Home Immigration Which is the best manpower in Nepal for European Country? Baideshik Rojgar Live On Prawash TV

Which is the best manpower in Nepal for European Country? Baideshik Rojgar Live On Prawash TV

Which is the best manpower in Nepal for European Country? Baideshik Rojgar Live On Prawash TV

बैदेशिक रोजगार सम्बन्धी A to Z जानकारी दिन एक मात्र च्यानल
Which is the best manpower in Nepal for European Country? Baideshik Rojgar Live On Prawash TV
Prawash TV Youtube Channel especially targeting the Expat Nepali Population living across the globe. We are discussing the various issues and challenges faced by the Overseas Nepali Community bringing them to the attention of the concerned stakeholders and bringing out the hidden talents of our brothers and sisters and bringing them into the limelight.
The main content of this channel:
1. Foreign employment from Nepal
2. Visa Processing and immigration system from Nepal to gulf countries and Europe
3. Nepal airport, customs, tax, and immigration news
6. Foreign Job oppertunities for Nepali Demand Update
8) Nepal bata Europe kasari jane ?
9) Baideshik Rojga Breaking
10) Basic information of countries and Cost of living Salary details and others cool facts in Nepali Language .
11) Manpower in Nepal
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