Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich has been sanctioned by the UK government as part of its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The 55-year-old Russian oligarch is alleged to have strong ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, which he has denied.
His attempt to sell Chelsea has been halted by the UK government following the sanctions.
Chelsea FC cannot sell any more tickets for games, its merchandise shop will be closed, and it will be unable to buy or sell players on the transfer market.
The UK government said Mr Abramovich, who has an estimated net worth of £9.4bn, is “one of the few oligarchs from the 1990s to maintain prominence under Putin”.
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#Russia #Ukraine #UK #BBCNews
Go Fukk your thoughts
the club should be seized by the government and sold.!!!! former KGB thugs who used stolen and embezzled money from the Russian people should not be allowed to benefit.
Money talks and the British government officials are sticking their heads up their arses.
I never trusted that slippery mug from the moment he landed, you would never get that much clout and bees n honey in Russia without being dodgy, Yeltsin Putin Medvedev, well now who's mugging who mr abramovic
This is not good
Simply because he's Russian~ and he's rich
Roman Abramovich,, you should have balls, not just money
Man City owners?
Fake news
I don’t think people understand what roman leaving Chelsea means even if roman was owner for the next 20 years it would have been hard to keep up the level of trophies we have won
I assume the money won't get returned to russia in the future, just yoinked, so brave, let's recolonize lybia agane, oh wait, it's still a shithole after the deposition of gaddafi
Russia invaded Ukraine and UK invaded Chelsea
End of Europe Golden period…
This war split world in two sides…
So the Russians poisoned their own oligarch. Tough times for Roman the football lover.
Sounds like theft in a way but what do i know?
remember that he was poisoned when he was doing peace talks in ukraine
No sanction when the Chelsea owner funded to build settler houses on occupied Palestinian territory that’s ok but because your a friend of Putin we’re going to sanction you what double standard the western world have.
Britain should first opologise to the Palestinian people for providing a safe heaven for Elbit Systems to supply Israeli with weaponised drone to bomb Occupied Palestinian cities. I think western country should take a look at the mirror just for min. Russian is just doing what the western world have been doing.
That's an easy answer,he's ritch and Russian and dare not speak out against Putin scared for his life,is Abromovitch.He must have family in Russia,"poor" man! He's between devil and a light blue sea!
Roman only lead Ukraine, you can help .. the impossible is possible
Russians don't care about it
Abramowitch denies, denies, denies… Smart man!
He make very good Player the last year is nice. He and & f.lampard & th.Tuchel. well done Abramovich.
Abrahmovich is putin pet dog .
Chelsea fc should be put in administration
US and UK have lost it. They are cannot out a lid on the mistakes of themselves and NATO and are ridiculously sanctioning individuals who invested with them.
All this time and now Britain takes action on these Oligarchs , mmmmmm got a clear conscious now have we , lets not forget what Blair and bush got away with not much difference between them and Putin
Ждите теракты и заказные убийства политиков от олигархов, так просто это не закончится!
Why is it that Israel that infers and genocides palestine PEOPLE is not wearing sanctions….🇮🇱real TERRORIST, nopolitics in football is BULLSHIT… FVCKOFF FIFA… RACISM ORGANIZATION…
Libya 🇱🇾syria 🇸🇾 🇸🇴 somalia iraq and other parts of the world do the would remember what USA did there. USA makes wars for money. The world have to come together as one we go fight mama fucks USA 🇺🇸 bad people USA .the games USA r playing games 🎮
I'm happy there are so many positive comments about Roman. I understand the political expedience of sanctioning someone known to be connected to Putin, but unlike when scumbags get sanctioned, I don't feel any schadenfreude about this.
Has Roman Abramovich started the war with Ukrain ?
All the photos of Abramovich near Putin are from years ago ! So it seems some people want to destroy Chelsea F C , above all ! It looks as though R A has sanction the invasion of Ukrain ! Can anybody prove that ? What difference does it make to R A that Ukrain stays with Russia or not ? What seems to me natural is that R A can not go against someone who always treated him well . Would anybody do differently ? I don't know , but what it seems to me , is that the main target here is the destruction of Chelsea F C ! Isn't that a crime ?
As an Arab, I would be happy to investigate the corrupt money behind Manchester City and Newcastle United clubs. I would say it is even worse with those Shiekhs, because you are dealing directly with (Putins) of their respective countries. These people are despised here among their peoples as much as among the british people.
Abramovich purchased Chelsea in 2003. Why, nobody have a problem with that, until now ? Abramovich transformed Chelsea into a super club, and he will be the greatest owner, of this club, in my opinion. I'm not from UK, and I'm not a Chelsea fan .
Hypocrite UK as usual, despicable and cheap, never do what they claim
You know the country’s got issues when all they care about is money deep down.
Fuck ups..
Let's encourage the Russian soldiers to lay down their weapons and join the Ukrainian people!
