This video is a long overdue introduction, where I tell you why I decided to leave Ukraine and move to Portugal.
And little bit about my self and what you can expect from the channel in the future.

Hi guys, I am Alex.

I am an Ukrainian expat who moved to Portugal.
No one in my family ever did any farming, But I discovered that I am very passionate about farming so recently I’ve purchased this 28 hectares Farm in Central Portugal, with the intention to start a small scale farm raising worms, cattle and sheep.

In this little farm I am also planning to build an off grid home, and be as self sufficient as possible, by growing my own food.

I created this channel to share my journey with the world, The journey of a first generation farmer, that is starting with no prior knowledge and experiences.
That maybe all the mistakes that I will make along this journey, and all the fails maybe will help some of you to learn from my mistake and not make them yourself.
I want to bring value and inspire people who are thinking about farming.

I am not a filmmaker or an editor, I am just a simple guy with a camera.

So if it is interesting to you, subscribe to the channel and you will not miss the upcoming episodes.

Buy Me A Coffee :

#introduction #portugal #offgrid #ukraine



  1. Inspirational story of what self motivation, hard work and resilience can achieve. Your farm has so much potential and raw beauty. I am confident you will achieve the goals you have set for yourself and your family. Thank you for letting us join your adventure.

  2. Hi Alex, loved hearing about what brought you and your mom and dad to Portugal. Immigration is never easy but your decision to move for a better life in the future is impressive. I have experience in this regard. What was your and your dad’s professions in Ukraine? Your English and vocabulary are very good. Did you learn it in school or university? I love your videos and following your journey. You are a very industrious person and smart. Using sheep to keep your grass mowed was impressive. Is this how Angelica became part of your family? There is nothing more important than family which comes across clearly in your videos.

  3. Ola Alex :)… from a Portuguese living in Canada for many-many years since a young boy , I am anxiously waiting to move back to my true home but have to wait a little longer still, but it makes me happy If I cant move back yet at least I take comfort that good people like you & your family are moving to Portugal, you already look & act Portuguese so you will fit right in :))) .. I hope you grow your family there in a safe country & that you find a better life for your future kid-s , you picked a beautiful country with great people & important history so don't be afraid to ask for help there because Portuguese love to help makes us feel good inside.. so my friend-amigo Boa Sorte-Good Luck hope things work out for you , who knows maybe we will run into each other in the future in Portugal & enjoy a glass of wine or maybe a cold beer… Thanks for sharing your story…. PS: very sorry & sad what has been going on in your birth country very sad indeed , hope it ends soon & Ukraine can live free again … 🙂

  4. Many things have changed in recent years. And almost none have been good. You and your family know better than me. I emigrated too, but my reasons weren't as difficult as yours. I believe that every human being has the right to try a better life. I wish you good luck in your project and I will visit your videos because what you do seems interesting to me. Cheers !

  5. Hi Alex,
    I've just found the link to "buy you a coffee" on your profile. But tbh your story is so amazing… that I'd like to buy you a lot more than just a coffee.
    I'd like to buy you a TREE 🌳 a GOAT 🐐a SHEEP 🐑 a ROOSTER 🐓and a ton of BRICKS & ROOF TILES 🏠 for you to finish that off-grid home of yours.
    I've put a link to this video on the site of a major british newspaper, and I'm going to share the link around my social media too.
    (Apologies, I didn't ask your permission but I hope you don't mind).

  6. Hi Alex – interesting background to your choice to move to Portugal! My wife & I are doing something similar although on a much smaller basis & on a self subsistence basis. We are in Sao Miguel do Aacha & hope to catch up with you some time. We also had Nick do some video work for us as well as give us some advice!

  7. Hello Alex, thanks for sharing your story and inspiring me to work hard to pursue this kind of lifestyle. I'm on my way to work this morning and I have to keep reminding me it's possible to change my life and start again in a manner and place that fulfills my soul.
    I would love to meet up one day and share ideas about homesteading. I have a 1hectare piece of land in portalegre area but I lack all the construction and farming equipment skills.
    All the best and thanks for sharing your journey with us!

  8. Thanks for making this video. It's really nice to know more about your backstory. All of your videos have been really good. As enjoyable it is to watch you and your father work together and to resourcefully innovate in the face of unexoected challenges, i also very much enjoy your appreciation for nature, conservation, reusing materials, discovering new things. I'm pretty much of the simikar camp that things worth doing should be done well — measure twice, cut once… go for best quality as can be afforded or isk buying cheap things many over & over, etc. It was hard for me to get off the fence re whether you shoukd power wash the granite or not , especially as we are also droughting and dry & crunchy in California, but i'm glad you did. It will definitely help if you decide to point and is healthier moving forward with the house rehab. Where did all the water go? back into the ground?

    Your stone ruin is gorgeous btw. I love its original design and how carefully it was put together. You honored it by recreating your first mustache above the window rebuild, bravo. And thank you foilr deciding not to cut down that huge shade tree to make way for a pool. Trees like that beauty take ages to grow that way. Its work shading you and producing oxygen and fruit(?) and retaining water is invaluable… pools are a dime a dozen?

    I'm glad you've made your, your pooarents, and future family's home where you have. Congrats. (Btw, i came to take a look at you at Nick & Andrea's urging 😊.)

  9. Thank you for the great introduction. With the war in Ukraine, I wasn’t sure if you were just out of the country this year.
    It’s good that you brought your parents. You and your dad seem to work well together. Maybe one day we can meet your mother too.
    Looking forward to following and hearing more.
    Cheers from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤️

  10. Your a very intelligent young man, who isn’t afraid to search and work towards his dreams. Hope you find that special person to share it with. Your parents must be very proud of you. Best wishes from Australia

  11. Thank you for sharing your history. God Bless you and your family. I love the fact that you brought your Mom, Dad, and dogs with you. You sound like such a wonderful Son! I wish you and your family the best! I love watching your videos.

  12. Alex you are such a lovely man and very hard working. You will someone a wonderful husband. Your English is very good. The self sufficiency is my dream too. Your saying is Let's go xx

  13. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You have a wonderful sense of what is truly important in life. As hard as you and your family are working towards your goals, you will be very successful. I love watching your progress on the ruin and Angella is so much like a dog in her mannerisms, she’s fun to watch. Keep doing exactly what feels right to you, and your dreams will come true!

  14. Dear Alex, what a beautiful story of life. As 🇵🇹, I'm glad you choose my country. Hope you and your parents feel at home and soon you choose to be portuguese citizens.

  15. I saw this video and watched it to understand your story. After that I had to know more about what you were doing. So since I had spent the morning doing my chores, I then spent the afternoon and evening watching all your videos from the start. They were amazing watching you and your dad working to create a home. I love your hard work, your ethics about the environment and your love of animals. Angela is wonderful – a joy – and I'm sure she'll love it when the dogs are back. God Bless – I have subscribed and will be looking forward to all your new videos.

  16. Great Alex that you told this because before i couldn't really place you and didn't know what to think. Not that that really matters ofcourse. Great perspective. Good plans. I am with you. Good luck!

  17. Alex, thank you for sharing your story with us! You are very couragious and clear about building a new future for yourself, your parents and your future children! Your story reminds me of my ancestors from England and Ireland who immigrated to N. America. I will be honored to share your journey. I will look forward to each new episode!

  18. It was really nice to hear this part of your history, and yes, I would like to hear more in future videos. I am the daughter of a brick and stone mason, and am just in awe over the beauty of stonework in the building you and your father are restoring. I love that Angelina’s behavior is more like that of a dog than a sheep. Cheers!


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