Home Immigration Why people leave Canada? 🤯 Top reasons immigrants are leaving Canada

Why people leave Canada? 🤯 Top reasons immigrants are leaving Canada

Why people leave Canada? 🤯  Top reasons immigrants are leaving Canada

In this video, I’ll share my thoughts about why people leave Canada. Many people dream to immigrate to Canada, but then the expectations don’t meet the reality. I’ve seen many people move out of Canada for many reasons and here they are!

00:00 Cultural differences
01:31 People don’t want to adapt to a new country
02:24 No jobs in Canada
03:18 Canada is expensive
04:13 High taxes in Canada
04:46 Canada is cold
05:34 Healthcare & education aren’t good
07:09 People were not ready for moving

Jobs in high demand in Canada:
Highest paying jobs for international students:
How to build a resume for Canada:
What to do when you arrive in Canada:

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  1. Lmao I love these videos. How is life in Portugal?

    For me it's not adaptaion but cost of living is quite wacky compared to USA.
    This video would be more appropriate if it was entitled as "why should not people complain about Canada?"

  2. People leave CANADA because they had enough of that idiot PRIME MINISTER and his government…. This is becoming a COMMIE country… People are moving SOUTH to Mexico where there is still some freedom…

  3. The fact That the prime minister can seize your bank account does not help either .
    It scared the shit out of a lot of people , we had no idea we lived in a ditatoship !
    I'm sure this will have implications for investments .

  4. i spent 23years in canada – i left 9months ago because i realized that you are going in a wrong direction [as a nation] and i didnt want to contribute to it in any way. justin just proved me right. in other words i left for political reasons. so did my friends.

  5. Hey Yulia, I enjoy your videos and for all the useful information. I'm also well entertained when you do that thick English speaking Russian accent but wonder.. is that just a stereotype accent (as heard in movies and TV)? Obviously you don't have that when you speak normally and.. I once knew Russians who migrated to Halifax and they didnt have that heavy accent either. They just had a light accent.. Kinda like how you speak.

  6. There's another reasons : Many people tend to have a strong link to their origin roots and their family, and even if they are comfortable in Canada they end up backing to their country that they missed so much.
    Another one and it's a fact that can seem be weird : Some immigrants that became new parents think that they should raise their children in a conservative environnement (country of origin) rather than the progressive country that is Canada, so they back to their country.

  7. Мои знакомые, живущие в Канаде, раз в год проходят в России полную диспансеризацию и не парятся). Хотя, к счастью, у них нет серьёзных заболеваний, которые требуют регулярных скринингов. Но, если честно, мне кажется, когда ты чем-то серьёзным болеешь, нужно все же в первую очередь перед переездом разобраться, будет ли тебе оказана помощь в новой стране или может лучше остаться дома в ином случае.

  8. Живу в Москве всю жизнь – это больше 30 лет – и так и не нашла нормального парикмахера. Это притом, что мои требования ограничиваются лишь – "уберите секущиеся кончики". Даже этого нормлаьно не могут, халтурят, притом и в дорогих салонах тоже… Так что проживание в стране много-много лет ни фига не помогает 😆


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