Fuck the bbc and it’s biased news
I think other football clubs which own by Foreign billionaires or millionaires also should have learned something from this Chelsea case and should have a deep concerns that this can happen anytime to them in the future. I am not talking about right or wrong about Russia and Putin. One day if Britain is not happy with Middle East countries, what will happen to those clubs like Man city and New Castle? Setting fire on the entire warehouse just because of you cannot catch a small rat is not the solution.
Abramovich is a good person, he is and was worried about necessities of many people helping them.
He doesn't like explore his good actions to promote himself.
Let him in peace.
This is total B.S he has nothing to do with the invasion…. What happened to free trade ??
WW2 like war being started to hide WW2 like genocide. Hitler exterminated 12000000 under the guise of a typhus epidemic, and now they are doing it under the guise of a corona virus pandemic. Corona means crown, and a virus attacking the crown/government is some thing exposing government (2Corinthians4:4). Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 can only apply to one place on earth. Research it well to learn who has been behind slaughters for centuries! 1John5:19 is trying to stop Daniel12:4,2:44,45. Hitler was a Catholic and never excommunicated. Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 is orchestrating this assault against humanity, but they are trying to blame it on innocent peoples, Countries and groups. They are responsible for boycotts, civil disobedience, sabotage, and soon to be mass killings. People were rounded up to go to concentration camps because of a supposed typhus epidemic, and were gassed on the way by vehicle exhaust, or later by zyklon B rodent extermination gas with the smell taken out (h#$%@3n)cyanide. *Most of those rounded up were dead with in 70 days of being picked up. Canada shut down a government minister on a Parliamentary broadcast when he was asking what the concentration camps they were building were for, then later they circulated that he had been fired a year before the event, now said to be the location of the most covid(corona) cases. Corrupt.
Revelation mentions that people should leave the Revelation18:4 group if they don't want to receive her plagues. (Hello, if you don't want to receive her plagues!)
According to Revelation 18 this group wears scarlet(Cardinals), and purple(Bishops). It refers to a city Kingdom (Rome is the only city kingdom in the world), that rules over the Kings of the earth. Where are the Kings? The Roman Empire broke in 2 and from those 2 divisions came 10 Countries. The Pope was the eleventh, but he got rid of 3, and from the 7 he is chosen, and there will be 10 again. 5 Countries on each leg of the Roman Empire. The (cross or X) is on the shields(British flag, same as Roman shield) of the the Empire, and it symbolizes the ten Kingdoms, and the religious beliefs. According to official writings no one may buy or sell or say a greeting to any one who has left the cross. The X or cross originates from the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet the tau, which means a mark, both literal and figurative. In The Bible book of Ezekiel 9, God put a tau(mark) on the people who were crying over the loss of wickedness. The mark was not for salvation. Revelation/Apocalypse 13:18 says you won't be able to buy or sell with out the tau(mark) of the beast(Empire). It is 1 of only 2 things that the Bible says gets you condemned, with no chance of repenting and being forgiven. The cross has been used through out history, including the Egyptians called it the ankh, which was a symbol of power. The cross has falsely become associated with the Messiah(Christ), and that is where Xmass, and Christmas comes from. Popes have always had a mitre(triple tiered crown) with 666 on it in Latin (Vicarivs Filli Dei).
Latin letters have a number associated with it(like a Roman clock), just like Hebrew and Greek. Rome has called for mass destruction and sabotage to stop people from hearing this. Government and Churches working in self interest. The earth belongs to the people collectively. *1John5:19 is getting people to attack the people trying to make you free.(Daniel12:4) Clear your browser history and cache, and YouTube search and viewing history! Please pray for me and you! Their hate for Acts2:44 runs deep, and that is why Christian nations are committing genocide under the guise of a corona virus, just as Hitler did under the guise of a typhus epidemic, and falsely attacking China saying that they are the ones committing genocide. The last war China fought was WW2, and that was because they were attacked. Try reading your Bible and having a scrap of decency! Study Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 deeply, as people are putting their life on the line for you! Idols on Ste. Peter's Basilica, show that Rome is a complete fraud (Acts15, Exodus20, Deuteronomy 5). Revelation17,18 is framing innocent people and businesses, and are going to attempt to get people so mad they will kill their perceived enemies. Governments issue vaccine mandates all over the world. Businesses face huge fines if they don't comply, but Revelation17,18 causes sabotage, boycotts, protests, walk outs and people quittng, so as to destroy business. Those trying to Daniel12:4 about 1John5:19. The Pope and the British Royals were found guilty of genocide, by the International Criminal Court, just before this pandemic. Donald J. Trump attacked the International Criminal Court by the US financial system. (corrupt) Read Exodus20, Deuteronomy5 and Acts15 and see about the Bible's view of idols, and you will see that it is Revelation/Apocalypse17,18, 1John5:19, 2Corinthians4:4 has caused people to break God's law by using the beast's money. Not NWO Daniel 12:4, but 1John5:19 OWO.