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There are quite a few reasons why I moved to Mexico 4 years ago but the reasons I stayed are very different from my initial reasons for moving.
The grass often seems greener on the other side but then you get there and realize there’s a lot of (bad) things you didn’t know that you didn’t know. In my case, sure there were things that didn’t live up to the picture in my mind, but at the same time there are many things about living in Mexico that exceeded my expectations.
In this video, I’m going to be telling you about both: The reasons why I chose to live in Mexico and why I stayed.
Thanks to @Skillshare for sponsoring this video! If you’re passionate about learning like I am, it’s a great tool and you should check it out.
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We are Jordan, Maddie, & Laska the husky. In January of 2018, we packed up our tangerine-colored car and left the US to start traveling Mexico. Since then, we’ve been making travel videos about our life in Mexico and the new experiences we encounter while traveling the world. Become one of the “Tangerine Elite” by binge-watching our videos from the beginning:
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❤ Richard Noll + Khrystal K Davis ❤
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#TangerineTravels #Mexico #LivingAbroad
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Jordan …what’s your career background?
The thing that sucks about the states is the awful sense of entitlement and the awful lefty“Wokester”mentality.
Ray Dalio is awesome 👏
Hey man you should educate yourself to the reason why USA is hated is because the Monroe policy that has decimated Central and South America and is now an Open secret…
Having said that I love your channel and watch many videos. If you love Mexico you should talk about the Monroe policy in one of your videos after you do research…
We try to go to Mexico at least once a year, to get away from the winters here. I watch a lot of Youtubers promoting moving there or living there part time. The question that pops up in my head and concerns me is are we changing the face of Mexico into a western culture and what the long term implications are. I see a lot of changes here in the US and other western countries and the direction towards progressive, anti-God, anti-ethics, anti-free speech ideology and a cancel culture that is out of control. I hope we respect and accept the culture and people in Mexico and not take our ideology and failed policies there somehow and corrupt them. No country is perfect, I know. Any thoughts on that? We will continue to visit Mexico as tourists. Have no intention to move there. Thank you for sharing with us your experiences.
I lived in Cuernavaca during the summer of 1999. I felt safer there than I ever did living in the USA.
For those who own bitcoin, and want to be able to convert it to fiat currency (via a peer-to-peer exchange), I suspect that Mexico offers an advantage over the US.
I think the reason locals do not always welcome foreigners is not due to cultural differences, but more so because of the economic impact that foreigners can have on the local economy. Take San Miguel de Allende for example, it's a place that is extremely popular with foreigners, and this has caused the cost of living in San Miguel De Allende to increase quite drastically over the last several years.
USA is definitely in decline. The voter suppression and election stealing laws being passed in swing states, almost certainly ensure that whatever semblance we have of being a democracy will be eliminated after the 2024 general election.
Russia and the USA actually have a lot in common, both pretend to be democracies, and while Russia is paying a high price for being a society built on lies, half of the USA is willingly pushing the country in the same direction, based on the non-stop lies that they subject themselves to. They support 'alternative facts' and a former president who lies habitually. Lies will lead to our downfall, just as it is with Russia.
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side…
Do you support yourself from youtube?
You’re a breath of fresh air Jordan.
Is it necessary to be fluent in Spanish to live in Mexico?
Do you think the US paints a picture of Mexico being dangerous so more people don't move from the US to Mexico?
I'm an english learner. So please keep doing videos.. it's a win-win situation .
I love this video!!!, I live in Los Angeles, CA and I go to Mazatlan Sinaloa like 3 times a year to relax from work and enjoy all the good food and cheap cost of living. I get my hair done, go to the dentist and get physical check ups all for a very low cost and they’re very professional at it.
You are absolutely welcome to visit or live in our country. Hopefully you bring from USA the best things of your culture and blend it up with ours.
@Tangerine Travels Mad respect Jordan, Mexico has its own problems (and I know you know), but even with all of them, the true freedom, amazing people and food make it all home for me too! I hope you can explore all you can and Mexico will be your home for as long as you want!
the u.s. medical system is a farce. they give you pharmeceuticals that are toxins. anything not organic is hazardous to your health. greedy money hungry doctors. corporations are destroying the peoples lives
Just a little reminder, Mexico would not be a successful country without the US and them being a large trade partner. So if the US fails so will Mexico in the long run, it's still a great place but yes expensive.
