This week’s DW Business Special takes a closer look at China’s attempts to save its floundering real estate market, and asks what happened to the explosive growth the world’s second-largest economy had gotten used to enjoying. George Magnus from Oxford University’s China Centre explains why he’s not hopeful about Beijing’s plan to turn things around.
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#China #Economy #RealEstate
an academic paper just came out that claims that Chinese GDP numbers have been artificially inflated by as much as 60% over the reality….
Stop. Taking. CCP. Data. As. Source. Of. Truth !!
China's high pace growth slowing down while the West is going to pot.
People are still trying to outdo Gordon Chang.
Keep brainwashing Westerners, good job
China grew at 3.9% in Q3 2022. While the G7 countries all fell into recession about a year ago.
Go ahead Deutsche Wochenshau, just perpetuate your lies……
leave it to uk to tell whats up!! too funny
here we go AGAIN.
China's demographic issue of a aging population is why some believe that Covid-19 was originally designed to eliminate elderly ethnic Han Chinese with medical issues. Which is why it was originally allowed to spread by the CCCP government. Only.when it became obvious that mass deaths of younger Chinese were happening that the lockdowns started.
Supposedly some 20 million died in Wuhan in just a month and the disease wiped out whole military bases. That's the real reason behind the lock downs.
What is Germany gonna do about the De-industrialization of Germany???
Hahahaahahahahaahahahau cracks in the West, and nowhere else 🤡
So…When did we get German's plan economy report from DW Business Special ?…It has collapsed already right??😁
Cute german journalist
Great show. Leaves the big networks behind.
George Magnus like most Western critics envious of China's growth and prosperity conveniently forget that China is a 5000> year old civilisation that has experienced many socio-economic ups and downs. In his 2022 Congress speech, Xi Jinping stated that: “We are communists and revolutionaries, therefore we must not lose our revolutionary spirit.” Xi Jinping and the CPC understand better than most if not all other governments what is required to properly look after the well being of their own people and economy first and foremost.
Amazing clarity on the topic. And lucid presentation. Thank you DW business special
They forgot to cut the blooper out.
"What's like life of people in China right now?" Asking a westerner that's an 'expert' of China🙄
Hard work, but do not predict China next time. I found so many rigid words, mean he knows China but do not understand China. Just read books, reports etc.
Many elites of western worlds, especially economist, generated perfect analysis of China, so you will find China, breakdown, collapse every 3-6 monthes.
If fact, after so many times of these report, I realized they do not know how China run and how Chinese gov operated.
I really don't understand how the United States can benefit people by brainwashing the people of its own country and covering up some things. China has developed a special operations exoskeleton mecha, but the United States is still deliberately deceiving its own people.
Oh yeah…DW the China expert channel…100% reliable story and guests
That was interesting, not the topic, the way the interview went without editing. Good work
Can we get someone less academic next time. Theories are nothing without experience in executing policies… that’s why paid and old media is relatively outdated
China will breakdown because it's China 😛.Scrap 🇨🇳
It is the European and US economy that need saving, who are you kidding here?
Declining ‘economic’ growth in China and production of material goods will be good for the environment. The carbon footprint for this economy and the massive exportation of goods to the rest of the world (using fossil fuels) and destruction of the environment and biodiversity is horrendous and the earlier it is curtailed the better
China got in 2021 the highest GDP increase since 2011.
As an economy matures, due to the sheer size, a slow down in growth rate is inevitable.
This doesn't necessarily mean it's going to fail.
surely Xi has a plan B
In Western parlance, China has collapsed hundreds of times
I do not agree with George Magnus that the CCP is rigid and controlling. That is a very old-fashioned western perception. Oh My Gosh His view is so mismatched with reality, and he is a professor at Oxford ?!?!?! The CCP might set mid-term and long-term goals for the country, but every level of the govt is very responsive to changes. They hire polling companies, including western consultants, as much as any western govt. They have a finger on the pulses all the time, and they make changes more often and faster than any democracy I can think of.
yes cooling down from previous high to now 3.2% projected with locked down. but We will take that 3.2% any day of the week.
I appreciate DW. I'm American and this is where I get my news from. I see Germany and America become closer. It was the UK. God bless friendships. 😊
Past predictions of China's demise
1990. The Economist. China's economy has come to a halt.
1996. The Economist. China's economy will face a hard landing
1998. The Economist: China's economy entering a dangerous period of sluggish growth.
1999. Bank of Canada: Likelihood of a hard landing for the Chinese economy.
2000. Chicago Tribune: China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin.
2001. Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas: A hard landing in China.
2002. Westchester University: China Anxiously Seeks a Soft Economic Landing
2003. New York Times: Banking crisis imperils China
2004. The Economist: The great fall of China?
2005. Nouriel Roubini: The Risk of a Hard Landing in China
2006. International Economy: Can China Achieve a Soft Landing?
2007. TIME: Is China's Economy Overheating? Can China avoid a hard landing?
2008. Forbes: Hard Landing In China?
2009. Fortune: China's hard landing. China must find a way to recover.
2010: Nouriel Roubini: Hard landing coming in China.
2011: Business Insider: A Chinese Hard Landing May Be Closer Than You Think
2012: American Interest: Dismal Economic News from China: A Hard Landing
2013: Zero Hedge: A Hard Landing In China
2014. CNBC: A hard landing in China.
2015. Forbes: Congratulations, You Got Yourself A Chinese Hard Landing.
2016. The Economist: Hard landing looms for China
2017. National Interest: Is China's Economy Going To Crash?
2018. The Guardian A Chinese recession is inevitable
2019. BBC China's economic slowdown: How bad is it? – BBC News
2020. France24 China's economy suffers historic slump due to Covid-19
2021. Wall Street Journal The Slow Meltdown of the Chinese Economy – WSJ
2022. MSN MarketWatch China’s economy is rotting from the head
Oh dear, China is in ''trouble'' …… Europe is in ''deep deep trouble'' !!!! you should get concerned about your problems Mr.West
The caption tho 🤮😂
Because China is ruled by a oppressive Totalitarian Communist Regime that destroys the human spirit, innovation, and the creative ideas that would advance a large economy..
The most mind blowing idea, would be if China became a full fledge “Free Market Capitalistic Society”.. They would rule the World.. Economically..
Bro, they don’t care to “save the economy” they’re just numbers on a screen for the Chinese people- they’re irrelevant. The people who need to work for their society to work will be made work by the government. If need be they’ll have hundreds of millions workers ready to continue whenever need be.
I understand the global implications of supply chains and everything that China exports but what I’m arguing is- even with the collapse of their economy in our capitalist eyes- nothing changes for them the way it would for us if we were to swap shoes.
What is the difference of DW and BBC?
The thinking stuck in the last century, or full of cold war thinking, will not work in the current century
Then Don't crawling beg China save your broken neck again. Australia! As the US did via US made Financial Tsunami in 2008 world-wide. Upon China saved US's rear end, that the debased US kicking China all way around to repay the debts. You just can't help a "Pirate".
Can DW interview experts who really know about the financials n economic of China instead of a western without balance of an alternative view?
People have been making China clapse theories for years, no body wins yet.
I applaud to the anchor for showing she's a human being and not a robot reading from a machine behind the camera. Grade A+ and the guest was able to speak without any interference. Beautiful
China made the mistake of giving investors the time to look somewhere else. Considering how it reacted who would want to go through that again? Just like investors are losing money so are the customers of those investors also looking somewhere else.
USA economy model is not suitable for China, this current property crash have teach them a lesson. China will come out with the own economy model in the future, USA economy model have too many crashes all this time.
Of course, infinite growth in a finite planet is a logical impossibility…