom 4
Are there a pool, a sauna, a barbecue area, a gym for that price? 🤔
Beautiful building hate interiors but building is lovely
Certainly proves that money does not buy original thinking and individuality…
Alderley Edge is NOT Cheshire's finest village!!! You need to get out more or you might start believing your own blurb! Good enjoyable review as always.
Award winning……unbelievable. Come in straight to the kitchen and tiny open plan lounge. This concept of combining lounge and kitchen as acceptable living is a nonsense especially in small spaces.
Those bathrooms are not marble, those are tiles that imitate marble.
The home is quite lovely, it will not fit everyone's preference but that can always be adjusted with personal items. I do feel the home is overpriced. The kitchen appliances while miele, is on the lower end and some touches that I saw 6 years ago in a reno (which I know the prices). Nonetheless beautiful modern home but price needs adjustment.
That’s a beautiful compact property and very well presented 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 thank you 🙏🏼
Are the Furnishings included in the Price of the house?
Nice property and as you say, seems very bright considering the weather outside. I felt quite breathless throughout this tour was the car on double yellows or on a meter, it was fine but at a faster pace than your other tours. Didn't quite catch or understand, this is your 2nd to last tour EVER!? That would be a real shame as I enjoy your videos. Please clarify….
You couldn't pay me enough to live in the North .. not at any price .
Bathroom brighter than kitchen sigh
where r u matt? we want u back😆
not very homely house, has more of a spa / hotel vibe than a long term liveable space. The interior decor doesn't really flow, feels like everything has just been thrown in without thought. not keen.
At that price I'd expect the gutters not to be dripping 😂
You can keep this cold, sterile modern build. There is no comfort and cosiness to this house and it lacks grace and real warmth in it. The place looks more like the owners wanted to show off and didn't balance it out to keep any homely vibes to it. The bedrooms look more like a holiday place and the bathroom is cold looking and not somewhere to have a nice soak. This is a big thumbs down to me and there wasn't one element of it I liked.
You could try closing oven doors, cupboard doors, wardrobes, or any other opening unit with a bit more care and respect – always slamming things shut.
Not tryna be nosy but wheres Summer?
Please get good clothes not homeless
Amazing village
Astro turf 🤢
Hello there, can i just say this is a dream home. I spent weekends stroling over the Edge. As you guys have a conection with the Omaze uk How about sugesting This ALDERLEY EDGE HOME To the Team Omaze as a future option?
Too dark
Beautiful home and Merry Xmas from South Africa with love.
Such a lovely house and two very professional presenters.
No one:
Tom: HeFtY
Great video. A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. I'm so happy have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $9,000 investment every 21days.
I'LL TAKE IT——-NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is MINE HOUSE
Thank you for sharing the tour of this beautiful home 🏡,
Merry Christmas from , Mary Vancouver 🇨🇦
A freezer next to an oven, what the hell 🤔
It looks like a health centre from the outside, just like a commercial building. The finish is excellent and the kitchen, bathrooms etc are high quality but definitely not what I would have as my home of choice in any way.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful home… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.