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Where to Find Freedom in an Unfree World

Where to Find Freedom in an Unfree World

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How to found freedom in an unfree world?

How to found freedom in an unfree world? In this video, Andrew explains why the USA is no longer a free place and shares his experience where he found freedom.

00:00 Start
00:15 Tips on Setting Expectations
1:26 What Happened on July 4th
2:53 Living in the USA
3:43 Fox News
4:12 Living in Bangkok
4:30 Freedom In the USA
6:15 Taxes in Canada
7:02 Living in Europe
12:11 Life in UAE

Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.

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Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.



  1. Like your content! I went from Colombia 🇨🇴 to Thailand to Singapore to Bali now I’m leaving for the Philippines. 🇵🇭 HAD ENOUGH? Retire or quit & work remote! For $1000 A Fun Life -no politics, no hate, BIG adventure & EZ DATING, excitement Awaits You! 🔵⚫️🔵 @TheAmericanVagabond

  2. What do you think about Georgia?….now🤔 Yes, it’s a beautiful country and pretty affordable, at least for now, but being placed between two very aggressive countries….it’s a red flag?🤔🤔🤔😬

  3. Sadly watching Australia change so much. It started it's decline decades ago with the Trojan horse of Multiculturalism & high influx of refugees, which in turn has a bred much corruption & big changes to our way of life . We're taxed left, right & centre, minorities have the loudest voice & biggest slice of the pie . Socialism is winning & people who've worked hard to get ahead or build a nest egg are demonised & must be forced to relinquish & give it to those who have less . They don't even want people to inherit any wealth from one generation to the next … Yet politicians pay themselves obscene salaries in comparison to the average person …The average Australian is too scared to speak their minds for fear of being accused of being bigots, racist, intolerant, greedy, redcnecks or worse… It's not the Australia we all knew & loved …

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  5. Great Commentary. The fact that I had to pause–and think—before agreeing with your message, validates your concerns. I have been to 61 countries mostly work related—and I will choose a best fit for me—where I do not have to feel uneasy most of the time. Good reference to the "police state" as a downgrade.

  6. I love the United States. Unfortunately, I'm seeing more and more that the Constitutional Republic of unified States has drifted precipitously from what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Firmly believe that Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, etc would be utterly appalled at what the communists have wrought here.

  7. i've heard horrible stories about building construction quality in georgia. it is of low quality, especially stand alone buildings (apt is usually better). in the winter, you get air infiltration/drafts so it gets cold even with the heater on. forget about building your own home. the work ethic of construction workers is dismal – late, no show, forever postponing, sleep over in your property, etc. they abandon working on yours when a new job with higher pay comes along. there's no law protecting you from poor workmanship, no accountability. you are stuck living in subpar building conditions.

  8. Thanks Andrew! I lived in Singapore for 2.5 years & it was a very scary Police state! I lived in fear of this crazy regime, it’s basically China 🇨🇳. The People locals have zero idea because they are brainwashed by all the media (totally censored), Just some of the Youngsters University students who have seen outside into other countries can Compare.
    My advice to people is stay away from Singapore

  9. We have lived a few places in Asia and definitely felt safer, but not necessarily freer. In some ways, yes, freer, but in other ways not. I definitely think the US and other "democracies" aren't really democracies anymore and more like autocracies and headed toward fascism / communism, unfortunately. Ironically, having lived in a communist country, it felt "freer" there in some ways than in the US. Strange times.

  10. Well Ronald Reagan once said, who was quoting Karl Marx but not in the way Marx intended , “people vote with their feet”. Marx’s intention was that’s why you build walls to keep people in, so they can’t leave.

  11. Police in USA are killing Americans at a level a war would be killing Americans, When the police become your enemy, well, moving to China or other big Countries, USA going in wrong the direction, its done, Trump is White America

  12. As a Swiss I escaped 2y ago to South Africa. I bought a nice farm which I have never seen in person, just over the internet. Best decision ever! Since here at the beginning of Africa no woke and vaxxed sheeps are arriving, this country is my top destination of freedom… top for entrepreneurs…… average wokies are simply afraid of the violence down here….. PERFECT!

  13. MONEY is freedom, pure and simple, you will never know real freedom without being successful, and that is the case whether you're in the US or the Phillippines etc. Money give you options to live wherever you choose, and in the US particularly, that gives you an unequaled amount of freedom since the wealthier more established cities and neighborhoods have the best funded police departments and schools, plus whatever convenience one can ever want. Is that fair, no of course not, but whoever said life was fair lied to you anyway. Money also gets you the best CPA, which in return gets you an amazing tax rate…in America that is…:):):) and no, contrary to what this CP is telling you, the US government isn't going to take your second home away from you; I've been/am in the world of real estate, and owning second/vacation homes have never been an issue. And on that subject I should add, that I'd never ever invest in real estate in third-world countries; it's a lose lose. Invest in your own western country where you have laws, rules, regulations and transparancy, then venture out, but by all means, venture out, short- or longterm, it's absolutely awesome. Cheers

  14. Why would someone recommend Malaysia, where they have laws on the book discriminating against some citizens because they are not the "favored" ethnic group? Your spending and taxation support that.

  15. My issue is that it's not the same country I remember growing up in. America used to be number 1 in just about everything. I can remember when it used to loan money to the world. It used to have a mostly homogeneous, cohesive Western population. This decline has been going on for 50 years. It's become to the point it is alien to me. It's only going to get worse and I'm looking to retire overseas. Given the fact I won't be working, the retirement visa option is probably the best way to move overseas.

  16. USG caters to the incoming replacement populace. The sites are now on nationalists and founding stock types. Unwise to ignore the reality. DOJ openly targeting ppl who agree with the Constitution & think freely re that 19 thingy

  17. I'm afraid to move to Ecuador because I don't think the USD is a reliable currency.
    A third of the population of the USA believes that the current government stole the election, and half of the country is horrified that religious fundamentalists are doing absurd things like trying to make contraception illegal. Tensions are rising very quickly and there's even already been a coup attempt.
    I just don't see how this doesn't turn into a civil war in the next ten years.

  18. We are all prisoners of circumstance. We should have the right to improve on those circumstances as best we can and try not to harm others in the process. Help others when possible.


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