You're a really good spokesman for Mexico. Congratulations for following your bliss.
Now that you are single what about the woman? Would you ever date a Mexican or Latina woman?
Hey Jordans appearance is changing a little? Or is this one video? Can being in another country change your appearance?
I felt the tension in the U.S. last few times I was in the US. Twice I was told to leave by Karen's. I've decided not to ho unless necessary. if not for family there I would not go back. Even then I go as little as I can. I'm happier that way.
Can you provide any info about older US retirees wanting to move out of the US for your same reasons? Medicare works in Mexico? Healthcare quality, and at what point do you have to change citizenship? As you can see I know nothing about moving to another country! Lol
One thing, and it's just a little thing, that I love about Mexico, is that it hasn't invaded half the planet under the guise of spreading "freedom", while stealing half of its territory from its neighbor. While an American passport has its privileges, a Mexican passport makes it possible to travel to a lot of countries the US has gripes with and discourages its own citizens from traveling to. Mexico, like Ireland, can be a wildcard that calls out American imperialism for what it is. Viva Mexico!
Keep improving your Spanish. It WILL make a difference. Eat, drink, sleep Spanish. 500 million people. Read at least one newspaper a week.
Hope you been dollar cost averaging into Bitcoin and Eth.
I live in Tuxpan Ver Mexico. The prices got me. I would rather die in Mexico. The people are poorer but oh so much richer. Glory to Jesus
Me alegro que disfrutes mi país. No sé cuál sea el futuro de Tangerine travels ahora que harás videos tu solo, pero espero lo mejor para tu futuro 👍
Another perfect why Mexico video. Thanks dude.
Thank you for sharing!
Im looking to relocate back to my homeland. US expats living in Mexico are inspiring me to take the chance and move back home. Would anyone be able to share their initial savings $$ , if anyone is looking to relocate ?
Saludos de Aguascalientes México en abril es la feria de san Marcos en Aguascalientes, la feria mas grande de México aquí los esperamos dios los bendiga
Jordan, don't let the haters get you down with trying to make you feel guilty for making money off your YouTube channel. You don't even need to address their ridiculousness. If they thought they could make a dependable income from making YouTube videos just by showing that they live in another country do you honestly think they'd not do it? They would. They can't, so they're jealous you are. Live Large, bud… enjoy these years. <3
I’d love to see some collaborations with other travelers on tangerine travels.
Looking forward to seeing more content. Love to see some more beach water filled activities. I’m sure that would allure more views to your business and help your channel grow.
Go to the biggest event in Latin America Feria de San Marcos 2022!!!
And what about a girlfriend?
Love these type of informative and controlled videos….thanks again for the content….
I wish I had the gonads to sell all this and move down there! There has got to be a simpler way of life!
Jordan can we email? Im moving my family there and saw your video last not regarding the 180 day stay ending? I need sooo much info. Please let me know if we can email. thanks!
What is the "Mexican Girlfriend" about? It wasn't mentioned in your video. Curious minds want to know!
Good video,
Been watching both you and Maddie and am so much more happy to be on her channel…. Way before you ever broke up, she was the key and you were the misogynistic – and you are earning things you don’t deserve mister entitled. Stop and educate yourself and stop dropping her name to boost your own channel. And I don’t even care if I get slapped on the hand right now by YT, it is worth it for you to see that you are so far off point… barf!
I don't think it's ok to be republican and live in Mexico, especially their policies on Mexican immigration. You talk about not liking the culture of U.S. people thinking they are owed something, but you are being a hypocrite since you are taking advantage of the situation, gentrifying, with your U.S. money.
I want to say this as nice as I can. I lived in Phoenix from 1969 to 1986. Then I moved to Santa Barbara, CA. If Mexico is so great how come so many immigrate to the AZ & CA, and many illegally?
32 states.
Enjoy the food, the music, the culture, and all the beautiful places.
Viva Mexico, my friend.