Home Immigration Which country will be next Sri Lanka? | Bangladesh asks for IMF loans | #Economics #casestudy

Which country will be next Sri Lanka? | Bangladesh asks for IMF loans | #Economics #casestudy

Which country will be next Sri Lanka? | Bangladesh asks for IMF loans | #Economics #casestudy

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An average Bangladeshi is richer than an average Indian.

This is not me saying random lines but stating a fact drawn from statistics.

Despite this and all the positives happening with Bangladesh’s economy, the country is seeking a loan from IMF.

Does that mean something is fishy?

Watch this video to understand why the picture might not be as it seems 🙂
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Logos: Wikipedia Commons

Video Editor: Vallabh Salgaonkar
Thumbnail: Ayushman Khare



  1. Very appreciable account of all the key , micro, macro points reflecting the economies discussed.
    Your efforts is laudable
    . I like your presentation.
    It's quite impressive.
    Keep up the good work !!

  2. "Neither a lender nor borrower be" this is the quote from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet". Truly applies to the situation. Both Sri Lanka & China as well are in neck deep financial problems. Next in line very closely are Pakistan & Bangladesh.

  3. As a Bangladeshi I should admit frankly Bengladesh is Just on the verge of become bankrupt, and should not boast of claiming above Pakistan or Srilanka for long.This will never happen to India for another factor — it's GOLD RESERVES. But India has added to BANGLADESH weak economy due to dominance of India's export- import policy, unfair Transit policy thru Indian territory from Nepal or Bhutan to Bangladesh ,and Indian cunningly bad policy of establishing energy developing industries in Bangladesh.

  4. This is 1st time i saw that Akshat sir has given such a true & examined information about Indian subcontinent economic crisis. Thanks mr Akshat. Hats off. This such the best case study i have ever read.

  5. People are very hardworking in our country. But the government officials of our country are very luxurious. They smuggle crores of money abroad. For example, they have smuggled 65 billion US dollars in the Swiss bank, besides, I have left out the bank accounts of other countries like Singapore

  6. You would like to see Bangladesh to go like sri lanka, don’t you? Scared of China? You cannot be jealous of China coz they are wayyyyyy far ahead of India. Don’t worry about Bangladesh, they’ll be fine, they’re humble and hard working people.

  7. Economic situation of Bangladesh it happened due to the corruption and lack of democracy.
    There is no room for freedom of speech. Thousands of people disappeared by law enforcement. Amnesty International and other human rights organisation Condemned for extra judicial killing. Several RAB officer sanction by United State Justice Department. Last 12 to 13 years over thousands of people killed by law enforcement, those people talking about against government they are disappeared or killed.

  8. Problem for Bangladesh is unelected govt uncontrolled borrowing and corruption in many projects and government not promoting many other potential sectors for exporting
    Luckily our remittance and garment export currently keeping us floating

  9. I live in USA where situation even in worse condition considering 30 trillion dollar in debt, high gas, food prices and house rent. Chip shortage and layoff at corporate level make it a living hell for middle class coupled with two consecutive negative gdp in quarter. While Pakistan still fighting to survive with 4-5 weeks of reserve, putting Bangladesh in the same page is totally out of context. You are talking about exporting metals and oils strengthening India's economy with knowing that Bangladesh don't have any of those natural resources. Rather a country without any significant natural resources except natural gas combined with natural calamity tackled this situation pretty strongly. Only problem we have right now and facing other countries as well is the strengthening of US dollar index resulting weakness in purchasing power. A year ago when we purchase dollar with 80 Taka now we are buying with 100. If you do the math we are in a position of 25% less purchasing power. With that being said, economy in Bangladesh is holding pretty strongly. This propaganda of Bangladesh could be the next SriLanka spread by India in relation to our governments inclination towards China. No wonder, India as a member of Quad, spreading such a propaganda in order to discourage our government to adopt such a policy. On contrary India chose to purchase oil from Russia on verge of the red signal from West. On a side note, unlike SriLanka most of our foreign aid comes from JAICA (Japan) and EU while World Bank and ADB forcing us to lend because we have a strong reputation to pay the loan back on time (Not from China). And talking about politics we are definitely in a much better shape. And foreign investments, take a look at our export processing zone and which countries are involved in it.

  10. As per IMF , India overtook Bangladesh in GDP per capita in 2021.

    In 2021
    India GDP per capita : $2282
    Bangladesh GDP per capita : $ 2140

    In 2022
    India GDP per capita : $2543
    Bangladesh GDP per capita : $ 2362


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