Home Real Estate Why China Is in Africa – If You Don’t Know, Now You Know | The Daily Show

Why China Is in Africa – If You Don’t Know, Now You Know | The Daily Show

Why China Is in Africa – If You Don’t Know, Now You Know | The Daily Show

China is having an increasingly problematic influence in Africa’s politics, labor practices, and infrastructure. If you don’t know, now you know. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #China #Africa

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  1. Trevor we had airports before the '90's – Baragwanath hospital is built on the old airport- near Soweto – My dad flew to Holland from there in the early 50's in a Comet Aircraft.

  2. this is like someone borrow money with the credit card and when they can’t repay then they blame the bank give them too much browsing power, quite ridiculous indeed.

  3. I recall working in Djibouti City, Djibouti circa 2005; I learned from a local that the Chinese were building their roads where paved and providing cellular infrastructure. I am sure they also built the very sophisticated port there.

  4. Trevor Noah, with his alliance with European interest and financing of his comedy/communications/news thing is blind on one particular aspect of the China, growing influence and economic integration with the breadbasket of planet earth. We called the continent of Africa in fact, he’s totally blind to it. He can’t see it.

    He cannot see that European powers still have a near absolute control over the economics of the continent of Africa.

    No, there aren’t any visible white people who took the assignment to administer the countries of Africa. They replace those white people with European trained African leaders, or unbeknownst to the African people, black Europeans masquerading as African natives.

    He cannot see that almost every country is enslaved by the IMF and world bank, and those that weren’t not, like Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Chad, somehow find their way on the NATO terrorist list.

    If Trevor was aware enough and allowed to on his sponsored communication channel to paint this broader contacts so we can understand the Geo political game that China is trying to make happen, it will do more than try to paint China as a bad actor, and create a scenario where African leaders can be more empowered to make the best deal between West , Arabic countries and the east and Russia.

  5. And why not point out what the western countries are doing to exploit Africa? Destabilising the continent for centuries to take its natural resources. At least China is building infrastructure in these countries something that will benefit future generations

  6. The hypocrisy: outrage at Chinese for setting up factories in Africa and paying the workers according to each counties average wage, but when the US opens factories in China where the workers are paid in line with the averages of that country its all fine!

  7. 💰 Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..

  8. Guys the issue here is china's intention behind the help….. it may lead the whole world to pay for it…. just see what happened in srilanka they are paying price for Chinese investment politics…. please wake up. Long ago in india there used to be a system where in the person, his family and even his progeny should become slaves to the landlord in case he fails to pay the debt. Please don't do the same mistake. Learn from past mistakes. Chew how much you can… public should demand their leaders for development projects from the income of their own country. That is more sustainable than large unreasonable loans

  9. China is doing the same thing throughout the world, especially the smaller countries.they are all over the Caribbean especially Trinidad and Tobago where there is the deepest Submarine Base and had the largest airport in WW2. They are in the Middle East, Spain and other European countries, many African countries and South American countries. They have the largest Human Army in the world. They have the same Military Might as other countries, but in the advent of a War, china has both the Human and AI reconnaissance to dominate. Plus, China, Russia and the Arab Nations are allies. The Real Chess Game.

  10. O sons of this land! Do not try to imitate Europeans! How can you reasonably

    trust in and follow the vice and invalid, worthless thought of Europe after the boundless tyranny and enmity it has shown you? No! No! You who imitate them in dissoluteness, are not following them but unconsciously joining their ranks and putting to death both yourselves and your brothers. Know that the more you follow them in immorality the more you lie in claiming to be patriots! Because to follow them in this way is to hold your nation in contempt, to hold the nation up to ridicule!

    (Risale_i nur collection / THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH)

  11. If Africans do not like Chinese then let them build themselves! China made itself a superpower without any foreign help. China was poor and devastated by Civil War. If this guy Trevor wants to help then let him go to Africa and build and design and research etc. Etc. You cannot do it? Only. Chinese can? Then say thank you China and shut up!

  12. They do the farming in Calif like that bring things but did they tear up African roots and trees where animals live
    Bumble bee 😂Joshua’shomes bumping fruit trees up pay 1000 for a hundred or thousand year old trees with ants will have mounds of ants in America over this distribution

  13. Perhaps Africa should form an African Union and recruit the retired Chinese politicians or ministers to advise on taking Africans out of poverty, planning of investments on infrastructure, education, industrialisation so that Africa can be a superpower in a couple of decades.

  14. As someone who was born and raised in Africa, don't know how you would say something like that.

    What China has done in Africa is far better than the United States and those so-called helping African countries. You should listen to what the African people say about the United States! Then you come back to blame China.
    shame on you!

  15. This is Africans fault. Can't blame China for taking over Africa when African leaders are giving it away instead of building up by any means necessary. I saw a documentary where a Chinese man was asking an African man about why they never attempted to build anything with what they already have and explained how they could have and should have.

    Africa did this to themselves. I'm so ashamed of the continent my ancestors came from.


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