* People calling it the NWO, should think, isn't this the same as the genocide and war of WW2, and plague of 1918? Think! Copy and share this information!(video record, record in audio, text, or ? All the things happening are to hide a Hitler like genocide. They are attacking because of information exposing them. ***There is two realities playing out.** 1. A corona virus pandemic and a vaccine to stop its spread. 2. Corona means crown(government) and there is a virus(information exposing/attacking the crown/government) and there is a computer/device anti virus(vaccine)(which is supposed to protect from malicious computer code) and this anti virus deletes information from your view. Trade your digital vaccine pass for a paper one and they lose control! Do it! Think of which reality is really being talked about! UK just passing laws to lock people up indefinitely, with no trial, take your kids, force tests, and send to concentration camps. UK has released tender for businesses to contract cadaver services for millions of human corpses. Mass emergency poison purchase in Australia. Hitler killed with odorless rat poison. Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 ruled the world. Rome was beheading for observing the real Sabbath(not ((Sun)day) "lord's day" lord's day is a clever imposter of the Sabbath.) A Pope struck a coin commemorating chopping off people's heads for observing the Sabbath. On one side of the coin was the Pope's head, and the other side had an Angel with a sword and a pile of heads. Ste Bartholomew's eve massacre. In the Vatican library is the proof of the collaboration of Church and State enslavement. Urgent necessity, to make the Vatican library completely public! Through history the Catholic Austrian Royals ruled Germany and the leader of the exterminations was Catholic Austrian Adolf Hitler. Most exterminations of WW2 were in Catholic Poland. Revelation/Apocalypse17,18 eats it's children. Omicron is a Greek letter like the last letter omega which has the O sound. In the the original Hebrew of the Bible there are two words את untranslated in *all other languages in Genesis1:1and other places. In Revelation it tells you who the את is. It has been hidden in the Greek to deceive you, as the complete Bible was in Hebrew and the Alpha and Omega(first and the last) of Revelation is really the את of Genesis1:1 א(aleph) is the first letter of Hebrew and ת(tau) is the last, and the one represented as את was in the beginning with God. Omicron is a code word for omega. Omicron is information exposing the את being changed to Alpha and Omega.* Determining the future by movies, is pure stupidity. ××Every one needs a 2.5 micron air quality monitor, so you can see when you are being GASSED!xx (Revelation13:15,18:5,*6*.) *How could there be a vaccine for a new variant with out testing, that is not covered by previous jabs?* G7 nations are removing corona restrictions, to regain it by war powers.*boycott G7* Who will do the will of God? (*Revelation 18:6*) I've been warning for over two years that Rome/UK would start a war with Russia and China to hide genocide. Roman Catholic Joe Biden stopped the natural gas pipeline in the US and now in Europe. This is Rome's war. China be on guard of forces invading Taiwan, blaming you and attacking from there. Those attacking Russia/China, read Acts2:44,45, Daniel2:44,45, you follow Satan. Gog and Magog are in Turkey, Ezekiel38 not Russia. Mark of beast(MOB) nations hate (Bible Acts2:44,45; 4:32-35). Ukraine sinking their own ships and blowing up their own bridges. NATO has M.O.B. on flag, and goal is war on Acts2:44. Pompeo says Rome planned Ukraine war for 2017. Britian's Boris Johnson said, the pandemic is not working, so plan A, war. Roman Christian militias killing in Ukraine. Putin wanted to talk before this happened. Think! Germany forbidden to cause genocide because of WW2 extermination, so now they turn their military over to NATO to do it. Russian news channels are being blocked in the West, to hide the truth. Free? No, duped. Think! The Pope is the man sin in the(false)temple with 666, and exterminating for generations, yet the US although it has the largest military, is naked and prostrated gratifying her Papal master, while UK readies her turn. Most cowardly in all history. America chose Satan over God. I think Ukraine war was started from Poland as the Italian air force was there. So many claim to know and follow God but will not obey Revelation18:4-8, I am not Russian. So quit attacking Russia. Roman Catholic Joe Biden said he would attack Russia if the message didn't stop. Rome is waring against God. The free stand with Russia. +!((?(
How does stopping Chelsea from selling tickets affect Abramovich when he has no access to those funds?
He rich enougth ! He no need the money he have $2.1B worth on superyachts sailing the oceans
we are witnessing the decline of law in Western countries. the inviolability of private property is now an empty phrase. the whole world looks at how private property is simply taken away by the right of the strong. laws? no. from now on, no country in the world will want to invest in the purchase of private property on the territory of Western countries. they can take it away from you at any time.
Your all MAD, now you don't like Russian money. Ask boris how much cash his party received from Russian donors, will he give it back…. NO… I didn't think so!!!! He likes his £800 a roll wallpaper more than life!!!
Ridiculous Stealer
Just the smug sociopathic look on Abramovic’s face is enough to make you vomit. He’s as corrupt as corrupt can be.