Home Real Estate Why I Quit The Rat Race | The Real Bruce Almighty

Why I Quit The Rat Race | The Real Bruce Almighty

Why I Quit The Rat Race | The Real Bruce Almighty

Meet Bruce, who together with his wife, two children, and Doug the dog, has given up his house, mortgage and career in the UK to first spend a year travelling around Europe in a van, and then settle in a one-bedroom cottage with 8 acres of land in the beautiful County Clare, Ireland. What motivated him to make such a drastic change to his life, what has he achieved in the year that he’s been living there, and what are his plans for the future?

Follow Bruce and his family on their own excellent YouTube channel:

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  1. Have you moved to the wilds of Ireland and/or quit your job in the pursuit of a different life? Are you at the beginning of that journey, or do you have a lifetime of experience to convey? Whatever your situation, I'd love to hear from you if you live anywhere in Ireland (including the North) and would be interested in inviting me (and my camera) around for a tour and chat. Get in touch via mossybottom.ie.

  2. Just had to say that I have been wondering who you reminded me of whilst I've been watching your videos over the last few years, and it came to me suddenly today ….the young Nigel Havers! Has anyone pointed out the similarity before?

  3. A goat needs to have a kid every natural cycle year to produce milk. Female offspring could be sold off to another homestead, but males are sold for meat. That is the byproduct. Not all bucks are needed for breeding, and certainly a son can't breed with mother goat. A castrated male can be a pet …but that is an overhead most small holdings can't support.
    It would be interesting to probe his goat plan further.

  4. The children will have a great place to grow up. The hard work required to make it a homestead will be worth it. The life story of such people is fascinating. Annie brought the family back to 'home', for a new start. The downsize planning to go in a van sounds fine but isn't ideal for long-term with children. A year in lockdown in a van was an adventure but the homestead is a better actual home on so many levels.

  5. I've really been enjoying this series you've been doing and combined with the properties available you've been showing us is really inspiring. I'd love to see a spring tour of Mossy Bottom and your plans for this year!

  6. That feeling when you're lost in a lovely story, pause your reading to take a look at the book, and realize that you still have lots of book left? That delicious feeling? That's how we felt when we paused this video to go check on our new chicks (only a day old) and saw we still had half the interview to enjoy. Thank you both for taking the time to create and share this gem. Best of luck in all your endeavours Bruce and family! And thank you Daniel.

  7. Not to sound dramatic, but this connected with me deeply. A wonderful dialog about profound thoughts. It validated my hope. Thank you so much!

  8. That opening clip has resonated. I've realised my number 1 priority is to unschool/earth school/ world school my daughter. She's 18 months and a September birthday so I see it that I have 3.5 years to create the career that I need to be able to afford to do so. It absolutely can be done and it will be for a better future for our family.

    Edit: to clarify I realised a few months ago, I didn't come up with all of this in 30 seconds of video!

  9. Brilliant interview, Helps to reinforce the way i feel about life and that i'm not crazy. For me the scariest things for making the leap are if it should fail for whatever reason it would be hard to get back to the standard of living i presently have (financially) and old age not being able to continue to sustain that way of life.

  10. Lovely thoughtful man, thanks for interviewing him, I believe I stumbled across across a video he had made when he just arrived I believe he also plays music .. He listened to the land and responded to the land and the people of West Ireland thanks for the reintroduction..

  11. Just wanted to say that I miss seeing your place, Daniel. I love all that you do on your channel but seeing you working your land and Moss and the rest of your critters is what got me hooked! But just so you know, I'll still be watching no matter what you do!

  12. Haha finally a video collab between you off grid legends 😉 Been watching both your channels for a long time and envy your lives. Hoping to eventually convince my fam to transition into this lifestyle. Keep up the great vids guys

  13. If you are Indian , Pakistani, or African English don’t come to Ireland as it won’t work out for you , we are still quite insular as a nation and like to be around our own kind

  14. Heartfull Thanks to "Prof." Bottom, and "good onya" Bruce, for this Sunday morning Sermon / Testimony. "Just what the doctor ordered" ! One Peace and Love to ALL….

  15. Hey Daniel,
    I have been seeing this video being up for 4 days now thinking "okay… a one hour video feels a bit too much to watch but maybe i´ll come to watch at least part of it in a quiet minute…" totaly forgetting that it is a video by you, an excelent storyteller, whos videos I have always watched start to finish. Bruce is a wonderful, inspiring person and I am so glad to hear so much of him and I am glad you´ve asked him all these interesting questions and he was willing to answer them so honestly. Thanks to both of you!

  16. Really enjoying these interviews and this one is exceptional. I could relate to Bruce saying, he felt at home in Ireland. I'm three generations from my roots in Ireland. So far, I've found family in Donegal, Cork, and Galway. When I visited Ireland in 2001, it felt so much like home and when I left, I cried, I did not want to leave. I've not been able to return, but I so long to do so.

  17. This was an overwhelming story and one of the best things I have ever watched on YouTube, it has truly moved me and caused me to reevaluate my own journey. Thank you both for such an honest and profound interview, it is inspirational to listen to two young men speaking so honestly and openly from the heart and sharing their insecurities, dreams and passions. There is so much wisdom being shared here and I think it has sent a message that I truly needed to hear today. Thank you Daniel & Bruce and from today onward I will be that much prouder to know I am a ‘jack of all trades!’


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